replace_in_file: Replace in File

View source: R/replace_in_file.R

replace_in_fileR Documentation

Replace in File


Function to replace a marked paragaph in a text file. Paragraph has to be marked in the text file with an initial "##### R SECTION START (SUBJECT) #####" and "##### R SECTION END (SUBJECT) #####" as ending. The number of # symbols can be chosen by the user, but there has to be at least one at the beginning and one at the end. Furthermore it is allowed to add further symbols at the beginning or the end of the line. "SUBJECT" is chosen by the user and is used for identification, if a text file has more than one R section.


  subject = "CODE",
  add = FALSE,
  addfile = FALSE,
  comment = "*"



a connection object or a character string describing the file, that should be manipulated.


the content that should be used as replacement stored as a vector of strings. Each vector component will be written as a line.


A string used for identification of a paragraph.


Determines behavior when marking is missing in the code. add=FALSE will throw out an error, if the marking is missing, add="top" will add the markings automatically at the beginning of the file, add="bottom" or add=TRUE will do the same but at the end of the file.


Determines the behavior when the file does not exist. If addfile=TRUE, file will be created when missing.


Symbol which is used to indicate a comment in the language the file is written that should be manipulated. Only relevant if add or addfile are used.


Jan Philipp Dietrich

pik-piam/gms documentation built on Oct. 20, 2024, 1:17 a.m.