
Defines functions .parn94 add_par preprocess_spectrum parn94.sparse_pi_spectrum parn94.default parn94

Documented in parn94 parn94.default parn94.sparse_pi_spectrum

#' Parncutt & Strasburger (1994)
#' This function analyses a sonority using Richard Parncutt's
#' psychoacoustic model of harmony, as described in
#' \insertCite{Parncutt1994;textual}{parn94}.
#' @param x Object to analyse,
#' which will be coerced to an object of class
#' \code{\link[hrep]{sparse_pi_spectrum}}.
#' Various input types are possible:
#' * Numeric vectors will be treated as vectors of MIDI note numbers,
#' which will be expanded into their implied harmonics.
#' * A two-element list can be used to define a harmonic spectrum.
#' The first element should be a vector of MIDI note numbers,
#' the second a vector of amplitudes.
#' * The function also accepts classes from the \code{hrep} package,
#' such as produced by \code{\link[hrep]{pi_chord}()} and
#' \code{\link[hrep]{sparse_pi_spectrum}()}.
#' @param par Parameter list as created by \code{\link{parn94_params}()}.
#' @param ... Parameters to pass to \code{\link[hrep]{sparse_pi_spectrum}}.
#' * \code{num_harmonics}: Number of harmonics to use when expanding
#' chord tones into their implied harmonics.
#' * \code{roll_off}: Rate of amplitude roll-off for the harmonics.
#' @return An list of class \code{parn94}, comprising the following components:
#' \item{pure_spectrum}{A tibble describing the sonority's pure spectrum.
#' The pure spectrum is a spectral representation of the input sound
#' after auditory masking, but before pattern matching.}
#' \item{pure_spectrum}{A tibble describing the sonority's complex spectrum.
#' The complex spectrum is created from the pure spectrum through
#' harmonic template matching.}
#' \item{combined_spectrum}{A tibble describing the sonority's combined spectrum.
#' The combined spectrum corresponds to the combination of the
#' pure and complex spectra.}
#' \item{par}{A list comprising the parameters used to perform the analysis,
#' as created by \code{\link{parn94_params}()}.}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @rdname parn94
#' @md
#' @export
parn94 <- function(x, par = parn94_params(), ...) {

#' @rdname parn94
#' @export
parn94.default <- function(x, par = parn94_params(), ...) {
  x <- hrep::sparse_pi_spectrum(x, digits = 0, ...)
  parn94(x, par = par)

#' @rdname parn94
#' @export
parn94.sparse_pi_spectrum <- function(x, par = parn94_params(), ...) {
  x <- preprocess_spectrum(x, par)
  .parn94() %>%
    add_pure_spectrum(x, par) %>%
    add_complex_spectrum(par) %>%
    add_combined_spectrum(par) %>%

preprocess_spectrum <- function(x, par) {
  if (!hrep::is.equal_tempered(x)) stop("input must be equal-tempered")
  x[hrep::pitch(x) >= par$min_midi &
      hrep::pitch(x) <= par$max_midi, ]

add_par <- function(x, par) {
  x$par <- par

.parn94 <- function() {
  x <- list()
  class(x) <- "parn94"
pmcharrison/parn94 documentation built on April 10, 2021, 1:33 p.m.