
Defines functions correctAndrijevic2019

Documented in correctAndrijevic2019

#' @title correctAndrijevic2019
#' @description correct Andrijevic governance data
#' @return corrected magpie object iso-level
#' @param x magpie object provided by the read function
#' @param subtype data to be returned:
#'                "historical" for observed data until 2015
#'                "projected" for projected SSP scenario data from 2015 to 2099
#' @importFrom madrat toolCountryFill toolFillWithRegionAvg
#' @author Felicitas Beier
#' @seealso
#' [readAndrijevic2019()]

correctAndrijevic2019 <- function(x, subtype) {

  x <- toolCountryFill(x, fill = NA)

  # fill NA values using population of year 2010 as weight
  pop           <- setYears(calcOutput("Population", aggregate = FALSE)[, 2010, 1],
  pop2          <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions = getCells(x),
                              years = getYears(x))
  pop2[, , ]    <- pop

  z <- NULL
  for (i in getNames(x)) {
    y <- toolFillWithRegionAvg(x[, , i], weight = pop2, verbose = FALSE,
                               warningThreshold = 1, noteThreshold = 0.5)
    z <- mbind(z, y)

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