
#' @include internal.R pproto.R ConservationProblem-proto.R

#' Targets
#' Targets are used to specify the minimum amount or proportion of a feature"s
#' distribution that needs to be protected. Below is a list of different
#' targets that can be added to a conservation planning \code{\link{problem}}.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{default_targets}}{The default targets are used when targets
#'     have not explicitly been set using the above functions. The creators
#'     of this package do not believe that there can be any sensible default
#'     targets. Thus relying on the default target will yield an error. }
#'   \item{\code{relative_targets}}{Targets are expressed as a proportion
#'     (between 0
#'     and 1) of the maximum level of representation in the study area.
#'     The argument to \code{x} should have a single value if all features
#'     have the same target. Otherwise, the vector should have a value for
#'     each feature. In this case, targets are assigned to features based
#'     on the their position in the argument to \code{x} and the
#'     \code{feature} when specifying the problem.}
#'   \item{\code{absolute_targets}}{Targets are expressed as the actual value
#'     that needs to be represented in the prioritisation. The argument to
#'     \code{x} is treated the same as for \code{relative_targets}.}
#'   \item{\code{loglinear_targets}}{Targets are expressed as a proportion
#'     (between 0
#'     and 1) which is calculated using a log-linear equation and four
#'     tuning parameters (as used in XXX \emph{et al.} XXX). The first
#'     tuning parameter specifies the first cut-off range size,
#'     and the second the second cut-off range size, the third argument
#'     specifies the target required for species with a range size equal
#'     to or less than the first cut-off range size, and the fourth
#'     argument specifies the target required for species with a range
#'     size equal to or greater than the required range size.}
#'  }
#' @param x \code{\link{ConservationProblem-class}} object.
#' @param targets \code{numeric} targets for features. If all features should
#'   have the same target, \code{targets} can be a single number. Otherwise,
#'   \code{targets} should be a \code{numeric} \code{vector} specifying a
#'   target for each feature. Alternatively, if the features in
#'   \code{x} were specified using a \code{data.frame} object, then
#'   argument to \code{targets} may refer to a column name.
#' @param ... not used.
#' @param lower_bound_amount \code{numeric} lower bound for the total amount
#'   of the features.
#' @param lower_bound_target \code{numeric} relative target that should be
#'   applied to features with a total amount that is less
#'  than or equal to \code{lower_bound_amount}.
#' @param upper_bound_amount \code{numeric} upper bound for the total amount
#'   of features.
#' @param upper_bound_target \code{numeric} relative target that should be
#'   applied to features with a total amount that is greater
#'   than or equal to \code{upper_bound_amount}.
#' @return \code{\link{ConservationProblem-class}} object with the target added
#'   to it.
#' @seealso \code{\link{constraints}}, \code{\link{objectives}},
#'   \code{\link{problem}}, \code{\link{add_feature_weights}}.
#' @examples
#' # load data
#' data(sim_pu_raster, sim_features)
#' # create basic problem
#' p <- problem(sim_pu_raster, sim_features) %>%
#'   add_min_set_objective()
#' # create problem with added relative targets
#' p1 <- p %>% add_relative_targets(0.1)
#' # create problem with added absolute targets
#' p2 <- p %>% add_absolute_targets(3)
#' # create problem with added log-linear target
#' p3 <- p %>% add_loglinear_targets(10, 0.9, 100, 0.2)
#' \donttest{
#' # solve solutions
#' s <- stack(solve(p1), solve(p2), solve(p3))
#' # plot solutions
#' plot(s, main=c("relative targets", "absolute targets",
#'                "log-linear targets"))
#' }
#' @aliases add_relative_targets-method add_relative_targets,ConservationProblem,numeric-method add_relative_targets,ConservationProblem,character-method add_absolute_targets-method add_absolute_targets,ConservationProblem,numeric-method add_absolute_targets,ConservationProblem,character-method
#' @name targets
#' @rdname targets
#' @docType methods

#' @rdname targets
#' @export
add_default_targets <- function(x) {
  # assert arguments are valid
  assertthat::assert_that(inherits(x, "ConservationProblem"))
  # throw error because targets must be chosen by the user
  stop("problem is missing targets and they must be explicitly defined")

#' @name add_relative_targets
#' @rdname targets
#' @exportMethod add_relative_targets
#' @export
    signature = methods::signature("x", "targets"),
    function(x, targets, ...) methods::standardGeneric("add_relative_targets"))

