cellMetrics_speciesRaster: Cell Metrics

View source: R/cellMetrics_speciesRaster.R

cellMetrics_speciesRasterR Documentation

Cell Metrics


Calculate various morphological and phylogenetic community metrics for every cell in a speciesRaster object.


cellMetrics_speciesRaster(x, metric, var = NULL, nreps = 20, verbose = FALSE)



object of class speciesRaster


name of metric to use, see Details.


If a univariate morphological metric is specified, and the data in x are multivariate, which trait should be used? This can also specify which subset of columns a multivariate metric should be applied to.


Number of repetitions for Foote metric distribution.


Intended primarily for debugging, prints progress to the console


Univariate trait metrics

  • mean

  • median

  • range

  • mean_NN_dist: mean nearest neighbor distance

  • min_NN_dist: minimum nearest neighbor distance

  • variance

  • arithmeticWeightedMean (see below)

  • geometricWeightedMean (see below)

  • phylosignal: Blomberg's K for phylogenetic signal

Multivariate trait metrics

  • disparity

  • range

  • rangePCA

  • mean_NN_dist: mean nearest neighbor distance

  • min_NN_dist: minimum nearest neighbor distance

  • phylosignal: Blomberg's K for phylogenetic signal, as implemented in geomorph::physignal

Phylogenetic metrics

  • pd: Faith's phylogenetic diversity, including the root

  • meanPatristic

  • meanPatristicNN: mean nearest neighbor in patristic distance

  • minPatristicNN: minimum nearest neighbor in patristic distance

  • phyloDisparity: sum of squared deviations in patristic distance

  • PSV: Phylogenetic Species Variability

  • DR: non-parametric estimate of speciation rates

Range-weighted metrics

  • weightedEndemism

  • correctedWeightedEndemism: Weighted endemism standardized by species richness

  • phyloWeightedEndemism:

If data slot contains a pairwise matrix, var is ignored. Weighted mean options are available where, for each cell, a weighting scheme (inverse of species range sizes) is applied such that small-ranged species are up-weighted, and broadly distributed species are down-weighted. This can be a useful way to lessen the influence of broadly distributed species in the geographic mapping of trait data.


object of class speciesRaster where the raster represents calculations of the metric at every cell.


tamiasSpRas <- addPhylo_speciesRaster(tamiasSpRas, tamiasTree)
tamiasSpRas <- addTraits_speciesRaster(tamiasSpRas, tamiasTraits)

# univariate morphological example
x <- cellMetrics_speciesRaster(tamiasSpRas, metric='mean', var='V2')

# multivariate morphological
x <- cellMetrics_speciesRaster(tamiasSpRas, metric='disparity')

# phylogenetic metrics
x <- cellMetrics_speciesRaster(tamiasSpRas, metric='meanPatristic')

ptitle/speciesRaster documentation built on June 11, 2022, 1:35 a.m.