escape: _Escape from inside_ data

escapeR Documentation

Escape from inside data


A dataset from Field, A. P. (2023). Discovering statistics using R and RStudio (2nd ed.). London: Sage.




A tibble with 68 rows and 4 variables.


In my teens I was in a band called Andromeda. I sang, we had a guitarist called Malcolm. We learnt several Queen and Iron Maiden songs and we were truly awful. Suffice it to say, you'd be hard pushed to recognize which Iron Maiden and Queen songs we were trying to play. It's common for bands to tire of cover versions and to get lofty ambitions to write their own tunes. I wrote one called ‘Escape From Inside’ about the film The Fly that contained the rhyming couplet of 'I am a fly, I want to die' – the great lyricists of the time quaked in their boots at the young new talent on the scene. The only thing we did that resembled the activities of a 'proper' band was to split up due to 'musical differences': Malcolm wanted to write 15-part symphonies about a boy's journey to worship electricity pylons, whereas I wanted to write songs about flies and dying (preferably both). When we could not agree on a musical direction the split became inevitable. Had I had the power of statistics in my hands back then, rather than split up we could have tested empirically the best musical direction for the band. This study imagines such a world. A study was conducted to see whether I wrote better songs than my old bandmate Malcolm, and whether this depended on the type of song (a symphony or song about flies). The outcome variable was the number of screams elicited by audience members during the songs.

  • id: Particiant id

  • song_type: Whether participants listened to a symphony or a song about a fly

  • songwriter: whether the song was written by Malcolm or Andy

  • screams: how many screams of anguish participants expelled while listening to the song


profandyfield/discovr documentation built on Oct. 29, 2023, 4:10 p.m.