#' @name add_relative_targets
#' @rdname targets
#' @usage add_relative_targets(x, targets, ...) # x=ConservationProblem, targets=numeric
  methods::signature("ConservationProblem", "numeric"),
  function(x, targets, ...) {
    # assert that arguments are valid
      inherits(x, "ConservationProblem"),
      inherits(targets, "numeric"), isTRUE(all(is.finite(targets))),
      isTRUE(all(targets >= 0.0)),  isTRUE(all(targets <= 1.0)),
      isTRUE(length(targets) > 0))
    # assert that targets are compatible with problem
    if (length(targets) != 1)
      assertthat::assert_that(length(targets) == x$number_of_features())
    # create target parameters
    if (length(targets) == 1) {
      targets <- rep(targets, x$number_of_features())
    targets <- proportion_parameter_array("targets", targets, x$feature_names())
    # add targets to problemcharacter
      name = "Relative targets",
      data = list(abundances = x$feature_abundances_in_planning_units()),
      parameters = parameters(targets),
      output = function(self) {
        self$parameters$get("targets")[[1]] * self$get_data("abundances")

#' @name add_relative_targets
#' @rdname targets
#' @usage add_relative_targets(x, targets, ...) # x=ConservationProblem, targets=character
  methods::signature("ConservationProblem", "character"),
  function(x, targets, ...) {
    # assert that arguments are valid
    assertthat::assert_that(inherits(x, "ConservationProblem"),
      inherits(x$data$features, "data.frame"),
      assertthat::has_name(x$data$features, targets))
    # add targets
    add_relative_targets(x, x$data$features[[targets]])

#' @name add_absolute_targets
#' @rdname targets
#' @exportMethod add_absolute_targets
#' @export
  signature = methods::signature("x", "targets"),
  function(x, targets, ...) methods::standardGeneric("add_absolute_targets"))

#' @name add_absolute_targets
#' @rdname targets
#' @usage add_absolute_targets(x, targets, ...) # x=ConservationProblem, targets=numeric
  methods::signature("ConservationProblem", "numeric"),
  function(x, targets, ...) {
    # assert that arguments are valid
      inherits(x, "ConservationProblem"),
      inherits(targets, "numeric"), isTRUE(all(is.finite(targets))),
      isTRUE(all(targets >= 0.0)), isTRUE(length(targets) > 0))
    # assert that targets are compatible with problem
    if (length(targets) == 1) {
      targets <- rep(targets, x$number_of_features())
    assertthat::assert_that(length(targets) == x$number_of_features(),
      isTRUE(all(targets <= x$feature_abundances_in_planning_units())))
    # create target parameters
    targets <- numeric_parameter_array("targets", targets, x$feature_names(),
      lower_limit = rep(0, x$number_of_features()),
      upper_limit = x$feature_abundances_in_planning_units())
    # add targets to problem
      name = "Absolute targets",
      parameters = parameters(targets),
      output = function(self) {

#' @name add_absolute_targets
#' @rdname targets
#' @usage add_absolute_targets(x, targets, ...) # x=ConservationProblem, targets=character
  methods::signature("ConservationProblem", "character"),
  function(x, targets, ...) {
    # assert that arguments are valid
    assertthat::assert_that(inherits(x, "ConservationProblem"),
      inherits(x$data$features, "data.frame"),
      assertthat::has_name(x$data$features, targets))
    # add targets
    add_absolute_targets(x, x$data$features[[targets]])

#' @rdname targets
#' @export
add_loglinear_targets <- function(x, lower_bound_amount,
                                  upper_bound_target) {
  # assert that arguments are valid
  assertthat::assert_that(inherits(x, "ConservationProblem"),
    assertthat::is.scalar(lower_bound_amount), isTRUE(lower_bound_amount >= 0),
    assertthat::is.scalar(upper_bound_amount), isTRUE(upper_bound_amount >= 0),
    isTRUE(lower_bound_target >= 0), isTRUE(lower_bound_target <= 1),
    isTRUE(upper_bound_target >= 0), isTRUE(upper_bound_target <= 1),
    isTRUE(upper_bound_amount > lower_bound_amount))
  # create parameters
  p <- parameters(
    numeric_parameter("amount at lower bound", value = lower_bound_amount,
      lower_limit = 0),
    numeric_parameter("amount at upper bound", value = upper_bound_amount,
      lower_limit = 0),
    proportion_parameter("target at lower bound", value = lower_bound_target),
    proportion_parameter("target at upper bound", value = upper_bound_target))
  # add targets to problem
    name = "Log-linear targets",
    parameters = p,
    data = list(abundances = x$feature_abundances_in_planning_units()),
    output = function(self) {
        self$parameters$get("amount at lower bound"),
        self$parameters$get("target at lower bound"),
        self$parameters$get("amount at upper bound"),
        self$parameters$get("target at upper bound")) *
prioritizr/prioritizrutils documentation built on May 25, 2019, 12:20 p.m.