Introduction {#intro-agro}

First, chose your objective (\@ref(objective-agro)), then the analyses (\@ref(family-analysis-agro)) and the experimental design (\@ref(expe-design)) based on a decision tree (\@ref(decision-tree)). Finally see how to implement it based on the workflow and function relations (\@ref(workflow-agro)) from formated data (\@ref(data-agro)).

Analysis according to the objectives {#objective-agro}

The three main objectives in PPB are to :

It can be completed by organoleptic analysis (section \@ref(organoleptic)). Based on these analysis, specific objective including response to selection analysis can also be done.

Family of analyses {#family-analysis-agro}

After describing the data (section \@ref(describe-data-agro)), you can run statistical analysis.

Table \@ref(tab:summary-analysis) summarizes the analyses available in PPBstats and their specificities. The various effects that can be estimated are:

The analyses are divided into five families:

The different models in Family 1 and 2 correspond to experimental designs that are mentionned in the next section \@ref(expe-design) and in the decision tree \@ref(decision-tree).

| Family | Name | Section | entry effects | germpasm effects | location effects | environments effects | interaction effects | year effects | local-foreign effects | version effects | variance intra germplasm effects | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 1 | Anova | \@ref(classic-anova) | X | | | | | | | | | | Spatial analysis | \@ref(spatial-analysis) | X | | | | | | | | | | | IBD | \@ref(ibd) | | X | | | | | | | | | | Bayesian hierarchical model intra-location | \@ref(model-1) | X | | | | | | | | | | 2 | IBD | \@ref(ibd) | | X | | | | | | | | | | AMMI | \@ref(ammi) | | X | X | (X) | X | (X) | | | | | | GGE | \@ref(gge) | | X | X | (X) | X | (X) | | | | | | Bayesian hierarchical model $G \times E$ | \@ref(model-2) | | X | X | (X) | X | | | | | | 3 | Bayesian model 3 | \@ref(model-3) | X | X | X | | X | X | | | | | 4 | Variance intra | \@ref(variance-intra) | | | | | | | | | X | | | Home-away | \@ref(home-away) | X | X | (X) | (X) | (X) | (X) | X | | | | | Local-foreign | \@ref(local-foreign) | X | X | (X) | (X) | (X) | (X) | X | | | Table: (#tab:summary-analysis) Analyses carried out in PPBstats. X: effects that are estimated. (X): effects that can be estimated.

Analysis used in PPB programmes are mentionned in decision tree in Section \@ref(decision-tree).

Frequentist statistics {#section-freq}

Check model {#check-model-freq}

Regarding frequentist analysis, there are several ways to check if the model went well.

Mean comparisons {#mean-comp-check-freq}

LSD, LSmeans for home away and local foreign), etc

Bayesian statistics {#section-bayes}


Some analyses performed in PPBstats are based on Bayesian statistics.

Bayesian statistics are based on the Bayes theorem:

$Pr(\theta|y) \propto Pr(\theta) Pr(y|\theta)$

with $y$ the observed value, $\theta$ the parameter to estimate, $Pr(\theta|y)$ the posterior distribution of the parameter given the data, $Pr(y|\theta)$ the likelihood of the observation and $Pr(\theta)$ the prior distribution of the parameter.

The parameters' distribution, knowing the data (the posterior), is proportional to the distribution of parameters a priori (the prior) $\times$ the information brought by the data (the likelihood).

The more information (i.e. the larger the data set and the better the model fits the data), the less important is the prior. If the priors equal the posteriors, it means that there is not enough data or the model does not fit the data.

Bayesian inference is based on the posterior distribution of model parameters. This distribution can not be calculated explicitely for the hierarchical model used in here (section \@ref(model-1) and section \@ref(model-2)) but can be estimated using Markov Chain and Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods.

These methods simulate parameters according to a Markov chain that converges to the posterior distribution of model parameters [@robert_bayesian_2001].

MCMC methods were implemented using JAGS by the R package rjags that performed Gibbs sampling [@robert_bayesian_2001]. Two MCMC chains were run independently to test for convergence using the Gelman-Rubin test. This test was based on the variance within and between the chains [@gelman_inference_1992].

A burn-in and lots of iterations were needed in the MCMC procedure. Here the burn-in has 1000 iterations, then 100 000 iterations are done by default ^[You can change it with the argument nb_iterations in functions model_bh_intra_location and model_bh_GxE] with a thinning interval of 10 to reduce autocorrelations between samples, so that 10 000 samples are available for inference for each chain by default ^[There are nb_iterations/10 values for each chain. This can be changed with the thin argument of the functions.] The final distribution of a posterior is the concatenation of the two MCMC chains: 20 000 samples.

Check model {#check-model-bayes}
Mean comparisons {#mean-comp-bayes}

In this part, the mean of each entry is compared to the mean of each other entry. Let $H_{0}$ and $H_{1}$ denote the hypotheses:

$H_{0} : \mu_{ij} \ge \mu_{i'j} , \; H_{1} : \mu_{ij} < \mu_{i'j}$.

The difference $\mu_{ij}-\mu_{i'j}$ between the means of entry $ij$ and entry $i'j$ in environment $j$ is considered as significant if either $H_{0}$ or $H_{1}$ has a high posterior probability, that is if $Pr{H_{0}|y} > 1 - \alpha$ or $Pr{H_{1}|y}> 1 - \alpha$, where $\alpha$ is some specified threshold. The difference is considered as not significant otherwise. The posterior probability of a hypothesis is estimated by the proportion of MCMC simulations for which this hypothesis is satisfied (Figure \@ref(fig:proba)).

