Family 5 of analysis : multivariate analysis {#family-5}

Multivariate analysis can answer to multiple objective. One of them can be to study diversity structure and identify parents to cross based on either good complementarity or similarity for some traits

Decision tree

To study diversity structure and identify parents to cross based on either good complementarity or similarity for some traits, different scenario are possible (Figure \@ref(fig:decision-tree-Study-diversity-structure-and-identify-complementary-or-similar-parents-for-cross)). It can be completed by analysis of molecular data and genetic distance trees (M3, section \@ref(molecular)).


Workflow and function relations in PPBstats regarding family 2 of analysis

Figure \@ref(fig:main-workflow-family-5) displays the functions and their relationships. Table \@ref(tab:function-descriptions-workflow-family-5) describes each of the main functions.

You can have more information for each function by typing ?function_name in your R session.


| function name | description | | --- | --- | | design_experiment | Provides experimental design for the different situations corresponding to the choosen family of analysis | | format_data_PPBstats | Check and format the data to be used in PPBstats functions | | ggcorrplot | Visualize correlation with ggcorrplot fonction from package ggcorrplot | | multivariate | Run multivariate analysis with functions from FactoMineR | | factoextra | Check outputs and results with the factoextra package | Table: (#tab:function-descriptions-workflow-family-5) Function description.

priviere/PPBstats documentation built on May 6, 2021, 1:20 a.m.