coldwell_2006: Coldwell, Pike and Dunn (2006) data

coldwell_2006R Documentation

Coldwell, Pike and Dunn (2006) data


A dataset from Field, A. P. (2023). Discovering statistics using R and RStudio (2nd ed.). London: Sage.




A tibble with 118 rows and 9 variables.


Coldwell, Pike and Dunn (2006) investigated whether household chaos predicted children's problem behaviour over and above parenting. From 118 families they recorded the age and gender of the youngest child (child_age and child_gender). They measured dimensions of the child's perceived relationship with their mum: (1) warmth/enjoyment (child_warmth), and (2) anger/hostility (child_anger). Higher scores indicate more warmth/enjoyment and anger/hostility respectively. They measured the mum's perceived relationship with her child, resulting in dimensions of positivity (mum_pos) and negativity (mum_neg). Household chaos (chaos) was assessed. The outcome variable was the child's adjustment (sdq): the higher the score, the more problem behaviour the child was reported to be displaying. These data are from this study. The data contain the following variables:

  • family_id: The family id

  • child_age: Age of the youngest child

  • child_gender: Gender of the youngest child

  • child_warmth: Perceived warmth of the child to the mother.

  • child_anger: Perceived anger of the child towards to the mother.

  • mum_pos: the mother's perceived positivity towards her child.

  • mum_neg: the mother's perceived negativity towards her child.

  • chaos: household chaos.

  • sdq: the child's adjustment on the strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ).


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