#' Download and unpack compressed data from repositories
#' Downloads a list of tgz files from a list of repos and unpacks them. If a file is no .tgz-file it will
#' be only downloaded.
#' @md
#' @param input a vector of files to be downloaded or a cfg list with settings to be used (e.g. containing
#' cfg$input, cfg$repositories). Settings in the config list will be overwritten by other arguments of
#' this function if they are not set to NULL
#' @param targetdir directory the files should be downloaded and extracted to
#' @param repositories a list of repositories (please pay attention to the list format!) in which the files
#' should be searched for. Files will be searched in all repositories until found, always starting with the
#' first repository in the list. The argument must have the format of a named list with the url of the repository
#' as name and a corresponding list of options such as username or password to access the repository as value. If
#' no options are required the value has to be NULL. (e.g.
#' list("ftp://my_pw_protected_server.de/data"=list(user="me",password=12345), "http://free_server.de/dat"=NULL))
#' @param debug switch for debug mode with additional diagnostic information
#' @param unpack if switched off the source files are purley downloaded
#' @param stopOnMissing Boolean indicating whether to stop if any file in
#' `files` could not be downloaded. Off (`FALSE`) by default. Can either be defined as a single boolean, which then
#' applies equally to all elements of `files`, or can be defined individually for each element in `files`.
#' @return Information about the download process in form of a data.frame with data sets as row names and repositories
#' (where it was downloaded from) and corresponding md5sum as columns
#' @author Jan Philipp Dietrich
#' @importFrom utils untar
#' @export
download_unpack <- function(input, targetdir = "input", repositories = NULL,
debug = FALSE, unpack = TRUE,
stopOnMissing = FALSE) { # nolint
if (is.list(input)) {
files <- input$input
if (is.null(repositories)) repositories <- input$repositories
if (is.null(debug)) debug <- input$debug
} else {
files <- basename(input)
if (is.null(repositories)) {
repositories <- vector("list", length(input))
names(repositories) <- dirname(input)
# treat all files the same way if stopOnMissing is not defined individually for each element in `files`
if (length(stopOnMissing) == 1) {
stopOnMissing <- rep(stopOnMissing, length(files))
} else if (length(stopOnMissing) != length(files)) {
stop("stopOnMissing must have exactly one element, or as many elements as files")
ifiles <- files
if (!dir.exists(targetdir)) dir.create(targetdir)
# create curl handle
if (any(grepl("://", names(repositories)))) {
if (!requireNamespace("curl", quietly = TRUE)) stop("The package curl is required for downloading files!")
.unpack <- function(file, filepath, repo, found) {
message(" -> ", file)
return(rbind(found, data.frame(row.names = file, repo = repo, path = filepath,
md5 = tools::md5sum(filepath), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))
message("Load data..")
found <- NULL
for (repo in names(repositories)) {
message(" try ", repo)
if (grepl("://", repo)) {
h <- try(curl::new_handle(verbose = debug, .list = repositories[[repo]]), silent = !debug)
tmp <- try(curl::curl_fetch_memory(repo, handle = h)$status_code, silent = !debug)
if (tmp != 200 & !grepl("scp://", repo)) {
message(" repository access failed .. skip repository!")
} else if (!file.exists(repo)) {
message(" repository access failed .. skip repository!")
for (file in files) {
path <- paste0(sub("/$", "", repo), "/", file)
tmpdir <- ifelse((debug | !unpack | !grepl(".tgz", file)), targetdir, tempdir())
if (grepl("://", repo)) {
tmp <- try(curl::curl_download(path, paste0(tmpdir, "/tmpdownloadfile"), handle = h), silent = !debug)
if (!("try-error" %in% class(tmp))) {
files <- files[-match(file, files)]
found <- .unpack(file, paste0(tmpdir, "/", file), repo, found)
file.rename(paste0(tmpdir, "/tmpdownloadfile"), paste0(tmpdir, "/", file))
} else if (file.exists(path)) {
files <- files[-match(file, files)]
if (!unpack) {
file.copy(path, paste0(tmpdir, "/", file))
found <- .unpack(file, paste0(tmpdir, "/", file), repo, found)
} else {
found <- .unpack(file, path, repo, found)
if (length(files) == 0) break
# if there are files left that could not be downloaded
if (length(files) > 0) {
# first the message (for optional files)
optionalFiles <- ifiles %in% files & !stopOnMissing
if (any(optionalFiles)) {
tmp <- paste0("Following optional files not found:\n ", paste(ifiles[optionalFiles], collapse = "\n "))
# then the error (for mandatory files)
mandatoryFiles <- ifiles %in% files & stopOnMissing
if (any(mandatoryFiles)) stop(paste0("Following files not found:\n ", paste(ifiles[mandatoryFiles], collapse = "\n ")))
if (is.null(found)) {
stop("No file could be found!")
# sort files in intial order and unpack
found <- found[intersect(ifiles, rownames(found)), ]
if (unpack) {
message("..unpack files..")
for (f in rownames(found)) {
if (grepl(".tgz", f)) {
message(" -> ", f)
untar(found[f, "path"], exdir = targetdir)
sourceLog <- paste0(targetdir, "/source_files.log")
if (file.exists(sourceLog)) {
previousFiles <- readLines(sourceLog, warn = FALSE)
sourceLogContent <- c(ifiles, "", "previously derived from:", previousFiles)
} else {
sourceLogContent <- ifiles
writeLines(sourceLogContent, sourceLog)
if (!debug) found$path <- NULL
attr(found, "warnings") <- warnings()
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