
Defines functions calcLimitCCS

calcLimitCCS <- function() {
  # Read capacity factor inputs
  data <- readSource("REMIND_11Regi", subtype = "ccs")

  # add dimensions that are the same for all regions but a dimension of the parameter in the GAMS code
  getNames(data) <- "quan"
  data <- add_dimension(data, dim = 3.2, add = "rlf", nm = "1")

  # overwrite values for regions that belong to EUR and NEU
  data_ccs_storage_potential <- readSource("CCS_StoragePotential")
  eur.34 <- c("ALA", "AUT", "BEL", "BGR", "HRV", "CYP", "CZE", "DNK", "EST", "FRO",
              "FIN", "FRA", "DEU", "GIB", "GRC", "GGY", "HUN", "IRL", "IMN", "ITA",
              "JEY", "LVA", "LTU", "LUX", "MLT", "NLD", "POL", "PRT", "ROU", "SVK",
              "SVN", "ESP", "SWE", "GBR")
  non.eu <- c("ALB", "AND", "BIH", "GRL", "VAT", "ISL", "LIE", "MKD", "MCO", "MNE",
              "NOR", "SMR", "SRB", "SJM", "CHE", "TUR")
  overwrite <- c(eur.34, non.eu)
  data[overwrite, , ] <- data_ccs_storage_potential[overwrite, , ]

    x = data,
    weight = NULL,
    unit = "GtC",
    description = "maximum CO2 storage capacity using CCS technology"
pik-piam/mrremind documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 2:58 p.m.