
Defines functions readFAO_FRA2015

#' Read FAO_FRA2015
#' Read-in an FRA data from 2015 (forest resource assessment)
#' @param subtype data subtype. Either "production" or "fac" (forest area and characteristics) or "biodiversity" or "anndat" (Annual Data)
#' @return magpie object of the FRA 2015 data
#' @author Abhijeet Mishra
#' @seealso \code{\link{readSource}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ a <- readSource("FAO_FRA2015","production")
#' }
#' @importFrom magclass as.magpie
#' @importFrom madrat toolSubtypeSelect
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom utils unzip
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
#' @export

readFAO_FRA2015 <- function(subtype){
  if(subtype=="fac"){csvtoread="1.FOREST AREA AND CHARACTERISTICS.csv"}
  if(subtype=="biodiversity"){csvtoread="5.BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION.csv"}
  if(subtype=="anndat"){csvtoread="9. ANNUAL DATA.csv"} #Notice the sapce in name. That's how it is in data received from FRA2015
  if (subtype=="fac") {
    # read the data
    data <- read.csv(unz("BULK.zip", csvtoread),header = TRUE, sep = ",", dec = ".",stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # Subset the data by removig the year "9999". No eoutplanation in FRA 2015 reoprt.
    data <- subset(data, data$Year !=9999)
    # Keep only the variables we need
    data <- data[,c("Country","Year","Forest","Forchange","ForPerc","PerCapFor","NatFor","Nfchange","OthWooLan","OthLan","LanTreCov","InWater","Landarea","ForExp","Afforest","NatForExp","Deforest","HumDef","Reforest","ArtRef","PrimFor","NatRegFor","IntroSpp","NatzedSpp","PlantFor","Pfchange","IntroSppPlant","Mangrove")]
    # More data cleaning
    data$Forchange <- as.numeric(data$Forchange)
    data$Forchange[which(is.na(data$Forchange))] <- 0
    data$Landarea <- as.numeric(gsub(",","",data$Landarea))

    # Make country as a "char"
    data$Country <- as.character(data$Country)
    ## Now we want to make sure that the mapping we have can be applied to the dataset in hand

    #See how many countries are available in the mapping file
    map_iso <- sort(unique(mapping$iso))
    # find out which countries are missing from our dataset of FRA 2015 (as compared to mapping countries)
    absent <- setdiff(map_iso,unique(data$Country))                    # Missing countries to add
    yeardiff <- subset(unique(data$Year),!is.na(unique(data$Year)))    # Missing years to add
    # Add empty rows to data frame which contains missing countries from our dataset
    # create a one-row matrix the same length as data
    temprow <- matrix(c(rep.int(NA,length(data))),
    # make it a data.frame and give cols the same names as data
    newrow <- data.frame(temprow)
    colnames(newrow) <- colnames(data)
    # Add these new dataset for each new country to original dataset
      for(i in 1:length(absent)){
        for(j in 1:length(yeardiff)){
          newrow[j,"Year"] <- yeardiff[j]
        newrow[,"Country"] <- absent[i]
        data <- rbind(data, newrow)
    # Subset to countries which are in our updated dataset as compared to all countries for which ISO code is available in the mapping file
      for(i in 1:length(map_iso)){
        for(j in 1:nrow(data)){
            data[j,"logic"] <- 1
      data <- subset(data, data$logic==1)
      data <- data[,-ncol(data)]
      # Now we deal with NAs
      for (i in which(sapply(data, is.numeric))) {
        for (j in which(is.na(data[, i]))) {
          data[j, i] <- mean(data[data[, "Country"] == data[j, "Country"], i],  na.rm = TRUE)

