
#' Plot the first two principle components
#' Given a data.frame, plot the first two principle components and label them
#' @param df a data.frame with columns referring to different experimental conditions
#' @param groups group by which to color columns by
#' @param useColLabels if true, print the column names on the plot
#' @param centerDf center df in prcomp
#' @param scaleDf scale df in prcomp
#' @return a ggplot object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require(graphics)
#' head(USArrests)
#' pcaPlot(USArrests)
#' pcaPlot(USArrests[,c('Murder', 'Assault', 'Rape')])
#' pcaPlot(USArrests, c('crime', 'crime', 'pop', 'crime'))
#' pcaPlot(USArrests, c('crime', 'crime', 'pop', 'crime'), F)
pcaPlot <- function(df, groups = NULL, useColLabels = TRUE,
                    centerDf = TRUE, scaleDf = FALSE)
    if (class(df) != "data.frame")
        df <- as.data.frame(df)
        if (class(df) != "data.frame")
            stop("Error: pcaPlot requires a data.frame")

    if ((length(groups) != ncol(df)) & (!is.null(groups)))
        stop("Error: length(groups) != ncol(df)")

    pcaRes <- prcomp(df, center = centerDf, scale. = scaleDf)

    df <- data.frame(pcaRes$rotation[,1:2], lab = colnames(df))

    plt <- NULL
    if (!is.null(groups))
        df <- data.frame(df, groups = groups)
        plt <- ggplot(df, aes(PC1, PC2, colour = groups, label = lab)) 
        plt <- ggplot(df, aes(PC1, PC2, label = lab)) 

    if (useColLabels)
        plt + geom_text()
        plt + geom_point()

#' LDA plot
#' Create a two-dimensional LDA plot using all variables in \code{data} to
#' predict \code{groups}
#' @param data a matrix with samples on columns and dimensions on rows
#' @param groups the class of each column
#' @param useColLabels if \code{TRUE} print the column labels on the plot
#' @return a \code{ggplot} object
#' @export
ldaPlot <- function(data, groups, useColLabels = TRUE) {
    if (class(data) != "matrix") {
        data <- as.matrix(data)
        if (class(data) != "matrix")
            stop("Error: ldaPlot requires a matrix")

    if (length(groups) != ncol(data))
        stop("Error: length(groups) != ncol(data)")

    cat("Computing LDA\n")
    lda_res <- MASS::lda(t(data), groups)
    proj <- t(t(lda_res$scaling) %*% data)
    proj <- as.data.frame(proj)

    proj$groups <- as.factor(groups)
    proj$lab <- colnames(data)

    cat("Making plot\n")
    plt <- ggplot(proj, aes(LD1, LD2, colour = groups, label = lab))

    if (useColLabels)
        plt + geom_text()
        plt + geom_point()

#' Conditional boxplots
#' Plot boxplots of y conditional on the quantile of x
#' @param df a data.frame with variables of interest
#' @param y string representing the column name in df
#' @param x string representing the column to condition on
#' @param binSize how much spacing in the quantiles to include
#' @param yQuantile if TRUE, also plot y's quantiles
#' @param xQuantile if TRUE, plot x's quantiles
#' @return a ggplot object
#' @export
conditionalBoxplots <- function(df, y, x, binSize = 0.05, yQuantile = FALSE, xQuantile = TRUE)
    if (xQuantile)
        df$xQuant <- ecdf(df[,x])(df[,x])
        df$xGroup <- cut(df$xQuant, seq(0, 1, by = binSize))
        df$xGroup <- cut(df[,x], seq(0, 1, by = binSize))
    yTitle <- y
    if (yQuantile)
        df$yQuant <- ecdf(df[,y])(df[,y])
        yTitle <- paste0(yTitle, ' quantile')
        y <- 'yQuant'
    plt <- ggplot(df, aes_string('xGroup', y, group = 'xGroup', fill = 'xGroup'))
    plt <- plt +  geom_boxplot()
    plt <- plt + xlab(paste0(x,' quantile'))
    plt <- plt + ylab(yTitle)
    plt <- plt + guides(fill=guide_legend(title="quantile"))
pimentel/haRold documentation built on May 25, 2019, 7:12 a.m.