Contribute to PPBstats

Contributions to PPBstats are very welcome and can be made in four different ways:

  1. testing the package and reporting bugs,
  2. improving the code,
  3. improving the documentation and
  4. translating

Anyhow, send me an email if you wish to participate in order to coordinate our efforts: pamriviere@protonmail.com

Test and report bugs

First, download and install the current version of the package here.

The easiest way to start is to look at the book to know how the package works.

Do not hesitate to let a message in the issues if

Improve the code

The code of PPBstats is on github : https://github.com/priviere/PPBstats

Resolve open issues

Do not hesitate to contribute to open issues.

Add new functions

If you have any ideas,

even if it is not R written, send me an email and we'll see how we can work together!

If you wish to add a new model, you should follow different steps :

my_model <- function(...){
  class(out) = c("PPBstats", "fit_my_model")
check_model.fit_my_model <- function(x){
  class(out) <- c("PPBstats", "check_my_model")
plot.check_my_model <- function(x, y, ...){
mean_comparisons.check_my_model <- function(x, ...){
  class(out) <- c("PPBstats", "mean_comparisons_my_model")
plot.mean_comparisons_my_model <- function(x, y, ...){

Internal function structure

The internal function used in PPBstats are presented in Figure below. Note that one additional funtion is also defined in the package: common_functions which gather some functions used in several functions of PPBstats.

Internal functions used within main functions.

A description of each function can be found here

Improve the documentation

The book has been generated thanks to bookdown.

If you wish to improve the web site, the book, to add new sections on PPB, etc please file an issue or send me an email : pamriviere@protonmail.com

Web site of PPBstats

The code of the website, generated by pkgdown, is on github: https://github.com/priviere/PPBstats/tree/master/vignettes. To test any changes on the website:



The code of the book is on github: https://github.com/priviere/PPBstats/tree/master/inst/bookdown

If you are not familiar with the code, you can edit docx documents that can be downloaded here. Do not pay attention to strange words such as #, [@blablabla], \@ref ... that are bookdown specific.

If your familiar with the code, to test any changes on the book:

bookdown::serve_book(dir = "inst/bookdown/")

Note that it may be useful not to run the book for all files, which is a bit long ... You can edit _bookdown.yml by adding rmd_files argument. Below is an exhautive list with all files.

book_filename: "PPBstats_book"
output_dir: docs
    chapter_name: "Chapter "
delete_merged_file: true
rmd_files: [

Just keep the file you want to test, for example only documentation regarding network:

book_filename: "PPBstats_book"
output_dir: docs
    chapter_name: "Chapter "
delete_merged_file: true
rmd_files: [

Web site with examples of reports

The code regarding examples of report fo farmers is on github: https://github.com/priviere/PPBstats/tree/master/inst/return_report_web_site.

To test any changes on the website:



The package and the book are in english. Every contributions to other languages are welcome! More information on R package translation here.

Procedure to contribute to the code

priviere/PPBstats documentation built on May 6, 2021, 1:20 a.m.