
Defines functions convertPRIMAPhist

Documented in convertPRIMAPhist

#' @title convertPRIMAPhist
#' @description function to convert PRIMAP-hist data to isocountry resolution
#' @param x MAgPIE object
#' @return MAgPIE object
#' @author Roman Popov
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' readSource("PRIMAPhist", subtype = "hist")
#' }
convertPRIMAPhist <- function(x) {
  # convert to co2_c and n2o_n
  # change names of co2 and n2o for conversion (below)
  map1 <- c(ch4 = "ch4",
            co2 = "co2_c",
            fgasesar4 = "fgasesar4_co2eq_c",
            fgases = "fgases_co2eq_c",
            hfcsar4 = "hfcsar4_co2eq_c",
            hfcs = "hfcs_co2eq_c",
            kyotoghgar4 = "kyotoghgar4_co2eq_c",
            kyotoghg = "kyotoghg_co2eq_c",
            n2o = "n2o_n",
            pfcsar4 = "pfcsar4_co2eq_c",
            pfcs = "pfcs_co2eq_c",
            sf6 = "sf6_co2eq_c")

  getNames(x, dim = 3) <- map1[getNames(x, dim = 3)]
  getNames(x, dim = 4) <- c("Mt", "Mt")
  x[, , "n2o_n"] <- x[, , "n2o_n"] / 1.5714
  carbon <- c("co2_c", "fgasesar4_co2eq_c", "fgases_co2eq_c", "hfcsar4_co2eq_c",
  "hfcs_co2eq_c", "kyotoghgar4_co2eq_c", "kyotoghg_co2eq_c", "pfcsar4_co2eq_c",
  "pfcs_co2eq_c", "sf6_co2eq_c")
  x[, , carbon] <- x[, , carbon] / 3.6667
  x <- collapseNames(x) * 0.001

  x <- toolCountryFill(x, fill = 0,
                       no_remove_warning = c("ANNEXI", "ANT", "AOSIS", "BASIC", "EARTH", "EU28", "LDC", "NONANNEXI", "UMBRELLA"),    #nolint
                       verbosity = 2)
  x[is.na(x)] <- 0
pik-piam/mrcommons documentation built on Dec. 8, 2024, 7:23 a.m.