
#' @title Buffer clound masks
#' @description Internal function (used by [s2_mask]) which smooths
#'  and buffers a 0-1 mask image in order to reduce the roughness of the mask
#'  obtained from SCL classification (which is done pixel by pixel).
#'  See details.
#' @param inmask The path of the input 0-1 mask (where 0 represents the area
#'  to be masked, 1 the cleen surface).
#' @param binpaths list of paths of binaries.
#' @param tmpdir (optional) Path where intermediate files (VRT) will be created.
#'  Default is a temporary directory.
#' @param radius (optional) Numerical (positive): the size (in the unit of
#'  `inmask`, typically metres) to be used as radius for the smoothing
#'  (the higher it is, the more smooth the output mask will result).
#' @param buffer (optional) Numerical (positive or negative): the size of the 
#'  buffer (in the unit of `inmask`, typically metres) to be applied to the 
#'  masked area after smoothing it (positive to enlarge, negative to reduce).
#' @param namask (optional) The path of an input 0-1 mask where 0 represents 
#'  the area of the original file with NA values (which should not be 
#'  smoothed / buffered).
#'  Default (NULL) means that no NA values are presente.
#' @return The path of the smoothed mask.
#' @export
#' @importFrom rgdal GDALinfo
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @author Luigi Ranghetti, phD (2018) \email{ranghetti.l@@irea.cnr.it}
#' @note License: GPL 3.0

smooth_mask <- function(inmask, binpaths, tmpdir = tempdir(), radius = 250, buffer = 250, namask = NULL) {
    # if inmask is a raster use the path (it should not happen)
    inmask_path0 <- if (is(inmask, "character")) {
    } else {
    # if inmask is a raster use the path (it should not happen)
    namask_path <- if (is.null(namask) | is(namask, "character")) {
    } else {
    # convert radius and buffer from metres to number of pixels (as required by gdal_fillnodata)
    inmask_res <- mean(suppressWarnings(GDALinfo(inmask_path0)[c("res.x", "res.y")]))
    radius_npx <- abs(radius/inmask_res)
    buffer_npx <- buffer/inmask_res
    # 1. set inmask=1 (clear sky) and namask=0 (nodata) to NA
    inmask_path1 <- file.path(tmpdir, basename(tempfile(pattern = "mask_", fileext = ".tif")))
    if (!is.null(namask)) {
        system(paste0(binpaths$gdal_calc, " ", "-A \"", inmask_path0, "\" -B \"", namask_path, "\" ", "--outfile=\"", inmask_path1, "\" --calc=\"A+1-B\" ", "--type=\"Byte\" --NoDataValue=1 --format=\"GTiff\" --co=\"COMPRESS=LZW\""), 
            intern = Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows")
    } else {
        system(paste0(binpaths$gdal_translate, " -of GTiff -co COMPRESS=LZW -a_nodata 1 ", inmask_path0, " ", inmask_path1), intern = Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows")
    if (radius_npx != 0) {
        # 2. first positive buffer (1/2 radius)
        inmask_path2 <- gsub("\\.tif$", "_2.tif", inmask_path1)
        system(paste0("gdal_fillnodata.py", " -md ", radius_npx * 3/4, " -si 0 -of GTiff -co COMPRESS=LZW ", inmask_path1, " ", inmask_path2), intern = Sys.info()["sysname"] == 
        # 3. invert the image: set inmask=0 (clouds) and namask=0 (nodata) to NA
        inmask_path3 <- gsub("\\.tif$", "_3.tif", inmask_path1)
        if (!is.null(namask)) {
            inmask_path2b <- gsub("\\.tif$", "_2b.tif", inmask_path1)
            system(paste0(binpaths$gdal_translate, " -of GTiff -co COMPRESS=LZW -a_nodata none ", inmask_path2, " ", inmask_path2b), intern = Sys.info()["sysname"] == 
            system(paste0(binpaths$gdal_calc, " ", "-A \"", inmask_path2b, "\" -B \"", namask_path, "\" ", "--outfile=\"", inmask_path3, "\" --calc=\"A*B\" ", "--type=\"Byte\" --NoDataValue=0 --format=\"GTiff\" --co=\"COMPRESS=LZW\""), 
                intern = Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows")
        } else {