Groups are made based on the probabilites. Entries that belong to the same group are not significantly different. Entries that do not belong to the same group are significantly different.

Note that the term "significant" is not really correct^[Thank you to Facundo for its comments!]. Statistical significance refers to the variability of some estimator (e.g. $\mu_{ij} - \mu_{i'j}$) under replications of the same experiment (i.e. different datasets), while the posterior probability quantifies the information about some variable given the current dataset. It may be better to claim - based on thershold $\alpha$ so that whenever the posterior probability of $H_0$ or $H_1$ exceeds $1 - \alpha$ - that the data provides evidence of some difference (not necessarily large) between groups.

The threshold $\alpha$ depends on agronomic objectives. This threshold is set by default to $\alpha=0.1/I$ (with $I$ the number of entries in a given location). It corresponds to a `soft' Bonferroni correction, the Bonferroni correction being very conservative.

As one objective of this PPB programme is that farmers (re)learn selection methods, the threshold could be adjusted to allow the detection of at least two groups instead of having farmers choose at random. The initial value could be set to $\alpha=0.1/I$ and if only one group is obtained, then this value could be adjusted to allow the detection of two groups. In this cases, the farmers should be informed that there is a lower degree of confidence for significant differences among entries.

```r$ and $\mu_{i'j}$"} library(ggplot2)

nb = 100000 a = rnorm(nb, 55, 4) b = rnorm(nb, 60, 4) c = b - a

d1 <- with(density(a), data.frame(x, y)) d2 <- with(density(b), data.frame(x, y)) d3 <- with(density(c), data.frame(x, y)) d =, d2, d3) n = c(rep("mu_ij", nrow(d1)), rep("mu_i'j", nrow(d2)), rep("mu_i'j - mu_ij", nrow(d3))) d =, n)

p = ggplot(data = d, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, color = n)) p = p + geom_area(mapping = aes(x = ifelse(x<0 , x, 0)), fill = "red") p = p + geom_area(mapping = aes(x = ifelse(x>0 & x<30 , x, 0)), fill = "gold") p = p + geom_line(size = 2) p = p + ylim(0,0.11) + theme(legend.position="none")

d_text = data.frame( n = c("mu_ij", "mu_i'j", "mu_i'j - mu_ij", "H1", "H0"), x = c(mean(a)-mean(a)/5, mean(b) + mean(b)/5, mean(c), -4, 4), y = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.075, 0.005, 0.005) )

p = p + geom_text(data = d_text, aes(x = x, y = y, label = n), size = 6) + theme_bw() + ylab("density") + xlab("") p = p + theme(legend.position="none") + geom_abline() + scale_color_manual(values = c("#000000", "#000000", "#E69F00", "#009E73", "#CC79A7")) p


n = c(TeX("$\mu_ij$"), TeX("$\mu_i'j$"), TeX("$\mu_i'j - \mu_ij$"), "H1", "H0")

In `PPBstats`, mean comparisons are done with `mean_comparisons`.
You can choose on which parameters to run the comparison (`parameter` argument) and the $\alpha$ type one error (`alpha` argument).
The soft Bonferonni correction is applied by default (`p.adj` argument).
More informations can be obtain on this function by typing `?mean_comparisons`.

### Experimental design {#expe-design}

Before sowing, you must plan the experiment regarding your research question, the amount of seeds available, the number of locations and the number of plots available in each location.

The trial is designed in relation to the analysis you will perform.
The key elements to choose an appropriate experimental design are:

- the number of locations
- the number of years
- the replication of entries within and between locations

Several designs used in PPB programmes are mentionned in decision tree in section \@ref(decision-tree) and are presented in section \@ref(doe).

### Decision tree {#decision-tree}

For each family of analysis, a decision tree is displayed in the corresponding section.
Once you have chosen your objective, analysis and experimental design, you can sow, measure and harvest ... (section \@ref(sow)).

### Workflow and function relations in `PPBstats` regarding agronomic analysis {#workflow-agro}

After designing the experiment and describing the data, each family of analysis is implemented by several analysis with the same workflow :

- Format the data
- Run the model
- Check the model and visualize outputs
- Compare means and visualize outputs

Note that for some functions for specific model maybe used.
<!-- Hierarchical Bayesian GxE model and GGE other analyses are possible : predict the past and cross validation regarding Hierarchical Bayesian GxE model and biplot regarding GGE. -->

Figure \@ref(fig:main-workflow) displays the functions and their relationships.


Data format {#data-agro}

For agronomic analysis data must have a specific format: data_agro

data_agro format corresponds to all the data set used in the functions that run models. The data have always the following columns : seed_lot, location, year, germplasm, block, X, Y as factors followed by the variables and their corresponding dates. The dates are associated to their corresponding variable by $. For example the date associated to variable y1 is y1$date. In addition, to get map, columns lat and long can be added.

data_model_GxE = format_data_PPBstats(data_model_GxE, type = "data_agro")

Note that a column with julian date is added.


Note that other formats exist in relation to specific reasearch questions as explained in section \@ref(family-4).

priviere/PPBstats documentation built on May 6, 2021, 1:20 a.m.