
The Unscented Kalman Filter (see for a good overview of the algorithms) is a great tool for non-linear filtering tasks.

This package implements the UKF with additive errors algorithm, both in standard and square-root form; see pages 108 and 115 in the document linked above.


The package has been tested to compile on Linux and Windows machines. To install the package, use the devtools package:

install_github(repo = "piotrek-orlowski/ukfRcpp")

When to use it?

The package is designed for using in scenarios when it is complicated to calculate the transition/observation parameters given a set of parameters of the underlying mathematical model. For example, in Stochastic Volatility models in finance applied to option pricing, the underlying model parameters are used to calculate: (1) the coefficients for evaluating the moments of the conditional state transition density, and (2) the coefficients for evaluating option prices given the current state. The use scenario is thus to write a program handling coefficient calculation and use them as parameters in the possibly non-linear transformations, plugged into the UKF via predictState and evaluateState functions described below.

How to use it?

When using a Kalman Filter, the user has to specify matrices which determine the transition and observation densities. In the case of the UKF, the user has to specify functions which characterise the non-linear transition and non-linear observation transformations.

The objective, when writing this package, was to provide a fast general filtering interface and separate the mathematical system modeling step from the probabilistic filtering step. This is why the package is designed as a library to be linked against, so that users can provide Rcpp-based functions for handling the transition and observation equations.

A user of the package has to provide two C++ functions, a predictState and an evaluateState. Both these functions have to accept the following arguments: arma::mat& (state matrix), Rcpp::List& (list with arbitrary objects passed as parameters of the model) and int where the observation number can be passed if the parameters of the model are time-varying. The handler functions should return Rcpp::List objects with function-specific field names.

The predictState function is responsible for forming E[X_t | X_{t-1}] for a range of state values. In the Rcpp::List object it has to return fields stateVec (state prediction) and procNoiseMat (driving process noise variance-covariance matric).

The evaluateState function is responible for evaluating the observation equations Y_t = g[X_t] for a range of state values. In the Rcpp::List object it has to return fields yHat containing the predicted observations, and obsNoiseMat containing the variance-covariance matrix of observation noise.

If the system under consideration has N latent states, the functions have to be able to handle S state values. The arma::mat argument to predictState and evaluateState should be of size N x S. The stateVec field from predictState has to be of the same size.

The package handles propagating past states: it requires setting the corresponding rows/columns of the initial state variance/covariance matrix to 0, and keeping it this way.

The functions are passed to the constructor of ukfClass as pointers.

In general, a function using the ukfRcpp package will be of the following form:

#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
#include "../inst/include/ukfClass.h"
#include "testHandlers.h" // where the user codes predictState and evaluateState
using namespace std;
Rcpp::List my_sqrtFilter(const arma::mat dataMat, const arma:vec initState, const arma::mat initProcCov, const Rcpp::List modelParams){

  stateHandler transitionPtr = &predictState;
  stateHandler observationPtr = &evaluateState;
  stateControl controlPtr = &checkState;

  // Initialize ukfClass object
  ukfClass myFirstFilter(dataMat, initState, initProcCov, transitionPtr, observationPtr, controlPtr, modelParams);

  // Filter!

  Rcpp::List res;
  // Create return list object
  res = Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("estimState") = myFirstFilter.getStateMat(), Rcpp::Named("stateCovCube") = myFirstFilter.getCovCube(), Rcpp::Named("logL") = myFirstFilter.getLogL(), Rcpp::Named("predMat") = myFirstFilter.getPredMat() ;

  return res;

The file provides an example. This file compiles alongside the package and exposes to the user the testUKFclass function. The function simulates a simple two-state VAR, generates noisy non-linear observations, initializes and runs the filter, and finally returns true and filtered states, and noisy observations alongside a Gaussian likelihood.

Finally, the checkState function takes the state matrix as an argument and returns a matrix of the same size. This function is contained for checking state admissibility: preventing numerical failure if, for example, a negative sigma-point is generated in a model with strictly positive states, or a Kalman update results in negative filtered values.

Using as a shared library

If you use ukfRcpp for multiple projects, the most convenient setup is one where you link your R packages dynamically. In order to do that, your R package's src/Makevars or src/ files have to contain explicit linking information. If you're running a 64-bit Windows box, and assuming that your R packages are installed to c:/path/to/Rlibs, this amounts to providing the following flags in the src/ file:

PKG_LIBS = $(shell $(R_HOME)/bin/Rscript.exe -e "Rcpp:::LdFlags()") $(LAPACK_LIBS) $(BLAS_LIBS) $(FLIBS) -Lc:/path/to/Rlibs/ukfRcpp/libs/x64 -lukfRcpp
PKG_CXXFLAGS = -Ic:/path/to/Rlibs/ukfRcpp/include

If you use RStudio, providing these flags will also allow RStudio to help with code completion from the ukfRcpp code.


The package is being developed by Piotr Orłowski

piotrek-orlowski/ukfRcpp documentation built on July 21, 2020, 11:51 a.m.