
Defines functions pgxLoader

Documented in pgxLoader

#' Load data from Progenetix database via the Beacon v2 API with some extensions
#' This function loads various data from `Progenetix` database via the Beacon v2 API with some extensions (BeaconPlus).   
#' @param type A string specifying output data type. Available options are "biosamples", "individuals", "analyses",
#' "g_variants", "cnv_frequency", "cnv_fraction", and "sample_count". The options "biosamples", "individuals", and "analyses"
#' return corresponding information. "g_variants" returns variants data. The options "cnv_frequency", "cnv_fraction" and "sample_count" 
#' are based on data in Progenetix, returning precomputed CNV frequency, CNV fraction per sample, and the count of samples for the given filter, respectively.
#' @param output A string specifying output data format. The available options depend on the `type` parameter. When `type` is "g_variants",
#' available options are NULL (default), "pgxseg", or "seg"; When `type` is "cnv_frequency", available options are "pgxfreq" or "pgxmatrix";
#' when `type` is "cnv_fraction", available options are NULL (default) or "pgxmatrix".
#' @param biosample_id Identifiers used in the query database for identifying biosamples. 
#' @param individual_id  Identifiers used in the query database for identifying individuals. 
#' @param filters Identifiers used in public repositories, bio-ontology terms, or custom terms such as c("NCIT:C7376", "PMID<!-- -->:22824167"). 
#' When multiple filters are used, they are combined using AND logic when the parameter `type` is "biosamples", "individuals", or "analyses"; OR logic when the parameter `type` is "cnv_frequency" or "sample_count".
#' @param limit Integer to specify the number of returned profiles. Default is 0 (return all). 
#' @param skip Integer to specify the number of skipped profiles. E.g. if skip = 2, limit=500, the first 2*500 =1000 profiles are skipped and the next 500 profiles are returned. Default is NULL (no skip).
#' @param dataset A string specifying the dataset to query from the Beacon response. Default is NULL, which includes results from all datasets.
#' @param codematches A logical value determining whether to exclude samples from child concepts of specified filters in the ontology tree. 
#' If TRUE, only samples exactly matching the specified filters will be included.  Do not use this parameter when `filters` include ontology-irrelevant filters such as PMID and cohort identifiers.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param save_file A logical value determining whether to save variant data as a local file instead of direct return. Only used when the parameter `type` is "g_variants". Default is FALSE.
#' @param filename A string specifying the path and name of the file to be saved. Only used if the parameter `save_file` is TRUE. Default is "variants" in current work directory.
#' @param num_cores Integer to specify the number of cores used for the variant query. Only used when the parameter `type` is "g_variants". Default is 1.
#' @param domain A string specifying the domain of the query data resource. Default is "http://progenetix.org".
#' @param entry_point A string specifying the entry point of the Beacon v2 API. Default is "beacon", resulting in the endpoint being "http://progenetix.org/beacon".
#' @importFrom utils URLencode modifyList read.table write.table
#' @importFrom httr GET content
#' @return Data from Progenetix database
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## query metadata
#' biosamples <- pgxLoader(type="biosamples", filters = "NCIT:C3512")
#' ## query variants
#' seg <- pgxLoader(type="g_variants", biosample_id = "pgxbs-kftvgx4y")
#' ## query CNV frequency
#' freq <- pgxLoader(type="cnv_frequency", output ='pgxfreq', filters="NCIT:C3512")

pgxLoader <- function(
    biosample_id = NULL,
    filters= NULL,
    codematches = FALSE, 
    type <- match.arg(type, c("biosamples", "individuals","g_variants","analyses","cnv_frequency","cnv_fraction","sample_count"))
    # specify output 
    if (is.null(output) & type %in% c("g_variants","cnv_fraction")){
        output <-  switch(type,
    } else{
        output <-  switch(type,
                          g_variants=match.arg(output, c("pgxseg", "seg", "pgxmatrix", "cnvfraction")),
                          cnv_frequency=match.arg(output, c("pgxfreq" , "pgxmatrix")),
                          cnv_fraction=match.arg(output, "pgxmatrix"),

    # parameter usage warnings
    if (type == "cnv_fraction"){
        if (length(filters) > 1) stop("This query only supports one filter")
    if (type %in% c("cnv_frequency","sample_count")){
      check_unused_parameters(biosample_id, "'biosample_id'", "'filters'")
      check_unused_parameters(individual_id, "'individual_id'", "'filters'")      

    if (type %in% c("individuals","biosamples","analyses","cnv_fraction")){
        check_missing_parameters(c(filters,individual_id,biosample_id), c("'filters'","'individual_id'","'biosample_id'"))
    if (type == "g_variants"){
        check_unused_parameters(filters, "'filters'", "'biosample_id'")
        check_unused_parameters(individual_id, "'individual_id'", "'biosample_id'")

    if (type %in% c("analyses","cnv_frequency")){
        if (codematches) warning("\n The parameter 'codematches' is not used in this query. \n")

    # CNV fraction data are accessed by different endpoints
    if (type == "cnv_fraction" & !is.null(output)) type <- "samplematrix"

           biosamples = pgxmetaLoader(type=type,biosample_id=biosample_id,individual_id=individual_id,filters=filters,codematches=codematches,skip=skip,limit=limit,domain=domain,entry_point=entry_point,dataset=dataset),
           individuals= pgxmetaLoader(type=type,biosample_id=biosample_id,individual_id=individual_id,filters=filters,codematches=codematches,skip=skip,limit=limit,domain=domain,entry_point=entry_point,dataset=dataset),
           analyses   = pgxmetaLoader(type=type,biosample_id=biosample_id,individual_id=individual_id,filters=filters,codematches=codematches,skip=skip,limit=limit,domain=domain,entry_point=entry_point,dataset=dataset),
           g_variants = pgxVariantLoader(biosample_id=biosample_id,output=output,save_file=save_file,filename=filename,domain=domain,entry_point=entry_point,dataset=dataset,num_cores=num_cores),
           cnv_frequency = pgxFreqLoader(output=output,filters=filters,domain=domain),
           samplematrix = pgxcallsetLoader(biosample_id=biosample_id,individual_id=individual_id,filters=filters,limit=limit,skip=skip,codematches=codematches,domain=domain),
           cnv_fraction = pgxFracLoader(biosample_id=biosample_id,individual_id=individual_id,filters=filters,codematches=codematches,skip=skip,limit=limit,domain=domain),
           sample_count = pgxCount(filters=filters,domain=domain))        
progenetix/pgxRpi documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 2:21 p.m.