Man pages for pjnewcombe/R2BGLiMS
R interface to the java package BGLiMS (Bayesian Generalised Linear Model Selection).

AutocorrelationPlotAutocorrelation plot for model selection. Model inclusion of...
CredibleSetInfer credible sets of predictors
dot-ApproxPostProbsByModelEnumerationEnumertated approximate posterior probabilities
dot-BayesFactorCalculates a Bayes Facotor, give a prior and posterior...
dot-BetaBinomialProbabilitySpecificModelCalculates a Beta-Binomial prior probability for a SPECIFIC...
dot-ConfounderAdjustedResidualsReplaces the outcome variable with residuals from a linear...
dot-ModelSpaceProbsCalculates prior probababilities for x, and >=x causal...
dot-ModelSpaceSpecProbCalculates prior probabability of causality for a particular...
dot-ReadDataRead formatted data file
dot-ReweightSnpEffectsAccordingToBlockCorrelationsThis function is used by...
dot-WriteDataWrite Java MCMC format data file
GetBetaBinomMuSdDerives the beta-binomial mean and standard deviation
GetBetaBinomParamsDerives the beta-binomial parameters for target mean and...
JAMJAM (Joint Analysis of Marginal statistics)
JAM_LogisticToLinearEffectsLogistic to linear effect conversion for JAM
JAMMRJAMMR - Bayesian variable selection for Mendelian...
JAM_PointEstimatesJAM (Joint Analysis of Marginal statistics) multivariate...
JAMPred_ParallelBlockIndicesList of which LD blocks are to be analysed on which CPU core
JAMPred_SplitIntoPositiveDefiniteBlocksSplits a list of SNPs into positive definite blocks.
JAM_RankCheckJAM rank check.
ManhattanPlotManhattan Plot
ModelSizeBayesFactorsInfer credible sets of predictors
NormInvGamPosteriorSampleGenerate conjugate posterior sample of coefficients for a...
PrettyResultsTableA pretty summary results table for reports. NOTE: This...
R2BGLiMSCall BGLiMS from R
R2BGLiMS-packageR interface to the java package "BGLiMS" (Bayesian...
R2BGLiMS_Results-classThe R2BGLiMS_Results class
R2BGLiMS_Results-methods'show' method for 'R2BGLiMS_Results-class' objects
StrongestPairwiseCorrelationStrongest Pairwise Correlation
TopModelsTable of top models
TracePlotsParameter posterior trace plots for a R2BGLiMS results object
pjnewcombe/R2BGLiMS documentation built on Feb. 10, 2020, 8:52 p.m.