Man pages for planit-group/Rplanit
Radiotherapy with ion beams - planning, simulations and analysis

add.array.valuesAdd an array to values
add.colours.contoursAdd color definitions to contours
add.fieldAdd field ID column to beams
add.voisCombine 2 existing VOIS object into one
a.from.ionA from Ion
alpha.beta.ion.rangeEvaluation of ion alpha and beta LQ parameters
alpha.beta.ion.sequenceEvaluation of ion alpha and beta LQ parameters
alpha.beta.lqpEvaluation of Linear-Quadratic (LQ) Poisson Model parameters
alpha.beta.mkmEvaluation of alpha and beta LQ parameter (fast MKM) alpha function (MKM)
available.beamlinesAvailable beamlines (PlanKIT)
available.constraint.typesAvailable constraints (Pure-dek)
available.variablesAvailable variables (Pure-dek)
available.variables.gateAvailable variables (Gate)
beta.cEvaluate beta (velocity/c)
check.gateCheck the configuration of Gate
check.plankitCheck the configuration of PlanKIT
check.prescriptionCheck the prescription
colormap.ctGenerate gray colormap for Hounsfield numbers
combine.beamLUTsCombine beamLUTs
combine.valuesCombine values
convert.fluence2muconverte fluenze in beams da numero di particelle a MU
convert.mu2fluenceconverte fluenze in beams da MU a numero di particelle
create.beamCreate an empty beam(s) object
create.constraintCrea oggetto prescrizione (dataframe)
create.fieldCreate a field object (dataframe)
create.gate.structureCreate Gate structure
create.intervalsGenerate bin intervals from points
create.noise.ctnoise sulla CT
create.planGenerate Plan template (Pure-dek)
create.plan.gateGenerate Plan template (Gate)
create.valuesCreate values object
create.voisCreate a VOIS object from a contours object
create.vois.from.logical.arrayCreate a VOIS object from a logical array
create.waterbox.gateCreate a water box object (Gate)
dataframe.from.valuesGenerate data.frame from values object
demo.puredekEvaluate a test planning
display.all.planprocedura per creare un display complessivo da un "plan"
display.beamportsBeam-port splot
display.beamsBeam statistics plot
display.contours.legendAdd a legend with contours names/colours.
display.dvhDisplay DVHs
display.dvh2dplot di "dvh2D per un voi e due variabili specifiche
display.dvh2d.multipleplot multiplo di dvh2D
display.dvh.bandsVisualizza una banda sul DVH
display.dvh.bands.multipleVisualizza una banda sui DVH
display.dvh.combinedDisplay DVHs
display.lut2D display of the beam-lut
display.profileDisplay profile
display.profilesDisplay profiles
display.raysDisplay rays (3D)
display.sliceDisplay a 2D slice
display.slice.allDisplay a 2D slice superimposed to the CT
display.slice.ctDisplay CT slices
display.slices.interactivemostra slice in maniera interattiva
display.spotsDisplay spots (3D)
dumpslices.3d.2.pngfa un dump del file .3d in una serie di immagini png...
dvh.evaluateEvaluate DVH
dvh.evaluate.allcalcola DVH per tutti i VOI
dvh.evaluate.bandsEvaluate DVH confidence band
embed.dataEmbed data into plan
evaluate.bandsEvaluate percentile band
evaluate.eplEvaluate the equivalent path length
file.variable.gateMap the variable name to file name (Gate)
generate.contoursGenerate the contours
generate.ctGenerate a CT phantom
generate.ct.contoursGenerate a complete phantom (CT + contours)
generate.materials.gateGenerate Materials (Gate)
generate.reportGenerate report
generate.values.from.eventsCreate values form events
get.alpha.beta.beamLUTEvaluate net alpha and beta from beamLUTs (pure-dek)
get.array.valuesestrai array della variabile specificata dai values
get.bdose.beamLUTEvaluate equivalent dose from beamLUTs (pure-dek)
get.beamLUTsGet beamLUTs
get.beamsGet beams from plan
get.contoursGet contours from plan
get.coordinatesGet coordinates from voxel index
get.ctGet ct object from plan object
get.ct.entrance.pointGet entrance point in CT
get.dektools.envGet Environment Variables
get.dose.beamLUTEvaluate net Dose from beamLUTs (pure-dek)
get.filepathFilepath of objects
get.install.pathGet installing folder
get.isocenterrecupera isocentro
get.letd.beamLUTEvaluate net dose averaged LET from beamLUTs (pure-dek)
get.originGet origin coordinates
get.prescriptionrecupera prescrizione
get.profileGet profile
get.profilesGet profiles
get.raysGet rays from beams
get.rbe.beamLUTEvaluate net RBE from beamLUTs (pure-dek)
get.sparse.array.gateGet sparse array values (Gate)
get.subset.valuesGet a subset of a 'values' object.
get.subset.voisGet a subset of a 'vois' object.