            system(paste0(binpaths$gdal_translate, " -of GTiff -co COMPRESS=LZW -a_nodata 0 ", inmask_path2, " ", inmask_path3), intern = Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows")
        # 2. second negative buffer (3/4 radius + 5/4 radius)
        inmask_path4 <- gsub("\\.tif$", "_4.tif", inmask_path1)
        system(paste0("gdal_fillnodata.py", " -md ", radius_npx * 2, " -si 0 -of GTiff -co COMPRESS=LZW ", inmask_path3, " ", inmask_path4), intern = Sys.info()["sysname"] == 
        # 5. invert the image: set inmask=1 (clear sky) and namask=0 (nodata) to NA
        inmask_path5 <- gsub("\\.tif$", "_5.tif", inmask_path1)
        if (!is.null(namask)) {
            inmask_path4b <- gsub("\\.tif$", "_4b.tif", inmask_path1)
            system(paste0(binpaths$gdal_translate, " -of GTiff -co COMPRESS=LZW -a_nodata none ", inmask_path4, " ", inmask_path4b), intern = Sys.info()["sysname"] == 
            system(paste0(binpaths$gdal_calc, " ", "-A \"", inmask_path4b, "\" -B \"", namask_path, "\" ", "--outfile=\"", inmask_path5, "\" --calc=\"A*B+1-B\" ", "--type=\"Byte\" --NoDataValue=1 --format=\"GTiff\" --co=\"COMPRESS=LZW\""), 
                intern = Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows")
        } else {
            system(paste0(binpaths$gdal_translate, " -of GTiff -co COMPRESS=LZW -a_nodata 1 ", inmask_path4, " ", inmask_path5), intern = Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows")
    } else {
        inmask_path5 <- inmask_path1
    }  # end of IF radius > 0 cycle
    # 6. third positive buffer (5/4 radius to complete smooth, buffer to buffer if < 0, to 3/2 buffer if >0)
    inmask_path6 <- gsub("\\.tif$", "_6.tif", inmask_path1)
    system(paste0("gdal_fillnodata.py", " -md ", radius_npx * 5/4 + ifelse(buffer_npx > 0, buffer_npx * 3/2, buffer_npx), " -si 0 -of GTiff -co COMPRESS=LZW ", inmask_path5, 
        " ", inmask_path6), intern = Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows")
    # 7-8 if buffer_npx > 0
    if (buffer_npx > 0) {
        # 7. invert the image: set inmask=0 (clouds) and namask=0 (nodata) to NA
        inmask_path7 <- gsub("\\.tif$", "_7.tif", inmask_path1)
        if (!is.null(namask)) {
            inmask_path6b <- gsub("\\.tif$", "_6b.tif", inmask_path1)
            system(paste0(binpaths$gdal_translate, " -of GTiff -co COMPRESS=LZW -a_nodata none ", inmask_path6, " ", inmask_path6b), intern = Sys.info()["sysname"] == 
            system(paste0(binpaths$gdal_calc, " ", "-A \"", inmask_path6b, "\" -B \"", namask_path, "\" ", "--outfile=\"", inmask_path7, "\" --calc=\"A*B\" ", "--type=\"Byte\" --NoDataValue=0 --format=\"GTiff\" --co=\"COMPRESS=LZW\""), 
                intern = Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows")
        } else {
            system(paste0(binpaths$gdal_translate, " -of GTiff -co COMPRESS=LZW -a_nodata 0 ", inmask_path6, " ", inmask_path7), intern = Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows")
        # 8. fourth negative buffer (1/2)
        inmask_path8 <- gsub("\\.tif$", "_8.tif", inmask_path1)
        system(paste0("gdal_fillnodata.py", " -md ", buffer_npx/2, " -si 0 -of GTiff -co COMPRESS=LZW ", inmask_path7, " ", inmask_path8), intern = Sys.info()["sysname"] == 
    # 9. remove nodata labels
    inmask_path9 <- gsub("\\.tif$", "_9.tif", inmask_path1)
    system(paste0(binpaths$gdal_translate, " -of GTiff -co COMPRESS=LZW -a_nodata none ", ifelse(buffer_npx > 0, inmask_path8, inmask_path6), " ", inmask_path9), intern = Sys.info()["sysname"] == 
    if (!is.null(namask)) {
        inmask_path9b <- gsub("\\.tif$", "_9b.tif", inmask_path1)
        system(paste0(binpaths$gdal_calc, " ", "-A \"", inmask_path9, "\" -B \"", namask_path, "\" ", "--outfile=\"", inmask_path9b, "\" --calc=\"A*B\" ", "--type=\"Byte\" --NoDataValue=255 --format=\"GTiff\" --co=\"COMPRESS=LZW\""), 
            intern = Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows")
    } else {
pobsteta/theia2r documentation built on May 25, 2019, 2:21 p.m.