
Defines functions calculatePopFitness calculateFitness rmse mae checkSolutionFound nodesToProcess traverseFunctionNodes decode calculateValue calculateValueInSolution calculateValue2 decode2

Documented in calculateFitness calculatePopFitness calculateValue calculateValue2 calculateValueInSolution checkSolutionFound decode decode2 mae nodesToProcess rmse traverseFunctionNodes

#' calculatePopFitness
#' Calculates the fitness of each solution in the population
#' @param population the list of solutions to be evaluated
#' @param dataModel a list containing the the dataset used to evaluate each
#' solution against and a formula for the model of the dataset
#' @param fitnessFunction the fitness function to use
#' @param functionSet the functionSet used with the population
#' @return the population with fitness values nested inside
calculatePopFitness <- function(population, dataModel,
                                fitnessFunction, functionSet) {

  for (i in 1:length(population)) {

    fitness <- calculateFitness(population[[i]], dataModel, fitnessFunction,

    population[[i]]$fitness <- fitness


#' calculateFitness
#' Calculates the fitness of a solution
#' @param solution the solution to be evaluated
#' @param dataModel a list containing the the dataset used to evaluate each
#' solution against and a formula for the model of the dataset
#' @param fitnessFunction the fitness function to use
#' @param functionSet the functionSet used with the population
#' @return the fitness value of the solution
calculateFitness <- function(solution, dataModel,
                             fitnessFunction, functionSet) {

  #Prepare variables used for working with data
  dataset <- dataModel$dataset
  model <- dataModel$model
  output <- model[[2]]
  indexOfOutput <- which(colnames(dataset) == output)

  #Get only the required nodes
  functionNodesUsed <- nodesToProcess(solution)

  #Get the numbers of rows up to the random constant row
  inputs <- 1:(nrow(solution$inputNodes) - 1)

  #Create vector to hold results
  results <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nrow(dataset))

  for (i in 1:nrow(dataset)) {

    #Load the inputNodes with input data from the dataset
    for (input in inputs) {
      solution$inputNodes[input, ]$value <- dataset[i, ][[input + 1]]

    #Decode the solution
    solution <- decode(solution, functionNodesUsed, functionSet)

    #Write the result of decoding into the results vector
    results[i] <- solution$outputNodes[1, ]$value

  #Combine the dataset outputs and results into a single list
  outputs <- data.frame(actual = dataset[[indexOfOutput]], predicted = results)


#' rmse
#' Calculates the Root Mean Squared Error on a set of predicted and actual
#' values. RMSE gives a large weight to large errors and should be used where
#' large errors are undesirable.
#' @param data a dataset containing predicted and actual values
#' @return the rmse value
#' @export
rmse <- function(data) {

  results <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nrow(data))
  for (i in 1:nrow(data)) {
    #Substract actual value from predicted value and square result
    results[i] <- (data[i, ]$predicted - data[i, ]$actual) ^ 2

  #Square root the mean of the results
  return (sqrt(mean(results)))

#' mae
#' Calculates the Mean Absolute Error on a set of predicted and actual values.
#' MAE produces a clear indicator of the average absolute difference between
#' predicted and actual values.
#' @param data a dataset containing predicted and actual values
#' @return the mae value
#' @export
mae <- function(data) {

  results <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nrow(data))
  for (i in 1:nrow(data)) {

    #Subtract the predicted value from actual value and take the absolute value
    results[i] <- abs(data[i, ]$actual - data[i, ]$predicted)

  #Mean of the results

#' checkSolutionFound
#' Checks if a solution has been found. A solution has been found if there is
#' a individual in the population with a fitness value of zero.
#' @param population the population which contains fitness values
#' @return a boolean stating whether a solution has been found or not
checkSolutionFound <- function(population) {

  #Check if 0 is within the fitness values
  return(is.element(0, sapply(population, "[[", "fitness")))

#' nodesToProcess
#' Find the functionNodes which are required by the outputNodes.
#' @param solution The solution containing the nodes
#' @return the functionNodes required
nodesToProcess <- function(solution) {

  functionNodes <- solution$functionNodes

  outputID <- solution$outputNodes[1, ]$inputs

  nodesUsed <- vector(mode = "logical", length = nrow(functionNodes))

  nodesUsed <- traverseFunctionNodes(functionNodes, nodesUsed, outputID)

  return(functionNodes[nodesUsed, ])

#' traverseFunctionNodes
#' Traverses through the functionNode structure starting at chromoID
#' and then recursively running on each of the nodes inputs.
#' @param functionNodes the functionNode structure
#' @param nodesUsed a boolean vector signifying if a node was used
#' @param chromoID the chromoID of the starting node
#' @return a boolean vector signifying the nodes used
traverseFunctionNodes <- function(functionNodes, nodesUsed, chromoID) {

  #If the chromoID is now an inputNode
  if (chromoID < functionNodes[1, ]$chromoID) {

  } else {

    #Find the index of the node with this chromoID
    index <- which(functionNodes$chromoID == chromoID)

