
Defines functions snp_ldpred2_auto snp_ldpred2_grid snp_ldpred2_inf

Documented in snp_ldpred2_auto snp_ldpred2_grid snp_ldpred2_inf


#' @importFrom bigsparser as_SFBM
#' @export


#' LDpred2
#' LDpred2. Tutorial at \url{https://privefl.github.io/bigsnpr/articles/LDpred2.html}.
#' For reproducibility, `set.seed()` can be used to ensure that two runs of
#' LDpred2 give the exact same results (since v1.10).
#' @inheritParams snp_ldsc2
#' @param corr Sparse correlation matrix as an [SFBM][SFBM-class].
#'   If `corr` is a dsCMatrix or a dgCMatrix, you can use `as_SFBM(corr)`.
#' @param h2 Heritability estimate.
#' @return `snp_ldpred2_inf`: A vector of effects, assuming an infinitesimal model.
#' @export
#' @rdname LDpred2
snp_ldpred2_inf <- function(corr, df_beta, h2) {

  assert_df_with_names(df_beta, c("beta", "beta_se", "n_eff"))
  assert_lengths(rows_along(corr), cols_along(corr), rows_along(df_beta))
  assert_pos(df_beta$beta_se, strict = TRUE)
  assert_pos(h2, strict = TRUE)

  N <- df_beta$n_eff
  scale <- sqrt(N * df_beta$beta_se^2 + df_beta$beta^2)
  beta_hat <- df_beta$beta / scale

  beta_inf <- bigsparser::sp_solve_sym(
    corr, beta_hat, add_to_diag = ncol(corr) / (h2 * N))

  beta_inf * scale


#' @param grid_param A data frame with 3 columns as a grid of hyper-parameters:
#'   - `$p`: proportion of causal variants
#'   - `$h2`: heritability (captured by the variants used)
#'   - `$sparse`: boolean, whether a sparse model is sought
#'   They can be run in parallel by changing `ncores`.
#' @param burn_in Number of burn-in iterations.
#' @param num_iter Number of iterations after burn-in.
#' @inheritParams bigsnpr-package
#' @param ind.corr Indices to "subset" `corr`, as if this was run with
#'   `corr[ind.corr, ind.corr]` instead. No subsetting by default.
#' @param return_sampling_betas Whether to return all sampling betas (after
#'   burn-in)? This is useful for assessing the uncertainty of the PRS at the
#'   individual level (see \doi{10.1101/2020.11.30.403188}).
#'   Default is `FALSE` (only returns the averaged final vectors of betas).
#'   If `TRUE`, only one set of parameters is allowed.
#' @return `snp_ldpred2_grid`: A matrix of effect sizes, one vector (column)
#'   for each row of `grid_param`. Missing values are returned when strong
#'   divergence is detected. If using `return_sampling_betas`, each column
#'   corresponds to one iteration instead (after burn-in).
#' @importFrom doRNG `%dorng%`
#' @export
#' @rdname LDpred2
snp_ldpred2_grid <- function(corr, df_beta, grid_param,
                             burn_in = 50,
                             num_iter = 100,
                             ncores = 1,
                             return_sampling_betas = FALSE,
                             ind.corr = cols_along(corr)) {

  assert_df_with_names(df_beta, c("beta", "beta_se", "n_eff"))
  assert_df_with_names(grid_param, c("p", "h2", "sparse"))
  assert_lengths(ind.corr, rows_along(df_beta))
  stopifnot(all(ind.corr %in% cols_along(corr)))
  assert_pos(df_beta$beta_se, strict = TRUE)
  assert_pos(grid_param$h2, strict = TRUE)

  N <- df_beta$n_eff
  scale <- sqrt(N * df_beta$beta_se^2 + df_beta$beta^2)
  beta_hat <- df_beta$beta / scale

  if (!return_sampling_betas) {

    ord <- with(grid_param, order(-p, sparse, -h2))  # large p first
    grid <- grid_param[ord, ]


    # LDpred2-grid models
    res_list <- foreach(
      h2 = grid$h2, p = grid$p, sparse = grid$sparse,
      .export = "ldpred2_gibbs_one") %dorng% {
          corr     = corr,
          beta_hat = beta_hat,
          n_vec    = N,
          ind_sub  = ind.corr - 1L,
          h2       = h2,
          p        = p,
          sparse   = sparse,
          burn_in  = burn_in,
          num_iter = num_iter

    inv_ord <- match(seq_along(ord), ord)
    beta_gibbs <- do.call("cbind", res_list[inv_ord])

  } else {

    if (nrow(grid_param) != 1)
      stop2("Only one set of parameters is allowed when using 'return_sampling_betas'.")

