Man pages for prabhakarlab/Banksy
Spatial transcriptomic clustering

Banksy-packageThe Banksy package
clusterBanksyPerform clustering in BANKSY's neighborhood-augmented feature...
clusterNamesGet names of clustering runs.
compareClustersCompare cluster outputs based on various clustering...
computeBanksyCompute the component neighborhood matrices for the BANKSY...
connectClustersRelabel cluster labels across parameter runs to maximise...
getBanksyMatrixBuilds the BANKSY matrix from neighborhood matrices.
hippocampusMouse Hippocampus VeraFISH data
ringsAn unrealistic simulation of spatially-resolved omics data.
runBanksyPCARun PCA on a BANKSY matrix.
runBanksyUMAPRun UMAP on a BANKSY embedding.
simulateDatasetSimulate an unrealistic spatial omics dataset.
smoothLabelsk-Nearest neighbor cluster label smoothing.
prabhakarlab/Banksy documentation built on July 31, 2024, 7:37 p.m.