
Defines functions reportCarbonSequestration

Documented in reportCarbonSequestration

#' Read in GDX and calculate carbon sequestred,  used in convGDX2MIF.R for the reporting
#' Read in carbon sequestred data from GDX file,  information used in convGDX2MIF.R
#' for the reporting
#' @param gdx a GDX object as created by readGDX,  or the path to a gdx
#' @return MAgPIE object - contains the capacity variables
#' @author Sebastian Osorio,  Renato Rodrigues
#' @seealso \code{\link{convGDX2MIF}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{reportCarbonSequestration(gdx)}
#' @importFrom gdx readGDX
#' @importFrom magclass mbind setNames dimSums getSets getSets<- as.magpie
#' @export
reportCarbonSequestration <- function(gdx) {

  # read parameters and sets
  petyex <- readGDX(gdx, name = "petyex") #set of exhaustible primary energy
  teccs <- readGDX(gdx, name = "teccs") #set of technologies with CCS
  s_c2co2 <- readGDX(gdx, name = "s_c2co2", field = "l", format = "first_found") #conversion factor C -> CO2

  # read variables
  v_emi <- readGDX(gdx,name = c("v_emi", "vm_emi"),field = "l",format = "first_found",restore_zeros  =  FALSE)

  # create MagPie object of v_emi with iso3 regions
  v_emi <- limesMapping(v_emi)

  #take only the sequestred carbon ('cco2')
  v_emi <- v_emi[, , "cco2"]

  #annual sequestration per primary energy type
  tmp1 <- NULL

  #annual sequestration with some level of aggregation
  tmp2 <- NULL

  # add global values
  tmp3 <- mbind(tmp1, tmp2)

  #annual emissions per country
  tmp4 <- NULL

  tmp <- mbind(tmp3, tmp4)

pik-piam/limes documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 1:36 a.m.