
#' Calculate stand attributes
#' @description A wrapper function to calculate all available stand attributes using other MISTR functions.
#' @param SI site index
#' @param age stand total age
#' @param species Id of dominant species
#' @param SFU Id of Standard Forest Unit (SFU)
#' @param stocking Stocking. Default=1.
#' @param Origin Origin of the stand. Use N for natural, P for plantation. Default="N".
#' @param PlantedSpp Opional information on planted species required for some plantations.
#' @param bhage Optional. Breast-height age. Calculated automatically if not provided based on species and age.
#' @return A data frame containing the calculated stand attributes.
#' @export

StandAttributes2 <- function(SI, age, species=NA, SFU=NA, stocking=1, Origin = "N", PlantedSpp = NA, bhage = NA) {

  if (is.na(species) & is.na(SFU)) { #check if species or SFU are provided.
    stop("Provide species or SFU.")

  if (is.character(species) & is.na(SFU)) { #single species mode

    S <- MISTR_coef$species_model_selection[MISTR_coef$species_model_selection$SppId == species,] #get species ID for every model
    if(nrow(S)==0) {stop("No models for entered species")}

    if (is.na(bhage)) { # calculate bhage
      bhage = age - get_BHA(SppId = species)

    #calculate all stand attributes for the provided species
    result <-  StandAttributes_internal(SI = SI,age = age, SppId1 = species, SppId2 = species,
                                        stocking = stocking, Origin = Origin, PlantedSpp = PlantedSpp, bhage = bhage)

  } else if (is.character(species) & is.character(SFU)) {
    # both species and SFU are provided, which means that two sets of coefficients are needed (S1, S2)
    #H, vbar, cull - need to be calculated based on species-level equations (H is the most important here)
    #BA, N, GTV, GMV - need to be calculated based on SFU-level equations

    #find species/SFUs coeffs
    S1 <- MISTR_coef$species_model_selection[MISTR_coef$species_model_selection$SppId == species,]
    if(nrow(S1)==0) {stop("No models for entered species")}

    S2 <- MISTR_coef$species_model_selection[MISTR_coef$species_model_selection$SppId == SFU,]
    if(nrow(S2)==0) {stop("No models for entered SFU")}

    # SFU-level equations are not available for SFUs
    # check if SFU-level equation exist

    if (is.na(S2$YcBaId)) { #no SFU-level models
      message("SFU-level models do not exist. Using species-level models.")

      if (is.na(bhage)) {# calculate bhage
        bhage = age - get_BHA(SppId = species)

      #calculate all stand attributes for the provided species and SFU
      result <-  StandAttributes_internal(SI = SI,age = age, SppId1 = species, SppId2 = species,
                                          stocking = stocking, Origin = Origin, PlantedSpp = PlantedSpp, bhage = bhage)

    } else { #there are SFU-level models

      if (is.na(bhage)) { #bhage still calculated for species
        bhage = age - get_BHA(SppId = species)

      #calculate all stand attributes for the provided species and SFU
      result <-  StandAttributes_internal(SI = SI,age = age, SppId1 = species, SppId2 = SFU,
                                          stocking = stocking, Origin = Origin, PlantedSpp = PlantedSpp, bhage = bhage)


  } else if (is.na(species) & is.character(SFU)) {
    # SFU mode with missing species. User provided SFU only.
    # check if species can be determined automatically based on MISTR::MISTR_coef$SFU_dominant_species data frame.

    SFU_D_Spp <- MISTR::MISTR_coef$SFU_dominant_species[ MISTR::MISTR_coef$SFU_dominant_species$SFU == SFU,][1,]
    if (nrow(SFU_D_Spp) == 0) {stop("Wrong SFU")}

    if (length(as.character(SFU_D_Spp$dominant_species))>1) { #species can be identified automatically for the entered SFU

      species <- SFU_D_Spp$dominant_species

      message(paste0("Species not provided. Using ",species," as dominant species based on the entered SFU (", SFU,")."))

      if (is.na(bhage)) {
        bhage = age - get_BHA(SppId = species)

      result <-  StandAttributes_internal(SI = SI,age = age, SppId1 = species, SppId2 = SFU,
                                          stocking = stocking, Origin = Origin, PlantedSpp = PlantedSpp, bhage = bhage)