    # All sampling betas for one LDpred2 model (useful for uncertainty assessment)
    beta_gibbs <- ldpred2_gibbs_one_sampling(
      corr     = corr,
      beta_hat = beta_hat,
      n_vec    = N,
      ind_sub  = ind.corr - 1L,
      h2       = grid_param$h2,
      p        = grid_param$p,
      sparse   = grid_param$sparse,
      burn_in  = burn_in,
      num_iter = num_iter


  sweep(beta_gibbs, 1, scale, '*')


#' @param vec_p_init Vector of initial values for p. Default is `0.1`.
#' @param h2_init Heritability estimate for initialization.
#' @param sparse In LDpred2-auto, whether to also report a sparse solution by
#'   running LDpred2-grid with the estimates of p and h2 from LDpred2-auto, and
#'   sparsity enabled. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param verbose Whether to print "p // h2" estimates at each iteration.
#'   Disabled when parallelism is used.
#' @param report_step Step to report sampling betas (after burn-in and before
#'   unscaling). Nothing is reported by default. If using `num_iter = 200` and
#'   `report_step = 20`, then 10 vectors of sampling betas are reported
#'   (as a sparse matrix with 10 columns).
#' @param allow_jump_sign Whether to allow for effects sizes to change sign in
#'   consecutive iterations? Default is `TRUE` (normal sampling). You can use
#'   `FALSE` to force effects to go through 0 first before changing sign. Setting
#'   this parameter to `FALSE` could be useful to prevent instability (oscillation
#'   and ultimately divergence) of the Gibbs sampler. This would also be useful
#'   for accelerating convergence of chains with a large initial value for p.
#' @param shrink_corr Shrinkage multiplicative coefficient to apply to off-diagonal
#'   elements of the correlation matrix. Default is `1` (unchanged).
#'   You can use e.g. `0.95` to add a bit of regularization.
#' @param use_MLE Whether to use maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) to estimate
#'   alpha and the variance component (since v1.11.4), or assume that alpha is
#'   -1 and estimate the variance of (scaled) effects as h2/(m*p), as it was
#'   done in earlier versions of LDpred2-auto (e.g. in v1.10.8). Default is `TRUE`,
#'   which should provide a better model fit, but might also be less robust.
#' @param p_bounds Boundaries for the estimates of p (the polygenicity).
#'   Default is `c(1e-5, 1)`. You can use the same value twice to fix p.
#' @param alpha_bounds Boundaries for the estimates of \eqn{\alpha}.
#'   Default is `c(-1.5, 0.5)`. You can use the same value twice to fix \eqn{\alpha}.
#' @return `snp_ldpred2_auto`: A list (over `vec_p_init`) of lists with
#'   - `$beta_est`: vector of effect sizes (on the allele scale); note that
#'     missing values are returned when strong divergence is detected
#'   - `$beta_est_sparse` (only when `sparse = TRUE`): sparse vector of effect sizes
#'   - `$postp_est`: vector of posterior probabilities of being causal
#'   - `$corr_est`, the "imputed" correlations between variants and phenotypes,
#'     which can be used for post-QCing variants by comparing those to
#'     `with(df_beta, beta / sqrt(n_eff * beta_se^2 + beta^2))`
#'   - `$sample_beta`: sparse matrix of sampling betas (see parameter `report_step`),
#'     *not* on the allele scale, for which you need to multiply by
#'     `with(df_beta, sqrt(n_eff * beta_se^2 + beta^2))`
#'   - `$path_p_est`: full path of p estimates (including burn-in);
#'     useful to check convergence of the iterative algorithm
#'   - `$path_h2_est`: full path of h2 estimates (including burn-in);
#'     useful to check convergence of the iterative algorithm
#'   - `$path_alpha_est`: full path of alpha estimates (including burn-in);
#'     useful to check convergence of the iterative algorithm
#'   - `$h2_est`: estimate of the (SNP) heritability (also see [coef_to_liab])
#'   - `$p_est`: estimate of p, the proportion of causal variants
#'   - `$alpha_est`: estimate of alpha, the parameter controlling the
#'     relationship between allele frequencies and expected effect sizes
#'   - `$h2_init` and `$p_init`: input parameters, for convenience
#' @import foreach
#' @export
#' @rdname LDpred2
snp_ldpred2_auto <- function(corr, df_beta, h2_init,
                             vec_p_init = 0.1,
                             burn_in = 500,
                             num_iter = 200,
                             sparse = FALSE,
                             verbose = FALSE,
                             report_step = num_iter + 1L,
                             allow_jump_sign = TRUE,
                             shrink_corr = 1,
                             use_MLE = TRUE,
                             p_bounds = c(1e-5, 1),
                             alpha_bounds = c(-1.5, 0.5),
                             ind.corr = cols_along(corr),
                             ncores = 1) {

