
Defines functions pvar

Documented in pvar

##' Prints the name and value of one or more objects
##' A convenience function for writing the names and values of objects to the
##' session window (and/or to another object).  Especially useful to keep track
##' of variables within loops.
##' Input objects can be numeric, character, and/or logical.  They can also be
##' atomic or vectors.  It will accept data frames and matrices without error,
##' but the results won't be easily readable.
##' @export
##' @param \dots Objects whose names and values are to be printed, separated by
##' commas. Can also be a simple list.
##' @param digits Number of digits to display for numeric objects.  Defaults to
##' \code{NULL}, which corresponds to no restriction on the number of digits.  This
##' is passed to the \code{digits} argument of \code{\link{round}}.
##' @param abbrev Number of characters to display for character objects.
##' Defaults to \code{NULL}, which corresonds to no restriction on the number
##' of characters.
##' @param sep Character string that separates the objects that are printed
##' @param verbose \code{=TRUE} writes the value of the object(s) to the
##' session window
##' @return Invisibly returns a character string containing the names of the
##' objects and their values
##' @author Landon Sego
##' @keywords misc
##' @examples
##' x <- 10
##' y <- 20.728923
##' z <- "This.long.string"
##' pvar(x, y, z)
##' pvar(x, y, z, digits = 2)
##' pvar(x, y, z, abbrev = 4)
##' pvar(x, y, z, digits = 2, abbrev = 4)
##' pvar(x, y, z, sep = ",")
##' # values can be vectors too
##' x <- 10:12
##' y <- c("This","That")
##' v2 <- pvar(x, y, verbose = FALSE)
##' v2
##' # Or a simple list
##' pvar(list(x = 1:2, y = "this", z = TRUE))
##' # Can be useful for keeping track of iterations in loops
##' for (i in 1:2) {
##'   for (j in letters[1:2]) {
##'     for (k in c("this","that")) {
##'       pvar(i, j, k)
##'     }
##'   }
##' }

pvar <- function(..., digits = NULL, abbrev = NULL, sep = ";", verbose = TRUE) {

  # Check arguments
  stopifnotMsg(# digits
               if (!is.null(digits)) {
                 if (is.numeric(digits) & (length(digits) == 1)) {
                   digits %% 1 == 0
                 } else FALSE
               } else TRUE,
               "'digits' must be NULL or an integer",
               # abbrev
               if (!is.null(abbrev)) {
                 if (is.numeric(abbrev) & (length(abbrev) == 1)) {
                   (abbrev %% 1 == 0) & (abbrev >= 1)
                 } else FALSE
               } else TRUE,
               "'abbrev' must be NULL or 1, 2, 3, ...",

               # sep
               is.character(sep) & (length(sep) == 1),
               "'sep' must be a character string",

               # verbose
               is.logical(verbose) & (length(verbose) == 1),
               "'verbose' must be TRUE or FALSE")
  # Grab the objects into a list
  vars <- list(...)
  vnames <- as.character(substitute(list(...)))[-1]

  # If a single list was provided
  if (length(vars) == 1) {
    if (is.list(vars[[1]])) {

      vars <- vars[[1]]
      vnames <- names(vars)


  # If an element of the list is NULL, replace it with a text string
  vars <- lapply(vars, function(x) if (is.null(x)) "NULL" else x)

  # Make abbreviations
  if (!is.null(abbrev)) {
    vars <- lapply(vars, function(x) if (is.character(x)) substr(x, 1, abbrev) else x)

  # Truncate to desired digits
  if (!is.null(digits)) {
    vars <- lapply(vars, function(x) if (is.numeric(x)) round(x, digits) else x)

  # Collapse the text into a single string
  out <- paste(paste(vnames, lapply(vars, paste, collapse=", "),
                     sep = " = "), collapse = paste(sep, " ", sep = ""))

  if (verbose) {
    cat(out, "\n")


} # end pvar()
pnnl/Smisc documentation built on Oct. 18, 2020, 6:18 p.m.