get.valuesGet values object
get.values_at.pointsget values at coordinates
get.values.dataframerecupera matrice di valori in formato dataframe
get.values.for.beamEvaluate BeamLUT (obsolete)
get.values.gateGet values object (Gate)
get.values.gate.planGet values object (Gate)
get.values.listGet values objects
get.values.plankit.planGet values object (PlanKIT)
get.voiindexGet the VOI index from the contours file
get.voi.logicalEvaluate VOI logical matrix
get.voisGet VOIs from plan
get.voxel.indexGet voxel index from coordinates
get.zBP.funReturn a function z.BP(E)
header2listConvert DICOM header file/data.frame to nested list
identify.sliceidentifica slice corrispondente alla coordinata
install.gateInstall Gate
install.plankitInstall Plankit (obsolete)
install.puredekInstall Pure-dek
install.survivalInstall Survival
interpolate.valuesTri-linear interpolation
ion.from.zIon from Z if point(s) is(are) inside a VOI
load.test.datacarica dati per i test
lut.add.alphaAdd alpha values to lUT
lut.add.betaaggiungi beta alla lut
lut.add.rbe.alphaAggiunge RBE.alpha alla LUT
lut.radial.integralintegra la lut radiale
merge.valuesMerge a list of values
meshgridCreate a meshgrid
mkm.lowerMKM lower limits
mkm.upperMKM upper limits
my.ggplot.themeimposta stile generale per ggplot2
NTCP.cMKMcalcola NTCP con modello cMKM
ntcp.kallmanNTCP (Biological Dose, Relative Seriality Model...
ntcp.kallman.trainNTCP (Biological Dose, Relative Seriality Model...
NTCP.LL.cMKMcalcola la log likelihood di complicazioni (NTCP), per un...
NTCP.LL.LMcalcola la log likelihood di complicazioni (NTCP), per un...
NTCP.LMcalcola NTCP con modello LM
ntcp.SNTCP (Relative Seriality Model [Kallman1992a])
Pfunzione spettro di potenza
points2intervalsEvaluate intervals
ray.tracingRay-tracing (intersections)
rbe.evaluateEvaluation of dose-depending RBE
read.1dRead 1D array
read.3dRead 3d array (PlanKIT)
read.3d.dicomRead 3d DICOM
read.3d.hdrRead 3d array (Analyze/Gate)
read.beamLUTRead a beamLUT (pure-dek)
read.beamLUTsRead the beamLUTs (pure-dek)
read.beamsRead beams from file (PlanKIT)
read.contoursRead contours from file
read.contours.dicomRead contours from DICOM file
read.lutRead LUT (4d)
read.materials.gateRead materials database (Gate)
read.planRead Plan
read.voisRead VOIs from file
remove.atomic.massRemove atomic mass number
remove.values.outside.voiRemoves values outside VOI
render.isosurfacesrendering di isosuperfici da matrice values (openGL)
render.isosurfaces.staticrendering di isosuperfici da matrice values
render.voi.isosurfacesrendering 3D dei voi con isosuperfici
rest.energyRest energy
Rplanit-packageRT Ion planning simulations and analysis
run.dek.forwardForward planning (Pure-dek)
run.dek.inverseInverse planning (Pure-dek)
run.gate.forwardEvaluate forward planning (Gate)
sanitize.contoursCorrect consistency of contours
sanitize.ctrimuove valori fuori range della ct
sanitize.filenameSanitize file name
sanitize.valuesSet not defined or not "physical" values to NA
save.planSave Plan
set.ct.gateSet the CT/phantom (Gate)
set.dektools.envSet Environment Variables
setenv.rplanitSet the system environment variables
set.lut.folderSet LUT folder
set.originSet origin coordinates
set.wepl.folderSet WEPL folder
sparse.array.from.valuesget sparse format data from a values object
TCP.cMKMcalcola TCP con modello cMKM
TCP.LL.cMKMcalcola la log likelihood di cura (TCP), per un singolo caso,...
TCP.LL.LMcalcola la log likelihood di cura (TCP), per un singolo caso,...
TCP.LMcalcola TCP con modello LM
tcp.lqpTCP (Poissonian Model, Biological Dose)
tcp.lqp.trainTCP (Biological Dose, Poissonian Model, Variable fractions)
tcp.STCP (Poissonian Model)
threshold.valuesSet values under threshold to NA
values.add.RBEcalcola l'RBE e l'agiunge in values a partire da alpha e beta...
values.add.RBE.alphaCalcola l'RBE.alpha e l'aggiunge in values
values.add.survival.cMKMCalcola la sopravvivenza secondo il modello cMKM e la...
values.add.survival.LMCalcola la sopravvivenza secondo il modello LM e la aggiunge...
values.appValues eploration (Web App)
values.from.sparse.arrayCreate values from sparse array
volume.contoursEvaluate volume from contours
write.3dWrite 3D array (Pure-dek)
write.analyzeWrite 3D array (analyze)
write.beamLUTscrive le matrici V_b,v (beamLUT) (obsolete)
write.beamsWrite beams (RTIonPlan)
write.contoursSave contours
write.lutsalva la lut a partire dai dati in memoria
write.lut.4dWrite LUT 4d data array
write.lut.metaWrite LUT meta file
write.lut.opticsWrite LUT optics (meta) file
write.lut.phasespaceWrite LUT phase-space file
write.lut.zBPWrite LUT Bragg peaks depths file
ZeffEvaluate the effective charge
z.from.ionZ from ion
planit-group/Rplanit documentation built on Dec. 5, 2022, 11:10 p.m.