
Defines functions readNIN

Documented in readNIN

#' Read in data from the NIN recommendations
#' @param subtype Type of NIN data that should be read. Available types are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{cons_data}: Consumption analysis ("NIN_cons_data.csv")
#' }
#' @return magpie object containing NIN  data
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom magclass complete_magpie
#' @author Isabelle Weindl, Jan Philipp Dietrich
#' @seealso \code{\link{readSource}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ a <- readSource(type="NIN",subtype="cons_data")
#' }
readNIN <- function(subtype) {

  if (subtype == "cons_data") {

    data <- fread("NIN_cons_data.csv")
    data$SSP_scn <- NULL # remove irrelevant column
    data <- data[!(data$region %in% c("all-r","HIC","UMC","LMC","LIC")),] #remove aggregated regions

    #only keep the absolute values (abs) and remove the relative measures
    #(absolute changes relative to 2010 (chg_2010), percentage changes relative to 2010 (pct_2010))
    data <- data[data$measure == "abs",]
    data$measure <- NULL

    #re-structure the dataframe such that for all scenarios and units the respective data sets have the same size
    data <- data[data$food_group != "total",]

    # Fill gaps with 0
    mdata <- as.magpie(data, tidy = TRUE)
    mdata <- complete_magpie(mdata)
    mdata[is.na(mdata)] <- 0

  } else if (subtype == "recommend") {

    data  <- read.csv("C:/Users/IIMA/Documents/inputdata/sources/EATLancet/NIN_recommendations.csv", sep = ",", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    mdata <- as.magpie(data, spatial = 0, temporal = 0, datacol = 2)
    getSets(mdata, fulldim = FALSE)[3] <- "target.unit.type"

  } else stop("Not a valid subtype!")

pik-piam/mrland documentation built on Nov. 23, 2024, 11:37 a.m.