#'@title Filter anime according to preferences
#'@description Filter the anime list depending on different variables. These variables must be included in the data set.
#'@author Marie Bellier, Massimo Finini, Meri Likoska, Vania Rodrigues Telo Ramos, Xavier Renger
#'@param data data containing the list of anime with the variables being description for each anime
#'@param age age given by the person
#'@param gender theme of the anime. For instance if you like action anime, put "action"
#'@param freetime free time that the person has to use in order to watch the anime
#'@return Return a filtered table with the anime depending on the inputs
#'#loading the data from the package
#'anime <- tibble::tibble(ProjectG5::anime)
#'#filtering the table to make propositions to the user through the function
#'newcommer_recom(anime, 15, "Sport", 30)
newcommer_recom <- function(data, age, gender, freetime){
# Controls
if (!is.numeric(age)) {
stop("Argument age is not valid. It must be a number.")
if (age <= 0) {
stop("Argument age is not valid. It must be positive.")
if (!is.numeric(freetime)) {
stop("Argument freetime is not valid. It must be a number.")
if (freetime <= 0) {
stop("Argument freetime is not valid. It must be positive.")
if (age < 13) {
newdata <- data %>%
filter(Rating == 'G - All Ages')
} else if (age >= 13 & age <= 16) {
newdata <- data %>%
filter(Rating == 'G - All Ages' |
Rating == 'PG-13 - Teens 13 or older')
} else if (age > 16 & age < 18) {
newdata <- data %>%
Rating == 'G - All Ages' |
Rating == 'R+ - Mild Nudity' |
Rating == 'R - 17+ (violence & profanity)'
} else {
newdata <- data
finaldata = newdata %>%
filter(str_detect(newdata$Genders, gender)) %>%
filter(Duration <= freetime)%>%
select(Name, Genders, Type, Episodes, Duration, Rating, Popularity) %>%
#'@title Compute the cosine similarity between two objects A and B
#'@author Marie Bellier, Massimo Finini, Meri Likoska, Vania Rodrigues Telo Ramos, Xavier Renger
#'@param A first object
#'@param B second object
#'@return Return the cosine similarity value
#'#setting seed to always have the same results
#'#creating a matrix with random numbers in between 1 to 10 from a uniform distribution
#'x <- matrix(runif(10)*10, ncol=5, nrow=4, byrow=FALSE)
#'#computing the cosine similarity between
#'cos_similarity(x[1,], x[3,])
cos_similarity = function(A,B){
num = sum(A *B, na.rm = T)
den = sqrt(sum(A^2, na.rm = T)) * sqrt(sum(B^2, na.rm = T))
result = num/den
#'@title Similarity between other users to have a list of anime that the user have not seen yet
#'@description Use the user item matrix to search for similar users in order to get the anime they graded the best and that we have not watched
#'@author Marie Bellier, Massimo Finini, Meri Likoska, Vania Rodrigues Telo Ramos, Xavier Renger
#'@param userid user id, set to 999999999 so that there is no conflict with other Id's
#'@param user_item_matrix matrix created by the function `user_item_matrix`
#'@param ratings_data table of ratings similar to the one we kept
#'@param n_recommendation number of recommendations wanted
#'@param threshold threshold level of number of user that gave a score to the anime
#'@param nearest_neighbors number of neighbors taken into account for the computation
#'@return Return a table composed of `n_recommendation` that the user have not seen yet
#'@import utils
#'#Simple example to showcase what is happening in the application
#'#import dataset from the package
#'anime_with_ratings <- tibble::tibble(ProjectG5::anime_with_ratings)
#'#selection of the user example
#'names_selected <- c("Death Note", "Naruto")
#'score_entered <- c(10,7)
#'temp_tibble <- tibble::tibble(Name = names_selected, rating = score_entered)
#'anime_selected <- dplyr::left_join(anime, temp_tibble, by = c("Name" = "Name"))
#'anime_selected <- dplyr::filter(anime_selected, Name %in% names_selected)
#'anime_selected <- dplyr::mutate(anime_selected, user_id = 999999999)
#'#creation of the matrix with what the user selected
#'item_matrix <- user_item_matrix(anime_with_ratings, adding_row = TRUE, row_data = anime_selected)
#'user_based_recom(999999999, item_matrix, anime_with_ratings, 5, 1, 10)
user_based_recom = function(userid = 999999999 ,
user_item_matrix ,
ratings_data ,
n_recommendation = 5,
threshold = 1,
nearest_neighbors = 10) {
# Controls
if (!is.numeric(userid)) {
stop("Argument userid is not valid. It must be a number.")
if (!is.numeric(n_recommendation)) {
stop("Argument n_recommendation is not valid. It must be a number.")
