
Defines functions showAreaAndBarPlotsPlus

Documented in showAreaAndBarPlotsPlus

#' Show Area and Bar Plots Utilizing '+'-Notation
#' Automatically infers disaggregation of a variable using the '+'-notation and
#' calls \code{\link{showAreaAndBarPlots}}.
#' The function requires \code{data} to have a character column named
#' \code{varplus} containing variable names that use the '+'-notaion. The
#' function searches for values in \code{varplus} that start with \code{tot}
#' followed by \code{"|"}, \code{plusNum}-times \code{"+"}, and \code{"|"}.
#' These variables are then used in a call to \code{\link{showAreaAndBarPlots}}.
#' @param tot A single string. A total value to be shown in the area plots.
#' @param plusNum A single number. Number of "+"symbols for disaggregation.
#' @inheritParams showAreaAndBarPlots
#' @return \code{NULL} is returned invisible.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' options(mip.yearsBarPlot = c(2010, 2030, 2050, 2100))
#' options(mip.mainReg = "World")
#' data <- as.quitte(data)
#' showAreaAndBarPlotsPlus(data, "SE|Liquids")
#' }
#' @export
showAreaAndBarPlotsPlus <- function(
  data, tot, plusNum = 1, fill = FALSE,
  mainReg = getOption("mip.mainReg"),
  yearsBarPlot = getOption("mip.yearsBarPlot"),
  scales = "free_y"
) {

  data <- as.quitte(data)

  # Validate function arguments.
  # fill, mainReg, yearsBarPlot are not used directly and validated in showAreaAndBarPlots()
  stopifnot((is.character(tot) && length(tot) == 1) || is.null(tot))
  stopifnot(is.numeric(plusNum) && length(tot) == 1)
  stopifnot("varplus" %in% names(data))

  allVarsPlus <- unique(data$varplus)
  prefix <- paste0(tot, "|", strrep("+", plusNum), "|")
  varsPlus <- allVarsPlus[startsWith(allVarsPlus, prefix)]

  # TODO: Want to use
  # vars <- remind2::deletePlus(varsPlus)
  # Does not work as remind2 imports mip, i.e., circular imports.
  # Instead:
  vars <- gsub("\\|\\++\\|", "|", varsPlus)

  showAreaAndBarPlots(data, vars, tot = tot, fill = fill, mainReg = mainReg,
                      yearsBarPlot = yearsBarPlot, scales = scales)
pik-piam/mip documentation built on April 5, 2024, 12:31 p.m.