#' Update the data for the County Dashboard application.
#' @description
#' This is a helper function that pulls together the data needed by the
#' County Dashboard application (https://github.com/pocdata/county_dashboard),
#' formats the data as needed, and then writes the data to a folder sharing the
#' name of the project repo ("county_dashboard").
#' Two collections of data are produced by \code{get_sparklines_data()} and
#' \code{get_fast_facts_data()}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{data to support the trends over time (aka - the sparklines)}
#' \item{data to support summary descriptive statistics (aka - the fast facts)}
#' }
#' These collections are then split into county, region, and state variants,
#' along with some crucial context and titling information for each variant,
#' by \code{finish_dashboard_data()}.
#' The final data results are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{county_context.csv (titling and sparklines/fast facts context)}
#' \item{county_data.csv (sparklines/fast facts data)}
#' \item{region_context.csv}
#' \item{region_data.csv}
#' \item{state_context.csv}
#' \item{state_data.csv}
#' \item{year_limits.csv (the min and max year covered by the data)}
#' }
#' Data sources used in the above process:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{annie: variety of stored procedure calls}
#' \item{POC: dbo.ref_lookup_county_region}
#' \item{POC: dbo.ref_lookup_census_population}
#' \item{POC: public_data.unemployment}
#' \item{POC: public_data.hs_graduation}
#' \item{POC: public_data.free_lunch_county}
#' }
#' @param annie_connection Active RODBC connection the annie MySQL server. No
#' testing done to insure valid connection - should be handled external to this
#' function.
#' @param poc_connection Active RODBC connection the POC SQL server. No
#' testing done to insure valid connection - should be handled external to this
#' function.
#' @return
#' Function attempts to verify if the update succeeds but failure is not
#' terminal to avoid interrupting the update collection.
#' Returns a simple list. If all update steps seem succesful, first element
#' is TRUE and second element is character string "Success."
#' If any update steps seem to fail, first element is FALSE and second element
#' is a character vector of detected issues.
#' @export
get_county_dashboard_data <- function(annie_connection, poc_connection) {
# get the base data needed for the sparklines
spark_base <- get_sparklines_data(annie_connection)
# get the base data needed for the fast facts
fact_base <- get_fast_facts(poc_connection)
# shape the data into the dataframe structures needed by the application
clean_data <- finish_dashboard_data(spark_base, fact_base)
# safely create a folder for the data - if called by update_data_portal_apps
# there should be little chance of duplicate folder names (because that
# creates a special data folder and adjust the working directory to that
# folder), but if update_county_dashboard is called directly, we
# minimize the risk of overwriting a folder with safe_folder
folder_check <- safe_folder(target_name = "county_dashboard")
# if creating the folder failed, we flag the update as a failure and
# end the function early
if(!folder_check$result) {
return(paste0("safe_folder() failed with the following: ",
# otherwise, we proceed to write a csv for each data object (vector or
# dataframe) to the target folder
folder_name <- folder_check$full_path
# for each item in the clean_data list...
for(list_index in 1:length(clean_data)) {
current_list <- clean_data[[list_index]]
# make sure it is a list
if(typeof(current_list) != "list") {
# if not, it should just be a dataframe or vector and can be
# written directly
paste0(folder_name, "/",
names(clean_data[list_index]), ".csv"))
} else {
# but if it is a list, we are going to print each item
# (presumably a dataframe) in that list
for(df_index in 1:length(current_list)) {
current_df <- current_list[[df_index]]
df_name <- names(current_list[df_index])
list_name <- names(clean_data)[[list_index]]
paste0(folder_name, "/",
list_name, "_", df_name, ".csv"))
# and finally report success
return("county_dashboard data successfully prepared.")
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