
Defines functions wdpa_fetch

Documented in wdpa_fetch

#' @include internal.R wdpa_url.R wdpa_latest_version.R

#' Fetch data
#' Fetch data from [Protected Planet](https://www.protectedplanet.net/en).
#' Specifically, data are downloaded from the
#' World Database on Protected Areas
#' (WDPA) and the World Database on Other Effective Area-Based Conservation
#' Measures (WDOECM).
#' **Note that data are downloaded assuming non-commercial use.**
#' @inheritParams wdpa_read
#' @inheritParams wdpa_url
#' @param x `character` country for which to download data. This argument
#'   can be the name of the country (e.g. `"Liechtenstein"`) or the
#'   ISO-3 code for the country (e.g. `"LIE"`). This argument can also
#'   be set to `"global"` to download all of the protected areas available
#'   in the database (approximately 1.1 GB).
#' @param wait `logical` if data is not immediately available for download
#'   should the session be paused until it is ready for download? If argument
#'   to `wait` is `FALSE` and the data is not ready then `NA`
#'   will be returned. Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param download_dir `character` folder path to download the data.
#'  Defaults to a temporary directory. To avoid downloading the
#'  same dataset multiple times, it is recommended to use a persistent
#'  directory (e.g. `rappdirs::user_data_dir("wdpar")`; see Examples below).
#' @param force_download `logical` if the data has previously been
#'   downloaded and is available at argument to `download_dir`, should a
#'   fresh copy be downloaded? Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param check_version `logical` if the data are being imported from
#'  from the argument to `download_dir`, should the data be checked to see
#'  if the version number matches the latest version available online?
#'  Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @param verbose `logical` should a progress on downloading data be
#'   reported? Defaults to `TRUE` in an interactive session, otherwise
#'   `FALSE`.
#' @inheritParams wdpa_url
#' @details
#' This function obtains and imports data from Protected Planet.
#' By default (per `force_download = FALSE`), it will check to see if the
#' data have already been downloaded and, if so, simply import the previously
#' downloaded data.
#' It will also check to see if a newer version of the dataset is available
#' on Protected Planet (per `check_version = TRUE`) and, if so, provide an
#' alert.
#' If the latest version is not required, this alert can be safely ignored.
#' However, if the latest version of the data is required,
#' then using `force_download = TRUE` will ensure that the latest version
#' is always obtained.
#' After importing the data, it is strongly recommended to clean the data
#' prior to analysis (see [wdpa_clean()]).
#' @section Data source:
#' The `PA_DEF` column indicates the data source for individual
#' areas and sites that comprise the imported dataset.
#' Specifically, data obtained through the World Database on Protected Areas
#' (WDPA) are indicated with a value of `1` in the `PA_DEF` column.
#' Additionally, data obtained through the World Database on Other Effective
#' Area-Based Conservation Measures (WDOECM) are indicated with a value of `0`
#' in the `PA_DEF` column.
#' For more details on data conventions, please consult the official manual
#' (UNEP-WCMC 2019).
#' @section Troubleshooting:
#' The function requires a Chromium-based browser
#' (e.g., Google Chrome, Chromium, or Brave) to be installed.
#' This is because it uses the \pkg{chromote} to find the URL
#' for downloading data from Protected Planet.
#' If you don't have one of these browsers installed, then please try
#' installing Google Chrome.
#' If you do have one of these browsers installed and this function
#' throws an error indicating that it can't find the browser,
#' try setting the `CHROMOTE_CHROME` environment variable to the
#' file path of the executable. For example, you could do this with:
#' ```
#' ```
#' Also, the function will sometimes produce a message
#' that complains about a `handle_read_frame` error. Please understand
#' that this message is, in fact, not an error and can be safely ignored
#' (see <https://github.com/rstudio/chromote/pull/111>).
#' As such, if you see this message when running the function,
#' you can assume that the function still worked correctly.
#' For reference, the misleading message will look something like this:
#' ```
#' [2024-04-23 12:06:36] [error] handle_read_frame error: websocketpp.transport:7 (End of File)
#' ```
#' For further help with troubleshooting, please refer to the documentation
#' for the \pkg{chromote} package (https://rstudio.github.io/chromote/).
#' @return [sf::sf()] object.
#' @seealso [wdpa_clean()], [wdpa_read()],
