unscentedKalmanFilter: Unscented Kalman Filter

Description Arguments Value

View source: R/RcppExports.R


This function accepts pointers to compiled c++ evaluator functions for the observation equations and the transition equations, plus data and parameters, and evaluates the UKF.



matrix containing observed data, by-column


initial state vector values


initial variance-covariance matrix of the state vector


list of model parameter objects, compatible with your predictState and evaluateState functions, and with the specification of the ukfClass


XPtr to predictState function which handles your one-step head prediction of the state variable, given current values.


XPtr to evaluateState function which calculates the values of the measurement equation given values of the state.


XPtr to stateController function which handles pathological state cases after the filtering step (e.g. when using a Gaussian filter on strictly positive variables, which turn negative after the filtering step, it is useful to set them to a small value)


List with the following fields: estimState (T+1) x N matrix of filtered states, with the initial state vector in the first row; stateCovCube 3-dimensional array of posterior state variance-covariance matrices, N x N x T; logL vector of Gaussian likelihood values, see e.g. "Time Series Analysis" by J.D. Hamilton, predMat T x M matrix of predictions of observations at time t given observations at time t-1, fitMat T x M matrix of observation equations evaluated at filtered state values.

piotrek-orlowski/ukfRcpp documentation built on July 21, 2020, 11:51 a.m.