
Defines functions ggheatmap

Documented in ggheatmap

#' @title Heatmaps Using ggplot2
#' This function can be used to create heatmaps with dendrograms similar to \code{heatmap.2}
#' using \code{ggplot2} and \code{ggdendro} for a more "modern" and clean appearance.
#' @param data a numeric matrix of expression, genes x samples, or a \code{dist} object
#' @param distance a character string for \code{dist}, or a function which returns
#'        a \code{dist} object (default = "euclidean") 
#' @param linkage a character string for \code{hclust} to use for clustering
#'        (default = "average")
#' @param labframe a data.frame of column labels (default = NULL)
#' @param rlabframe a data.frame of row labels (default = NULL)
#' @param row_sort a logical whether rows should be reordered based on
#'        clustering (default = TRUE)
#' @param col_sort a logical whether columns should be reordered based on
#'        clustering (default = TRUE)
#' @param colbrew a vector of strings same length as \code{labframe} specifying
#'        the colors to be used for column labels, if length is 1 same palette is
#'        repeated, see Details regarding valid strings (default = "Set1")
#' @param rcolbrew a vector of strings same length as \code{rlabframe} specifying
#'        the colors to be used for row labels, if length is 1 same palette is
#'        repeated, see Details regarding valid strings (default = "Set1")
#' @param rtext a vector of strings with text annotations for rows of heatmap
#'        (default = NULL)
#' @param fill_title a character string specifying the fill title (default = NULL)
#' @details
#' Valid choices of color palettes are listed in \code{RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info}
#' @return
#' a \code{ggplot} object
#' @import RColorBrewer ggplot2 ggdendro reshape2
#' @author Patrick Kimes
#' @export

ggheatmap <- function(data, distance = "euclidean", linkage = "average",
                       row_sort = TRUE, col_sort = TRUE,
                       labframe = NULL, rlabframe = NULL, colbrew = "Set1", rcolbrew = "Set1",
                       rtext = NULL, fill_title = NULL) {

    if (length(colbrew) == 1) {
        colbrew <- rep(colbrew, length(labframe))
    if (length(rcolbrew) == 1) {
        rcolbrew <- rep(rcolbrew, length(rlabframe))

    .getpal <- function(x) { suppressWarnings(c("#000000", brewer.pal(100, x))) }
    setlist1 <- lapply(colbrew, .getpal)
    setlist2 <- lapply(rcolbrew, .getpal)

    dist_in <- FALSE
    if (is(data, "dist")) {
        dist_in <- TRUE
        dmat1 <- data
        dmat2 <- data
        data <- as.matrix(data)
        p <- nrow(data)
        n <- ncol(data)
    } else {
        p <- nrow(data)
        n <- ncol(data)
        if (is.character(distance)) {
            dmat1 <- dist(data, distance)
            dmat2 <- dist(t(data), distance)
        } else { 
            dmat1 <- distance(t(data)) ## rows, genes
            dmat2 <- distance(data) ## columns, samples

    if (!is.null(rtext) & length(rtext) != p) {
        rtext <- NULL
        warning("not using rtext param since length not equal to p")
    lab_width <- p / 25
    lab_width2 <- n / 25
    hc1 <- hclust(dmat1, method=linkage)
    hc2 <- hclust(dmat2, method=linkage)

    if (col_sort) { data <- data[, hc2$order] }
    if (row_sort) { data <- data[hc1$order, ] }
    rownames(data) <- 1:p
    colnames(data) <- 1:n
    gg_data <- melt(data)

    ## basic plot structure
    vmax <- max(abs(gg_data$value))*1.01
    gg_p <- ggplot(gg_data, aes(x=Var2, y=Var1, fill=value)) +
        geom_tile() + theme_bw() +
            theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, vjust=0.5, hjust=1))

    if (dist_in) {
        gg_p <- gg_p +
            scale_fill_gradient(high="#f7fbff", low="#2171b5", limits=c(-vmax*.01, vmax))
    } else {
        gg_p <- gg_p +
            scale_fill_gradientn(ifelse(is.null(fill_title), "log2(Expr)", fill_title),
                                 colours=c(rep("#ca0020",2), "#f7f7f7", rep("#0571b0", 2)),
                                 rescaler = function(x, ...) x, oob=identity,
                                 values=c(-vmax, -vmax/2, 0, vmax/2, vmax))
    ## add dendrograms to plot
    gg_hc1 <- dendro_data(hc1, hang=.5)
    gg_hc2 <- dendro_data(hc2, hang=.5)
    hc1_max <- max(c(gg_hc1$segments$y, gg_hc1$segments$yend))
    hc2_max <- max(c(gg_hc2$segments$y, gg_hc2$segments$yend))
    if (col_sort) {
        gg_p <- gg_p +
                     x = gg_hc2$segments$x,
                     xend = gg_hc2$segments$xend,
                     y = (p+.5) + lab_width/2 + p/4*gg_hc2$segments$y/hc2_max,
                     yend = (p+.5) + lab_width/2 + p/4*gg_hc2$segments$yend/hc2_max,
                     size = .3)
    if (row_sort) {
        gg_p <- gg_p +
                     y = gg_hc1$segments$x,
                     yend = gg_hc1$segments$xend,
                     x = (n+.5) + lab_width2/2 + n/4*gg_hc1$segments$y/hc1_max,
                     xend = (n+.5) + lab_width2/2 + n/4*gg_hc1$segments$yend/hc1_max,
                     size = .3)

    ## clean things up
    gg_p <- gg_p + 
              panel.border=element_blank()) +
        xlab("Samples") + ylab("Genes") +
            scale_x_discrete(breaks=NULL) +
                scale_y_continuous(breaks=NULL, expand = c(0,0))

    if (!is.null(rtext)) {
        gg_p <- gg_p +
            geom_vline(xintercept = -(length(rlabframe)+5)*lab_width2, color="white")
    if (!is.null(labframe)) {
        if (col_sort) { iorder <- hc2$order } else { iorder <- 1:n }
        for (i in 1:length(labframe)) {
            gg_p <- gg_p +
                         xmin = (1:n) - .5,
                         xmax = (1:n) + .5,
                         ymin = rep(.5 - (i-.5)*lab_width, n),
                         ymax = rep(.5 - (i+.5)*lab_width, n), 
                         fill = setlist1[[i]][1 + labframe[iorder, i]],
                         alpha=2/3) #+
                ## annotate("text", x=0, y=-1+lab_width/2-i*lab_width,
                ##          hjust=1, label=names(labframe)[i])
        gg_p <- gg_p +
                     x = .5, xend = n + .5,
                     y = .5 - ((0:length(labframe))+.5)*lab_width,
                     yend = .5 - ((0:length(labframe))+.5)*lab_width,

    if (!is.null(rlabframe)) {
        if (row_sort) { iorder <- hc1$order } else { iorder <- 1:p }
        for (i in 1:length(rlabframe)) {
            gg_p <- gg_p +
                         ymin = (1:p) - .5,
                         ymax = (1:p) + .5,
                         xmin = rep(.5 - (i+.5)*lab_width2, p),
                         xmax = rep(.5 - (i-.5)*lab_width2, p), 
                         fill = setlist2[[i]][1 + rlabframe[iorder, i]],

    if (!is.null(rtext)) {
        if (row_sort) { iorder <- hc1$order } else { iorder <- 1:p }
        gg_p <- gg_p +
                     x = rep(-(.5+length(rlabframe))*lab_width2, p),
                     y = 1:p, size = 3, hjust = 1, 
                     label = rtext[iorder])
pkimes/pkimes documentation built on May 25, 2019, 8:20 a.m.