Run the analysis


Format data

data_model_GxE = format_data_PPBstats(data_model_GxE, type = "data_agro")

Descriptive plots for each location

vec_locations = levels(data_model_GxE$location)
list_hist_locations = lapply(
  vec_locations, function(x){
    p = plot(
      data_model_GxE, plot_type = "histogramm",
      vec_variables = c("y1")
names(list_hist_locations) = vec_locations

Note that it is important that each element of the list refers to data of a given location in order to catch the right information in the next step when generating the report.

GGE model for all locations

The function workflow_gxe() is coming from the book here.

workflow_gxe = function(x, gxe){
  out_gxe = model_GxE(data_model_GxE, variable = x, gxe_analysis = gxe)

  out_check_gxe = check_model(out_gxe)
  p_out_check_gxe = plot(out_check_gxe)

  out_mean_comparisons_gxe = mean_comparisons(out_check_gxe, p.adj = "bonferroni")
  p_out_mean_comparisons_gxe = plot(out_mean_comparisons_gxe)

  out_biplot_gxe = biplot_data(out_check_gxe)
  p_out_biplot_gxe = plot(out_biplot_gxe)

  out = list(
    "out_gxe" = out_gxe,
    "out_check_gxe" = out_check_gxe,
    "p_out_check_gxe" = p_out_check_gxe,
    "out_mean_comparisons_gxe" = out_mean_comparisons_gxe,
    "p_out_mean_comparisons_gxe" = p_out_mean_comparisons_gxe,
    "out_biplot_gxe" = out_biplot_gxe,
    "p_out_biplot_gxe" = p_out_biplot_gxe


vec_variables = c("y1")
res_gge = lapply(vec_variables, workflow_gxe, "GGE")
names(res_gge) = vec_variables

Create a list with all results

res = list("hist_locations" = list_hist_locations, 
           "res_gge" = res_gge

Generate a report for each location

To generate the report, you need the R package rmarkdown installed. In the following example, the output is .html. You can choose .pdf or .docx. See ?rmarkdown::render for more information.

Note that the template calls two objects:

The template used below can be download here.


vec_locations = names(res$hist_locations)
for (location in vec_locations){ # For each location, render a report
  params = list("title" = paste("Agronomic analyses for", location))
                    output_file =  paste("example_1_report_", location, ".html", sep = ""), 
                    output_dir = "./"

The report generated can be visualized for loc-1, loc-2 and loc-3.

priviere/PPBstats documentation built on May 6, 2021, 1:20 a.m.