
Defines functions convertEDGAR7Fgases

Documented in convertEDGAR7Fgases

#' @title convertEDGAR7Fgases
#' @author Gabriel Abrahao
#' @param x  magpie object to be converted
#' @export

convertEDGAR7Fgases <- function(x) {
    # F-gases emissions in kt of each species
    # x <- readSource("EDGAR7Fgases")

    # Aggregate regions, but not species yet
    x[is.na(x)] <- 0 #set NA to 0
    x  <- toolCountryFill(x, fill = 0, verbosity = 2) # fill missing countries
    # map <- toolGetMapping(getConfig("regionmapping", where = "mappingfolder"),type="regional")
    # fgaskt <- toolAggregate(x,map,weight=NULL)
    fgaskt <- x

    # Converting to CO2 equivalent

    # Read AR6 GWP table
    dfgwp <- readSource("AR6GWP")

    # Rename some gases in the AR6 table to be compatible with the names in EDGAR
    dfgwp$Gas[dfgwp$Gas == "PFC-116"] <- "C2F6"
    dfgwp$Gas[dfgwp$Gas == "PFC-14"] <- "CF4"
    dfgwp$Gas[dfgwp$Gas == "Sulfur hexafluoride"] <- "SF6"
    dfgwp$Gas[dfgwp$Gas == "PFC-218"] <- "C3F8"
    dfgwp$Gas[dfgwp$Gas == "PFC-31-10"] <- "C4F10"
    dfgwp$Gas[dfgwp$Gas == "Octafluorooxolane"] <- "c-C4F8" # Formula is actually c-C4F8O, but couldn't find anything on a gas without the O so assuming a typo in EDGAR
    dfgwp$Gas[dfgwp$Gas == "HFC-43-10mee"] <- "HFC-43-10-mee"
    dfgwp$Gas[dfgwp$Gas == "Nitrogen trifluoride"] <- "NF3"
    dfgwp$Gas[dfgwp$Gas == "PFC-41-12"] <- "C5F12"
    dfgwp$Gas[dfgwp$Gas == "PFC-51-14"] <- "C6F14"

    # Gas species in EDGAR data
    gases_edgar <- getItems(fgaskt,"Gas")

    # Gas species in AR6 data
    gases_ar6 <- dfgwp[["Gas"]]

    # Check if there are gases in EDGAR without a GWP in AR6 and throw a warning
    unknown_gases <- setdiff(gases_edgar, intersect(gases_ar6,gases_edgar))
    if (length(unknown_gases) > 0) {
        warning(paste0("calcEDGAR7Fgases couldn't find GWPs for the following gases: ",paste(unknown_gases, collapse = ",")))

    # Keep only used gases
    dfgwp <- dfgwp[dfgwp$Gas %in% gases_edgar,]

    # Convert to MAgPIE object
    gwp <- as.magpie(dfgwp, spatial = 0, temporal = 0)

    # Multiply to get emissions per species in kt CO2eq, convert to Mt
    co2eq_gas <- fgaskt*gwp*1e-3

    # To keep with the IMAGE standard, we have to report total F-gases (in Mt CO2eq) plus
    # individual emissions of the following gases (in kt of themselves):
    # HFC, which is the total of HFC125, HFC134a, HFC143a, HFC227ea, HFC23, HFC245fa, HFC32, HFC43-10
    # HFC125, HFC134a, HFC143a, HFC227ea, HFC23, HFC245fa, HFC32, HFC43-10, PFC, SF6, C2F6, C6F14, CF4

    # Total CO2eq
    co2eq_tot <- setNames(dimSums(co2eq_gas, 3.1), "emiFgasTotal")
    # getSets(co2eq_tot)[3] <- "Gas"

    # PFC and HFC gases
    gases_pfc <- c("CF4","C2F6","C3F8","C4F10","C5F12","C6F14")
    gases_hfc <- c("HFC-125", "HFC-134a", "HFC-143a", "HFC-152a", "HFC-227ea", "HFC-245fa", "HFC-32", "HFC-365mfc", "HFC-23","HFC-134",
    "HFC-143", "HFC-236fa", "HFC-41", "HFC-43-10-mee")

    pfc_tot <- setNames(dimSums(fgaskt[,,gases_pfc], 3.1), "emiFgasPFC")
    hfc_tot <- setNames(dimSums(fgaskt[,,gases_hfc], 3.1), "emiFgasHFC")

    # Individual gases
    # report_gases <- c("HFC125","HFC134a","HFC143a","HFC227ea","HFC23","HFC245fa","HFC32","HFC43-10","PFC","SF6","C2F6","C6F14","CF4")
    # First rename the individual gases
    eminame_mapping <-c(
        "HFC-125" = "emiFgasHFC125",
        "HFC-134a" = "emiFgasHFC134a",
        "HFC-143a" = "emiFgasHFC143a",
        "HFC-227ea" = "emiFgasHFC227ea",
        "HFC-245fa" = "emiFgasHFC245fa",
        "HFC-43-10-mee" = "emiFgasHFC43-10",
        "HFC-32" = "emiFgasHFC32",
        "C2F6" = "emiFgasC2F6",
        "CF4" = "emiFgasCF4",
        "SF6" = "emiFgasSF6",
        "HFC-23" = "emiFgasHFC23",
        "C6F14" = "emiFgasC6F14"

    fgaskt_ind <- fgaskt[,,names(eminame_mapping)]
    fgaskt_ind <- setNames(fgaskt_ind,eminame_mapping)

    # Bind all gases in the format already used by REMIND (legacy of IMAGE's reported species)
    xout <- mbind(co2eq_tot, hfc_tot, pfc_tot, fgaskt_ind)

    # # Write units more or less automatically from the mapping names
    # outunits <- paste0("kt ",gsub("emiFgas","",getNames(xout)),"/yr")
    # outunits[1] <- "Mt CO2eq/yr"

    # return(list(
    #     x = xout,
    #     weight = NULL,
    #     unit = outunits,
    #     description = "F-gas emissions from EDGAR7"
    # ))
pik-piam/mrremind documentation built on May 1, 2024, 2:12 a.m.