    #Set the corresponding row in nodesUsed to TRUE
    nodesUsed[index] <- TRUE

    #Recursively loop over the inputs of each node used
    inputs <- unlist(functionNodes[index, ]$inputs)
    for (input in inputs) {
      nodesUsed <- traverseFunctionNodes(functionNodes, nodesUsed, input)


#' decode
#' Decodes the solution. Uses calculateValueInSolution so that the values
#' calculated are stored within the solution for future use
#' @param solution the solution containing the nodes
#' @param functionNodesUsed the function nodes required to get an output value
#' @param functionSet the functionSet used when creating the population
#' @return the solution with updated values inside
decode <- function(solution, functionNodesUsed, functionSet) {

  #Calculate the values of all the required nodes
  solution <- calculateValueInSolution(solution, functionNodesUsed, functionSet)


#' calculateValue
#' Calculates the output value after propagating the values of the inputNodes
#' through each of the functionNodes.
#' @param node the current functionNode
#' @param solution the solution containing the nodes
#' @param functionSet the functionSet used when creating the population
#' @return the value for the currentNode
calculateValue <- function(node, solution, functionSet) {

  #Get the name of the function to call from the functionSet
  funcToCall <- functionSet[node$funcID, ]$funcName

  inputs <- unlist(node$inputs[[1]])

  #Get the value of the first argument of the funcToCall
  firstArgument <- findRow(solution, inputs[1])$value

  #If the function takes two parameters
  if (length(inputs) == 2) {
    #Get the value of the second argument of the funcToCall
    secondArgument <- findRow(solution, inputs[2])$value
    value <- do.call(funcToCall, list(firstArgument, secondArgument))
  } else {
    #The function takes one parameter
    value <- do.call(funcToCall, list(firstArgument))


#' calculateValueInSolution
#' Calculates the value that should be stored in each entry of functionNodesUsed
#' and stores it in the corresponding location of solution
#' @param solution the solution containing the nodes
#' @param functionNodesUsed the function nodes required to get an output value
#' @param functionSet the functionSet used when creating the population
#' @return the solution after writing the calculated values in
calculateValueInSolution <- function(solution, functionNodesUsed, functionSet) {

  #If the solution uses functionNodes
  if (nrow(functionNodesUsed) != 0) {
    for (i in 1:nrow(functionNodesUsed)) {

      #Store the current node
      currentNode <- functionNodesUsed[i, ]

      #Calculate the value for this node
      value <- calculateValue(currentNode, solution, functionSet)

      #Find the index of the currentNode in the solution
      index <- which(solution$functionNodes$chromoID == currentNode$chromoID)

      #Write the value into the solution
      solution$functionNodes[index, ]$value <- value

    #Write the last value into outputNodes
    solution$outputNodes[1, ]$value <- solution$functionNodes[index, ]$value

  } else {
    #The solution takes its output directly from an inputNode

    #Get the chromoID of the inputNode used
    chromoID <- solution$outputNodes[1, ]$inputs

    #Write the value of the inputNode into the solution
    solution$outputNodes[1, ]$value <- findRow(solution, chromoID)$value

#' calculateValue2
#' Calculates the output value after propagating the values of the inputNodes
#' through each of the functionNodes. This function is similar to calculateValue
#' except that it is recursive.
#' @param node the current node
#' @param solution the solution containing all nodes
#' @param functionSet the functionSet used when creating the population
#' @return the value calculated
calculateValue2 <- function(node, solution, functionSet) {

  #If this is null then the node is an input node and the value can be extracted
  if (is.null(node$inputs)) {
  } else {

    inputs <- unlist(node$inputs)

    #Get the name of the function to call from the functionSet
    funcToCall <- functionSet[node$funcID, ]$funcName

    #Get the node which is the first argument of the funcToCall
    firstInput <- findRow(solution, inputs[1])
    #Calculate the value of this node
    firstArgument <- calculateValue2(firstInput, solution, functionSet)

    if (length(inputs) == 2) {
      #Get the node which is the second argument of the funcToCall
      secondInput <- findRow(solution, inputs[2])
      #Calculate the value of this node
      secondArgument <- calculateValue2(secondInput, solution, functionSet)
      nodeValue <- do.call(funcToCall, list(firstArgument, secondArgument))
    } else {
      nodeValue <- do.call(funcToCall, list(firstArgument))


#' decode2
#' Decodes the solution. This should be used once the cgp function has passed
#' a solution out of the program as this decoding method produces a value
#' quicker
#' @param solution the solution containing the nodes
#' @param functionSet the functionSet used when creating the solution
#' @return the value calculated
#' @export
decode2 <- function(solution, functionSet) {

  #Get the chromoID of the last functionNode used
  endFunctionNode <- solution$outputNodes[1, ]$inputs

  #Find the row which contains the chromoID found
  row <- findRow(solution, endFunctionNode)

  value <- calculateValue2(row, solution, functionSet)

porteous54/caRtesian documentation built on May 30, 2019, 11:43 a.m.