      is.nan.data.frame <- function(x)
        do.call(cbind, lapply(x, is.nan))
      data[is.nan(data)] <- 0
      data <- as.magpie(data)
  else if (subtype=="production") {
    # read the data
    data <- read.csv(unz("BULK.zip", csvtoread),header = TRUE, sep = ",", dec = ".",stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # Subset the data by removig the year "9999". No eoutplanation in FRA 2015 reoprt.
    data <- subset(data, data$Year !=9999)
    # Keep only the variables we need
    data <- data[,c("Country","Year","ForGrow","ConifGrow","BroaGrow","OthWooGrow","OthConifGrow","OthBroaGrow","NetAnnIncr","IncrConif","IncrBroa","ForAbovCarb","OthAbovCarb","ForBelCarb","OthBelCarb","ForSubLiv","OthSubLiv","ForSoilCarb","OthSoilCarb","ProdFor","MulUseFor")]
    # Make country as a "char"
    data$Country <- as.character(data$Country)
    ## Now we want to make sure that the mapping we have can be applied to the dataset in hand
    #See how many countries are available in the mapping file
    map_iso <- sort(unique(mapping$iso))
    # find out which countries are missing from our dataset of FRA 2015 (as compared to mapping countries)
    absent <- setdiff(map_iso,unique(data$Country))                    # Missing countries to add
    yeardiff <- subset(unique(data$Year),!is.na(unique(data$Year)))    # Missing years to add
    # Add empty rows to data frame which contains missing countries from our dataset
    # create a one-row matrix the same length as data
    temprow <- matrix(c(rep.int(NA,length(data))),
    # make it a data.frame and give cols the same names as data
    newrow <- data.frame(temprow)
    colnames(newrow) <- colnames(data)
    # Add these new dataset for each new country to original dataset
    for(i in 1:length(absent)){
      for(j in 1:length(yeardiff)){
        newrow[j,"Year"] <- yeardiff[j]
      newrow[,"Country"] <- absent[i]
      data <- rbind(data, newrow)
    # Subset to countries which are in our updated dataset as compared to all countries for which ISO code is available in the mapping file
    for(i in 1:length(map_iso)){
      for(j in 1:nrow(data)){
          data[j,"logic"] <- 1
    data <- subset(data, data$logic==1)
    data <- data[,-ncol(data)]
    # Now we deal with NAs
    for (i in which(sapply(data, is.numeric))) {
      for (j in which(is.na(data[, i]))) {
        data[j, i] <- mean(data[data[, "Country"] == data[j, "Country"], i],  na.rm = TRUE)
    is.nan.data.frame <- function(x)
      do.call(cbind, lapply(x, is.nan))
    data[is.nan(data)] <- 0
    data <- as.magpie(data)
  else if (subtype=="biodiversity") {
    # read the data
    data <- read.csv(unz("BULK.zip", csvtoread),header = TRUE, sep = ",", dec = ".",stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # Subset the data by removig the year "9999". No eoutplanation in FRA 2015 reoprt.
    data <- subset(data, data$Year !=9999)
    # Keep only the variables we need
    data <- data[,c("Country","Year","BioCons","ProtArea")]
    # Make country as a "char"
    data$Country <- as.character(data$Country)
    ## Now we want to make sure that the mapping we have can be applied to the dataset in hand
    #See how many countries are available in the mapping file
    map_iso <- sort(unique(mapping$iso))
    # find out which countries are missing from our dataset of FRA 2015 (as compared to mapping countries)
    absent <- setdiff(map_iso,unique(data$Country))                    # Missing countries to add
    yeardiff <- subset(unique(data$Year),!is.na(unique(data$Year)))    # Missing years to add
    # Add empty rows to data frame which contains missing countries from our dataset
    # create a one-row matrix the same length as data
    temprow <- matrix(c(rep.int(NA,length(data))),
    # make it a data.frame and give cols the same names as data
    newrow <- data.frame(temprow)
    colnames(newrow) <- colnames(data)
    # Add these new dataset for each new country to original dataset
    for(i in 1:length(absent)){
      for(j in 1:length(yeardiff)){
        newrow[j,"Year"] <- yeardiff[j]
      newrow[,"Country"] <- absent[i]
      data <- rbind(data, newrow)
    # Subset to countries which are in our updated dataset as compared to all countries for which ISO code is available in the mapping file
    for(i in 1:length(map_iso)){
      for(j in 1:nrow(data)){
          data[j,"logic"] <- 1
    data <- subset(data, data$logic==1)
    data <- data[,-ncol(data)]
    # Now we deal with NAs
   for (i in which(sapply(data, is.numeric))) {
      for (j in which(is.na(data[, i]))) {
        data[j, i] <- mean(data[data[, "Country"] == data[j, "Country"], i],  na.rm = TRUE)
    is.nan.data.frame <- function(x)
      do.call(cbind, lapply(x, is.nan))
    data[is.nan(data)] <- 0
    data <- as.magpie(data)
  else if (subtype=="anndat") {
    # read the data
    data <- read.csv(unz("BULK.zip", csvtoread),header = TRUE, sep = ";", dec = ",",stringsAsFactors = FALSE)  #Notice that the separator in this particular csv file is ; (not ,) and decimal is , (not .)
    # Subset the data by removig the year "9999". No eoutplanation in FRA 2015 reoprt.
    data <- subset(data, data$Year !=9999)
    # Keep only the variables we need
    data <- data[,c("Country","Year","WooRemov","WooFuel")]
    # Make country as a "char"
    data$Country <- as.character(data$Country)
    ## Now we want to make sure that the mapping we have can be applied to the dataset in hand
    #See how many countries are available in the mapping file
    map_iso <- sort(unique(mapping$iso))
    # find out which countries are missing from our dataset of FRA 2015 (as compared to mapping countries)
    absent <- setdiff(map_iso,unique(data$Country))                    # Missing countries to add
    yeardiff <- subset(unique(data$Year),!is.na(unique(data$Year)))    # Missing years to add
    # Add empty rows to data frame which contains missing countries from our dataset
    # create a one-row matrix the same length as data
    temprow <- matrix(c(rep.int(NA,length(data))),
    # make it a data.frame and give cols the same names as data
    newrow <- data.frame(temprow)
    colnames(newrow) <- colnames(data)
    # Add these new dataset for each new country to original dataset
    for(i in 1:length(absent)){
      for(j in 1:length(yeardiff)){
        newrow[j,"Year"] <- yeardiff[j]
      newrow[,"Country"] <- absent[i]
      data <- rbind(data, newrow)
    # Subset to countries which are in our updated dataset as compared to all countries for which ISO code is available in the mapping file
    for(i in 1:length(map_iso)){
      for(j in 1:nrow(data)){
          data[j,"logic"] <- 1
    data <- subset(data, data$logic==1)
    data <- data[,-ncol(data)]
    # Now we deal with NAs
    for (i in which(sapply(data, is.numeric))) {
      for (j in which(is.na(data[, i]))) {
        data[j, i] <- mean(data[data[, "Country"] == data[j, "Country"], i],  na.rm = TRUE)
    is.nan.data.frame <- function(x)
      do.call(cbind, lapply(x, is.nan))
    data[is.nan(data)] <- 0
    data <- as.magpie(data)
    data <- add_columns(data,addnm = "WooRW",dim = 3.1)
    data[,,"WooRW"] <- data[,,"WooRemov"]-data[,,"WooFuel"]
  else {stop("Invalid subtype ", subtype)}
pik-piam/moinput documentation built on June 9, 2020, 12:23 p.m.