
Defines functions coef.twins coef.hclust coefHier

Documented in coef.hclust coefHier coef.twins

#### R-interface to  Agglomerative / Divisive coefficient
coef.twins <- function(object, ...)
    if(inherits(object, "agnes"))
    else if(inherits(object, "diana"))
	stop("invalid 'twins' object")

coef.hclust <- function(object, ...)
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 27 Nov 2004
    ## Now "really" using $merge _and_ $height -- assuming they match!
    ht  <- object$height
    mrg <- object$merge
    nh <- length(ht)
    stopifnot(nh > 0, is.matrix(mrg), dim(mrg) == c(nh,2),
              is.numeric(ht), is.numeric(mrg),
              !is.unsorted(ht))# then they match with merge
    ## stopifnot(all.equal(1:n, sort(-mrg[mrg < 0])))

    1 - sum(rowSums(mrg < 0) * ht) / max(ht) / (nh+1)

## Note this is (the only!) direct interface to   bncoef(),
## ---- which is used internally both in agnes() and diana() :
coefHier <- function(object)
    ## Purpose: Compute agglomerative *or* divisive  coefficient from hclust/agnes/diana
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 27 Nov 2004
    nh <- length(ht <- object$height)
    stopifnot(nh > 0, is.numeric(ht))
       n =  as.integer(nh + 1L),
       ban= as.double(c(0., ht)),# <-- is this really tbe  ban[]nner, as in ../src/twins.c ?
       cf = double(1))$cf
pimentel/cluster documentation built on May 25, 2019, 7:12 a.m.