stop("Argument threshold is not valid. It must be a number")
stop("Argument nearest_neighbors is not valid. It must be a number")
user_index = which(rownames(user_item_matrix) == userid)
similarity = apply(
FUN = function(y)
ProjectG5::cos_similarity(user_item_matrix[user_index, ], y)
similar_users = tibble(user_id = names(similarity),
similarity = similarity) %>%
filter(user_id != userid) %>%
arrange(desc(similarity)) %>%
top_n(nearest_neighbors, similarity)
watched_anime_user = ratings_data$item_id[ratings_data$user_id == userid]
recommendations = ratings_data %>%
filter(user_id %in% similar_users$user_id &
!(item_id %in% watched_anime_user)) %>%
group_by(item_id, Name, Episodes, Duration) %>%
summarise(count = n(),
rating = mean(rating)) %>%
filter(count > threshold) %>%
arrange(desc(rating), desc(count)) %>%
#'@title Score per anime per user
#'@description Create the user_item matrix from the given data. We use `adding_row = TRUE` for the user based recommendation to be able to add the user selected data to the table
#'@author Marie Bellier, Massimo Finini, Meri Likoska, Vania Rodrigues Telo Ramos, Xavier Renger
#'@param data data having the user ratings per anime
#'@param adding_row Variable that is either TRUE if you want the matrix for the user-based recommendation or FALSE if you want the matrix for the item-based recommendation
#'@param row_data table created by the function `user_data()`
#'@return Return a matrix where the x axis include the item_id and the y axis include the user_id. Each line is the score per item per user
#'@import tidyr
#'#import datasets from the package
#'anime_with_ratings <- tibble::tibble(ProjectG5::anime_with_ratings)
#'anime <- tibble::tibble(ProjectG5::anime)
#'#creation of the matrix without adding rows
#'x <- user_item_matrix(anime_with_ratings, adding_row = FALSE)
#'#not printed there output would be too long
#'#creation of a table to add rows, userid high on a voluntary basis
#'#selection of the user example
#'names_selected <- c("Death Note", "Naruto")
#'score_entered <- c(10,7)
#'temp_tibble <- tibble::tibble(Name = names_selected, rating = score_entered)
#'anime_selected <- dplyr::left_join(anime, temp_tibble, by = c("Name" = "Name"))
#'anime_selected <- dplyr::filter(anime_selected, Name %in% names_selected)
#'anime_selected <- dplyr::mutate(anime_selected, user_id = 999999999)
#'#creation of the matrix while adding rows
#'z <- user_item_matrix(anime_with_ratings, adding_row = TRUE, row_data = anime_selected)
#'#not printed here, output would be too long
user_item_matrix <- function(data = anime_with_ratings, adding_row = FALSE, row_data = NULL){
if(adding_row == TRUE){
user_item <- data %>%
select(item_id,rating, user_id)%>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = item_id, values_from = rating) %>%
row.names(user_item) = user_item$user_id
user_item$user_id = NULL
user_item_matrix = as.matrix(user_item)
else if(adding_row == FALSE){
user_item <- data %>%
select(item_id, rating, user_id)%>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = item_id, values_from = rating) %>%
row.names(user_item) = user_item$user_id
user_item$user_id = NULL
user_item_matrix = as.matrix(user_item)
#'@title Similarity between anime
#'@description Use the user item matrix to search for similar anime
#'@author Marie Bellier, Massimo Finini, Meri Likoska, Vania Rodrigues Telo Ramos, Xavier Renger
#'@param selected_item_name selection of the user in the Shiny App
#'@param user_item_matrix matrix created by the function `user_item_matrix`
#'@param n_recommendation number of recommendation wanted by the user
#'@param data table of all anime
#'@return Return a table composed of `n_recommendation` that the user have not seen yet
#'#Simple example to showcase what is happening in the application
#'#User selection
#'selected_item_name = "Naruto"
#'#first create the item matrix
#'anime <- tibble::tibble(ProjectG5::anime)
#'anime_with_ratings <- tibble::tibble(ProjectG5::anime_with_ratings)
#'item_matrix <- user_item_matrix(anime_with_ratings, adding_row = FALSE)
#'#then use it to run the function
#'item_recommendation(selected_item_name, item_matrix, 5, anime)
item_recommendation = function(selected_item_name,
# Controls
if (!is.numeric(n_recommendation)) {
stop("Argument n_recommendation is not valid. It must be a number.")
if (!is.character(selected_item_name)){
stop("Argument selected_item_name is not valid. It must be characters")
item_picked <- data %>% filter(Name == selected_item_name)
selected_item_id <- item_picked$item_id
item_index = which(colnames(user_item_matrix) == selected_item_id)
similarity = apply(user_item_matrix, 2, FUN = function(y)
ProjectG5::cos_similarity(user_item_matrix[,item_index], y))
recommendations = tibble(item_id = names(similarity),
similarity = similarity) %>%
filter(item_id != selected_item_id) %>%
top_n(n_recommendation, similarity) %>%
arrange(desc(similarity)) %>%
left_join(data, by= "item_id") %>%
select(item_id, Name, Episodes, Duration, similarity)
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