  assert_df_with_names(df_beta, c("beta", "beta_se", "n_eff"))
  assert_lengths(ind.corr, rows_along(df_beta))
  stopifnot(all(ind.corr %in% cols_along(corr)))
  assert_pos(df_beta$beta_se, strict = TRUE)
  assert_pos(h2_init, strict = TRUE)

  N <- df_beta$n_eff
  sd <- 1 / sqrt(N * df_beta$beta_se^2 + df_beta$beta^2)
  beta_hat <- df_beta$beta * sd

  mean_ld <- mean(
    ld_scores_sfbm(corr, ind_sub = ind.corr - 1L, ncores = ncores))

  ord <- order(-vec_p_init)  # large p first


  FUNs <- c("ldpred2_gibbs_auto", "ldpred2_gibbs_one")
  res_list <- foreach(p_init = vec_p_init[ord], .export = FUNs) %dorng% {

    ldpred_auto <- ldpred2_gibbs_auto(
      corr         = corr,
      beta_hat     = beta_hat,
      n_vec        = N,
      log_var      = 2 * log(sd),
      ind_sub      = ind.corr - 1L,
      p_init       = p_init,
      h2_init      = h2_init,
      burn_in      = burn_in,
      num_iter     = num_iter,
      verbose      = verbose && (ncores == 1),
      report_step  = report_step,
      no_jump_sign = !allow_jump_sign,
      shrink_corr  = shrink_corr,
      use_mle      = use_MLE,
      p_bounds     = p_bounds,
      alpha_bounds = alpha_bounds + 1,
      mean_ld      = mean_ld
    ldpred_auto$beta_est <- ldpred_auto$beta_est / sd

    ldpred_auto$h2_est    <- mean(tail(ldpred_auto$path_h2_est,    num_iter))
    ldpred_auto$p_est     <- mean(tail(ldpred_auto$path_p_est,     num_iter))
    ldpred_auto$alpha_est <- mean(tail(ldpred_auto$path_alpha_est, num_iter))

    ldpred_auto$h2_init <- h2_init
    ldpred_auto$p_init  <- p_init

    if (sparse && !is.na(ldpred_auto$h2_est)) {
      beta_gibbs <- ldpred2_gibbs_one(
        corr     = corr,
        beta_hat = beta_hat,
        n_vec    = N,
        ind_sub  = ind.corr - 1L,
        h2       = ldpred_auto$h2_est,
        p        = ldpred_auto$p_est,
        sparse   = TRUE,
        burn_in  = 50,
        num_iter = 100
      ldpred_auto$beta_est_sparse <- beta_gibbs / sd


  inv_ord <- match(seq_along(ord), ord)

privefl/bigsnpr documentation built on May 10, 2024, 10:29 a.m.