
data(PUMS5extract10000, package="PSIlence")

# test sensitivity function
test_that('sensitivity function is consistent with intended implementation', {
  expect_equal(varianceSensitivity(2, c(0,10)),50)
  expect_equal(varianceSensitivity(5, c(5,10)),5)

#test accuracy, epsilon, and sensitivity calculations
test_that('variance getAccuracy and getEpsilon return approximately correct values for laplace mechanism', {
    # test sensitivity and accuracy
    nTest <- 10000
    epsilonTest <- 0.1

    dpVar <- dpVariance$new(mechanism='mechanismLaplace', varType='numeric', variable='age', n=nTest, epsilon=epsilonTest, rng=c(0,100))

    sens <- round((dpVar$result$epsilon * dpVar$result$accuracy) / log(1/0.05))
    acc <- round(dpVar$result$accuracy)

    expect_equal(sens, 1)
    expect_equal(acc, 30)

    # test accuracy
    accuracyTest <- 30

    dpVar2 <- dpVariance$new(mechanism='mechanismLaplace', variable='age', varType='numeric', n=nTest, accuracy=accuracyTest, rng=c(0,100))

    epsilon <- round(dpVar2$result$epsilon, digits = 1)
    expect_equal(epsilon, 0.1)

# make sure error thrown when n not positive or a whole number
test_that('error thrown when n not positive or whole number', {
    epsilonTest <- 0.1
    deltaTest <- 10^-6
    expect_error(dpVariance$new(mechanism='mechanismLaplace', variable='age', varType='numeric', n=-1, epsilon=epsilonTest, rng=c(18,93)),
                 "n must be a positive whole number")

# make sure you do not have to enter range for a logical variable
test_that('range checks throw correct warning', {

    nTest <- 10000
    epsilonTest <- 0.1

    dpVar <- dpVariance$new(mechanism='mechanismLaplace', variable='sex', varType='logical', n=nTest, epsilon=epsilonTest)

    expect_equal(length(dpVar$result$release), 1)
    expect_equal(dpVar$epsilon, epsilonTest)

# make sure error is thrown when dimension of range entered is incorrect
test_that('range checks throw correct warning', {
    nTest <- 10000
    epsilonTest <- 0.1
    deltaTest <- 10^-6

    expect_error(dpVariance$new(mechanism='mechanismLaplace', variable='age', varType='numeric', n=nTest, epsilon=epsilonTest, rng=c(100)),
                 "Error in range argument provided, c( 100 ) : requires upper and lower values as vector of length 2.", fixed=TRUE)
    expect_warning(dpVariance$new(mechanism='mechanismLaplace', variable='age', varType='numeric', n=nTest, epsilon=epsilonTest, rng=c(-10,0,100)),
                    "Range argument of c( -10, 0, 100 ) has more than two values.  Will proceed using min and max values as range.", fixed=TRUE)
    expect_error(dpVariance$new(mechanism='mechanismLaplace', variable='age', varType='numeric', n=nTest, epsilon=epsilonTest, rng=NA))
    expect_error(dpVariance$new(mechanism='mechanismLaplace', variable='age', varType='numeric', n=nTest, epsilon=epsilonTest, rng=NULL))

     #shouldn't throw error for empty range if logical
     dpVariance$new(mechanism='mechanismLaplace', variable='age', varType='logical', n=nTest, epsilon=epsilonTest, rng=NULL)

     dpVar <- dpVariance$new(mechanism='mechanismLaplace', variable='age', varType='numeric', n=nTest, epsilon=epsilonTest, rng=c(0,100))

    dpVar <- dpVariance$new(mechanism='mechanismLaplace', variable='age', varType='numeric', n=nTest, epsilon=epsilonTest, rng=c(0,100))
    expect_equal(length(dpVar$result$release), 1)
    expect_equal(dpVar$epsilon, epsilonTest)

# check for correct errors when imputation range is outside of entered range
test_that('error messages when imputation range is outside of data range', {
    nTest <- 10000
    epsilonTest <- 0.1
    rngTest <- c(18,93)

    expect_warning(dpVariance$new(mechanism='mechanismLaplace', variable='age', varType='numeric', n=nTest, epsilon=epsilonTest, rng=rngTest, imputeRng=c(0,93)),
                   'Lower bound of imputation range is outside of the data range. Setting lower bound of the imputation range to the lower bound of the data range.')

    expect_warning(dpVariance$new(mechanism='mechanismLaplace', variable='age', varType='numeric', n=nTest, epsilon=epsilonTest, rng=rngTest, imputeRng=c(18,200)),
                   'Upper bound of imputation range is outside of the data range. Setting upper bound of the imputation range to the upper bound of the data range.')

    expect_warning(dpVariance$new(mechanism='mechanismLaplace', variable='sex', varType='logical', n=nTest, epsilon=epsilonTest, imputeRng=c(2,3)),
                   'Imputation range entered for variable that is not of numeric or integer type. Setting imputation range to data range.')
test_that('output has correct dimensions', {
  x <- c(0,1,5,9,3,10)
  n <- length(x)
  data <- data.frame(x)

  dpVar <- dpVariance$new(mechanism='mechanismLaplace', variable='x', varType='numeric', n=length(x), epsilon=1, rng=c(0,10))
  out <- dpVar$release(data)

  expect_equal(out$variable, 'x')
privacytoolsproject/PSI-Library documentation built on Feb. 17, 2020, 2:03 p.m.