    } else { #species cannot be identified automatically for entered SFU. Only BA, N, and QMD can be calculated
      warning(paste0("\nSpecies not provided. Cannot automatically find species based on the entered SFU (", SFU,"). \nCalculated stand attributes limited to BA, QMD, and N. \nbhage calculated using a constant value of \"age to breast height\" equal to 4. \nProvide information on species to calculate full set of stand attributes."))

      result <-  StandAttributes_internal_reduced(SI = SI,age = age, SppId2 = SFU,
                                                  stocking = stocking, Origin = Origin, PlantedSpp = PlantedSpp, bhage = age - 4)


StandAttributes2(SI = 20, age = 50, SFU="SF1")

StandAttributes_internal <- function(SI, age, SppId1, SppId2, stocking, Origin, PlantedSpp, bhage) {

  #SppId1 - species:        H, vbar, cull
  #SppId2 - species or SFU: BA, N, GTV, GMV

  # get height
  H <- calc_H(age = age, SI = SI,SppId = SppId1)
  if(MISTR:::is.empty(H)) {stop("H not calculated")}

  #get BA
  BA <- calc_BA(SI = SI, BHage = bhage, SppId = SppId2, stocking = stocking, Origin = Origin, PlantedSpp = PlantedSpp)
  if(MISTR:::is.empty(BA)) {stop("BA not calculated")}

  #get density
  N <- calc_N(SI = SI, BHage = bhage,BA = BA, SppId = SppId2, stocking = stocking, Origin = Origin, PlantedSpp = PlantedSpp)
  if(MISTR:::is.empty(N)) {stop("N not calculated")}

  GTV <- calc_GTV(BA = BA, H = H, SppId = SppId2, Origin = Origin, PlantedSpp = PlantedSpp)
  if(MISTR:::is.empty(GTV)) {stop("GTV not calculated")}

  QMD <- calc_QMD(BA = BA, N = N)
  if(MISTR:::is.empty(QMD)) {stop("QMD not calculated")}

  GMV <- calc_GMV(GTV = GTV, QMD = QMD, SppId = SppId2,  Origin = Origin, PlantedSpp = PlantedSpp)
  if(MISTR:::is.empty(GMV)) {stop("GMV not calculated")}

  vbar <- calc_VBAR(SI = SI, age = age, SppId = SppId1)
  if(MISTR:::is.empty(vbar)) {stop("vbar not calculated")}

  cull <- calc_cull(age = age, SppId = SppId1)
  if(MISTR:::is.empty(cull)) {stop("cull not calculated")}

  NMV <- calc_NMV(cull = cull, GMV = GMV)
  if(MISTR:::is.empty(NMV)) {stop("NMV not calculated")}

  result <- data.frame(ID=SppId2, age=age, SI=SI, stocking=stocking, H=H, QMD=QMD, BA=BA, GTV=GTV, GMV=GMV, NMV=NMV, N=N, vbar=vbar, cull=cull)

StandAttributes_internal_reduced <- function(SI, age, SppId2, stocking, Origin, PlantedSpp, bhage) {

  #SppId1 - species:        H, vbar, cull
  #SppId2 - species or SFU: BA, N, GTV, GMV

  #get BA
  BA <- calc_BA(SI = SI, BHage = bhage, SppId = SppId2, stocking = stocking, Origin = Origin, PlantedSpp = PlantedSpp)
  if(MISTR:::is.empty(BA)) {stop("BA not calculated")}

  #get density
  N <- calc_N(SI = SI, BHage = bhage,BA = BA, SppId = SppId2, stocking = stocking, Origin = Origin, PlantedSpp = PlantedSpp)
  if(MISTR:::is.empty(N)) {stop("N not calculated")}

  QMD <- calc_QMD(BA = BA, N = N)
  if(MISTR:::is.empty(QMD)) {stop("QMD not calculated")}

  result <- data.frame(ID=SppId2, age=age, SI=SI, stocking=stocking, H=NA, QMD=QMD, BA=BA, GTV=NA, GMV=NA, NMV=NA, N=N, vbar=NA, cull=NA)
ptompalski/MISTR documentation built on March 18, 2024, 10:13 p.m.