#'   [wdpa_url()], [countrycode::countrycode()].
#' @references
#' UNEP-WCMC (2019). User Manual for the World Database on Protected Areas and
#' world database on other effective area-based conservation measures: 1.6.
#' UNEP-WCMC: Cambridge, UK. Available at: <https://wcmc.io/WDPA_Manual>.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # fetch data for Liechtenstein
#' lie_raw_data <- wdpa_fetch("Liechtenstein", wait = TRUE)
#' # print data
#' print(lie_raw_data)
#' # plot data
#' plot(lie_raw_data)
#' # fetch data for Liechtenstein using the ISO3 code
#' lie_raw_data <- wdpa_fetch("LIE", wait = TRUE)
#' # since data are saved in a temporary directory by default,
#' # a persistent directory can be specified to avoid having to download the
#' # same dataset every time the R session is restarted
#' lie_raw_data <- wdpa_fetch("LIE", wait = TRUE,
#'                            download_dir = rappdirs::user_data_dir("wdpar"))
#' # data for multiple countries can be downloaded separately and combined,
#' # this is useful to avoid having to download the global dataset
#' ## load packages to easily merge datasets
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(tibble)
#' ## define country names to download
#' country_codes <- c("LIE", "MHL")
#' ## download data for each country
#' mult_data <- lapply(country_codes, wdpa_fetch, wait = TRUE)
#' ## merge datasets together
#' mult_dat <- st_as_sf(as_tibble(bind_rows(mult_data)))
#' ## print data
#' print(mult_dat)
#' }
#' @export
wdpa_fetch <- function(x, wait = FALSE,
                       download_dir = tempdir(),
                       force_download = FALSE,
                       check_version = TRUE,
                       n = NULL,
                       page_wait = 2,
                       datatype = "gdb",
                       verbose = interactive()) {
  # check that arguments are valid
  ## check that classes are correct
  dir.create(download_dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
    identical(x, "global") || assertthat::is.string(country_code(x)))
  # try to find locally on system
  file_path <- try(wdpa_file(x, download_dir = download_dir), silent = TRUE)
  # fetch data
  if (force_download || inherits(file_path, "try-error")) {
    ## check for internet connection
   if (!is_online()) {
      #nocov start
      stop(paste0("data not found in download_dir, and no internet connection",
                  "to download it."))
      #nocov end
    ## find latest version of the dataset
    current_month_year <- wdpa_latest_version()
    ## find the download link and set file path to save the data
    download_url <- wdpa_url(
      x, wait = wait, page_wait = page_wait, datatype = datatype
    ## note that file name conventions on protectedplanet.net have changed
    ## (detected on 8th Oct 2020) and so file names are manually changed
    ## to follow the previous convention
    ## also, note that to ensure backwwards compatibility with prevoius
    ## versions of wdpar, data that are downloaded in file geodatabase format
    ## will also be renamed to end with "-shapefile.zip" (even though they do
    ## not contain shapefile data) and we will logic in wdpa_read() to
    ## correctly import the data
    if (!identical(x, "global")) {
      file_name <- paste0("WDPA_", current_month_year, "_", country_code(x),
    } else {
      file_name <- paste0("WDPA_", current_month_year, "_Public.gdb.zip")
    file_path <- file.path(download_dir, file_name)
    ## download the data
    if (!file.exists(file_path) || force_download) {
      download_file(download_url, file_path, quiet = !verbose)
      if (verbose)
    ## verify that the file exists
    if (!file.exists(file_path))
      stop("downloading data failed") #nocov
  } else {
    # check version of available data
    if (isTRUE(check_version)) {
      ## if internet available...
      if (is_online()) {
        ### parse month-year from input file
        input_version <- wdpa_version(file_path)
        input_file_date <- convert_wdpa_version_to_POSIXct(input_version)
        ### parse month-year from latest release
        current_version <- wdpa_latest_version()
        current_file_date <- convert_wdpa_version_to_POSIXct(current_version)
        ### throw warning if out of date
        if (input_file_date < current_file_date) {
          #nocov start
              "importing local data (version ",
               format(input_file_date, "%b %Y"),
               "); use \"force=TRUE\" if you need latest version."
          #nocov end
      } else {
        ## if internet not available
         # nocov start
          "cannot verify if version on disk is up to date."
        # nocov end
  # import the data
  wdpa_read(file_path, n)
prioritizr/wdpar documentation built on April 29, 2024, 6:27 p.m.