pkg_list <- list(
conflicted = c("conflicted"),
rprofile = c(
"devtools", "fledge", "lintr", "pkgdown", "remotes", "reprex", "rmarkdown",
"roxygen2md", "styler", "testthat", "usethis"
legacy = c("err", "rpdo", "plyr", "reshape2"),
poisutils = c(
"poisspatial", "poisdata", "poisix", "poisplot", "poisutils", "poispalette"
bc = c("bcdata", "rems", "wqbc", "wqindex", "fishbc", "fwapgr", "fwatlasbc"),
canada = c("canwqdata", "ssdtools"),
parallel = c("doParallel", "foreach"),
misc = c(
"data.table", "daff", "naniar", "readwriteaws", "snakecase", "sessioninfo",
"units", "yesno"
spatial = c("mapview", "sf"),
tidyverse_extras = c(
"blob", "cli", "crayon", "hms", "glue", "lubridate", "magrittr", "pillar",
"readxl", "rlang", "dm", "tidyplus"
tidyverse_core = c(
"ggplot2", "tibble", "tidyr", "readr", "purrr", "dplyr", "stringr",
plot = c(
"grid", "ggplot2", "ggdag", "ggmap", "ggrepel", "ggspatial", "ggthemes",
"latex2exp", "scales", "viridis", "tinter"
utils = c("chk", "dttr2", "hmstimer"),
databasing = c("flobr", "dbflobr", "RSQLite", "readwritesqlite"),
analysis = c(
"universals", "extras", "ggdag", "term", "loo", "nlist", "newdata", "rescale",
"mcmcr", "mcmcderive", "mcmcdata", "embr", "tmbr", "smbr", "jmbr"
reporting = c("subfoldr2", "subfoldr2ext", "subreport")
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