
if(interactive()) {
  dfdp = c(1,0,0,0)  # vector of derivatives of f with respect to the moving parameter.
  A = cm.levins  ### community matrix
  solve(A, -dfdp) ### c(1,0,1,0), ok
  solve(A, -c(0,1,0,0))  ## c(0,0,1,0)   ### aha!   LoopAnalyst is wrong!
  solve(A, -c(0,0,1,0))  ## 1 -1  2 -1  #### LoopAnalyst says, + + + -
  solve(A, -c(0,0,0,1))  ## 0  0 -1  1  #### LoopAnalyst says, 0 0 - +.  Agreement.
  ### I think that make.cem produces the transpose.

  make.cem.roger = function(CM) {
    answer = #(-1)^nrow(CM) *
      sapply(1:nrow(CM), function(input) solve(CM, -( (1:nrow(CM))==input)))
    colnames(answer) = rownames(answer)
  make.cem.roger(cm.levins)   ### OK.

  out.cm(sign(t(make.cem(stringToCM(ABCDE)))))  ### they agree

  'R )-> H H )-> x H )-> y y )-> y # Fig 2 Levins & Schultz 1996'
  foodchain_1 = 'a -( a     a )-> b  #Simple prey-predator'
  foodchain_2 = 'a -( a     a )-> b     b )-> c #two-level food chain'
  foodchain_3 = 'a -( a     a )-> b     b )-> c c )-> d #three-level food chain'
  foodchain_4 = 'a -( a     a )-> b     b )-> c c )-> d d )-> e # four-level food chain'

  two_pred_pos_feedback =   'a -( a     a )-> b     b )-> p1     b )-> p2      p1 )-( p2 #Two predators, positive feedback'
  make.cem.roger(stringToCM(two_pred_pos_feedback))  ## oops off by  *(-1)
  out.cm(sign(t(make.cem(stringToCM(two_pred_pos_feedback))))) ## correct?

  compare.make.cem.functions = function(CMstring) {
    mine <- (make.cem.roger(stringToCM(CMstring)))
    theirs <- out.cm(sign(round(t(make.cem(stringToCM(CMstring))))))

  compare.make.cem.functions(two_pred_pos_feedback)  ## opposite, they are right.
  det(stringToCM(two_pred_pos_feedback))  ### -3.   System feedback is negative.

  pbcopy = function(x) write(x, file=pipe("pbcopy"))
  # Then I paste the string into ipmnet.org A.
  # IPMnet agrees with LoopAnalyst on predictions. But says system is unstable:
  # "The characteristic polynomial coefficients are not of the same sign. The system is not stable."

professorbeautiful/LevinsLoops documentation built on May 26, 2019, 8:33 a.m.