knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, fig.align = "center")


Let us use a subsetted version of the 1000 Genomes project data we provide. Some quality control has already been done; otherwise, you can use snp_plinkQC().

bedfile <- download_1000G("tmp-data")


First, let us detect all pairs of related individuals.

plink2 <- download_plink2("tmp-data")
rel <- snp_plinkKINGQC(
  plink2.path = plink2, = bedfile,
  thr.king = 2^-4.5,
  make.bed = FALSE,
  ncores = nb_cores()

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

We then compute PCA without using the related individuals. Function bed_autoSVD() should take care of Linkage Disequilibrium (LD). We have to compute the PCA while removing all variants from one chromosome. We can still precompute the pruning step to do it only once.

(obj.bed <- bed(bedfile))
fam2 <- bigreadr::fread2(sub_bed(bedfile, ".fam2"))
ind.row <- which(!obj.bed$fam$sample.ID %in% rel$IID2 &
                   fam2$`Super Population` == "EUR")

ind.keep <- bed_clumping(obj.bed, ind.row = ind.row, ncores = nb_cores())

Computing LD scores and "loadings"

CHR <- obj.bed$map$chromosome
POS <- obj.bed$map$physical.pos

registerDoParallel(cl <- makeCluster(nb_cores()))
all_stats <- foreach(chr = 1:22, .combine = "rbind") %dopar% {
  ## LD scores
  ind.chr <- which(CHR == chr)
  ## Should implement bed_cor() directly
  G <- snp_attach(snp_readBed2(bedfile, tempfile(), ind.row, ind.chr))$genotypes
  LD <- snp_cor(G, infos.pos = POS[ind.chr])  # more lenient alpha?
  LD_scores <- colSums(LD ** 2)
  ## PCA
  obj.svd <- bed_autoSVD(
    obj.bed, ind.row = ind.row, k = 10, thr.r2 = NA,
    ind.col = ind.keep[CHR[ind.keep] != chr])
  ## Z-scores (association with PC scores) ~ loadings
  Z <- bigsnpr:::multLinReg(obj.bed, ind.row, ind.chr, U = obj.svd$u)
  cbind(LD_scores, Z)
saveRDS(all_stats, "tmp-data/ldscores-loadings.rds")
LD_scores <- all_stats[, 1]
Z2 <- all_stats[, -1] ** 2
cor(Z2, LD_scores, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
 #  0.066223166
 #  0.058258742
 # -0.002232321
 #  0.024427324
 # -0.029319222
 # -0.007915754
 # -0.012346952
 # -0.018130519
 # -0.010315609
 #  0.001048635

bin_plot <- function(x, N = 10) {
  grp <- cut(x, quantile(x, seq_len(N) / N, na.rm = TRUE))
  plot(by(LD_scores, grp, median), by(x, grp, mean))
bin_plot(Z2[, 1])
bin_plot(Z2[, 2])
bin_plot(Z2[, 3])
bin_plot(Z2[, 4])
bin_plot(Z2[, 5])
bin_plot(Z2[, 6])
bin_plot(Z2[, 7])
bin_plot(Z2[, 8])

privefl/mypack documentation built on April 20, 2024, 1:51 a.m.