#' List of contingency tables
#' A convenience function to output a list of contingency tables
#' from a list of chi-square tests, as those created by
#' \code{\link{batch_chisq}}.
#' @param x A list of chi-squared tests.
#' @param option Allows specifying the type of continency table
#' to be produced. The options are:
#' - \code{observed} counts, default option.
#' - \code{expected} counts.
#' - \code{ratio} of observed to expected counts.
#' - \code{percent} row percentages.
#' @param print_option Allows specifying the output format, using
#' the \code{\link{kable}} from package \code{\link{knitr}}. The
#' default option \code{none} produces a list of matrix objects.
#' @keywords chi-squared, contingency table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' b <- batch_chisq(df = testdata, DV = "extortion_victim",
#' IV = c("bribe_victim", "size"))
#' chisq_list(b, option = "ratio", print_option = "pandoc")
chisq_list <- function(x, option = c("observed", "expected", "ratio",
"percent"), print_option = c("none",
"markdown", "pandoc", "latex", "html"))
nullind <- which(unlist(lapply(x, is.null)))
if(length(nullind) != 0) {x <- x[-nullind]}
obs <- lapply(x, function(x) as.matrix(get("observed", x)))
exp <- lapply(x, function(x) as.matrix(get("expected", x)))
if(option[1] == "observed")
results <- obs
method <- "Observed counts"
if(option[1] == "expected")
if(print_option[1] != "none")
stop("Error: Print options not available for 'expected'.")
} else
results <- exp
if(option[1] == "ratio")
results <- mapply('/', obs, exp, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
method <- "Ratio of observed to expected counts"
if(option[1] == "percent")
results <- lapply(obs, function(x) round(prop.table(x, 1)*100, 2))
method <- "Row percentages"
if(print_option[1] %in% c("markdown", "pandoc", "latex", "html"))
legend <- " of (rows) "
legend <- paste(method, legend, sep="")
varnames <- lapply(results, function(x)
names(attr(x, which = "dimnames")))
varnames <- lapply(varnames, paste, collapse = " vs. (cols) ")
caps <- paste(legend, varnames, sep = "")
results <- mapply(function(x, y)
knitr::kable(x, format=print_option[1], caption = y, digits = 3)
}, results, caps, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
if(!print_option[1] %in% c("none", "markdown", "pandoc", "latex", "html"))
stop("Printing method does not exist.")
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