
Defines functions calc.error calc_error_internal

Documented in calc.error

# this function needs to be rewritten. A lot of redundand code!

#' Calculate bias, RMSE, corellation etc of two vectors.
#' @description Calculates: corelation coeficient,
#'  bias (absolute and relative), RMSE (absolute and relative), and performes statistical test to check if the differences between \code{reference} and \code{estimate} are significant.
#'  Correlation coefficient as well as statistical test depend on the \code{dist.normal} value.
#'  Optionally statistics can be calculated for groups of data, specified with the \code{by} parameter.
#' @param reference a vector of reference values
#' @param estimate a vector of estimated values
#' @param by Optional grouping variable
#' @param noinfo Logical. Should the additional information on the calculations be displayed?
#' @param dist.normal Logical. Is the distribution normal? If TRUE t-test and Pearson correlation is calculated. If FALSE, Wilcoxon paired test and Spearman corelation is calculated.
#' @param short Logical. Calculate only a subset of summary statistics.
#' @return summary statistics of the differences between \code{reference} and \code{estimate}.
#' @export

calc.error<-function(reference,estimate,by=NULL,noinfo=TRUE,dist.normal=TRUE,short=FALSE) {

  #check input variables
  if (!is.numeric(reference) | !is.numeric(estimate)) {
    stop("Input values not numeric!")

  #check if input values are equal length
  if(length(reference) != length(estimate)) {
      stop("Input variable not of equal length")

  if(is.null(by) == FALSE) {
    if(length(reference) != length(by) | length(reference) != length(by)) {
      stop("Input variable not of equal length")

  if(noinfo==FALSE) { #display information about how the differnce is calculated
    message("The difference is calculated with following equations:") ;
    message(paste("bias =",deparse(substitute(estimate)),"-",deparse(substitute(reference))));
    message(paste("bias% = (",deparse(substitute(estimate)),"-",deparse(substitute(reference)),") / ",deparse(substitute(reference)),"* 100"))
    if (dist.normal == T) {
      message("Correlation method: Pearson. Stat test: t-test (paired)")
    } else {
      message("Correlation method: Spearman Stat test: Wilcoxon (paired)")

  #stats in groups
  if(is.null(by) == FALSE) {
    df <- data.frame(reference,estimate,by)  #create temporary data frame
    f <- levels(as.factor(df$by))

    #create placeholders for results

    for (i in 1:length(f)) {
      subs <- subset(df,df$by==f[i])
      a <- calc_error_internal(subs,dist.normal = dist.normal, short = short)

      count[i] <- a[2]
      cor_coeff[i] <- a[1]
      bias[i] <- a[3]
      bias_perc[i] <- a[4]
      RMSE[i] <- a[5]
      RMSE_perc[i] <- a[6]
      stat[i] <- a[7]
      p_val[i] <- a[8]

    stat_for_all<-calc.error(reference,estimate,noinfo=TRUE,dist.normal=dist.normal) #recursive!:) #stats for all data to add as the last row

  } else {  #calculations for ungrouped data
    df <- data.frame(reference,estimate)
    a <- calc_error_internal(df,dist.normal = dist.normal, short = short)

    count <- a[2]
    cor_coeff <- a[1]
    bias <- a[3]
    bias_perc <- a[4]
    RMSE <- a[5]
    RMSE_perc <- a[6]
    stat <- a[7]
    p_val <- a[8]


calc_error_internal <- function(dfs, dist.normal = dist.normal, short = short) {
  count_int     <- length(dfs$reference)
  bias_int      <- mean(dfs$estimate - dfs$reference,na.rm=T)
  RMSE_int      <- rmse(dfs$estimate,dfs$reference)
  #bias_perc_int <- mean((dfs$estimate - dfs$reference) / dfs$reference, na.rm=T)*100
  bias_perc_int <- bias_int / mean(dfs$reference, na.rm=T)*100
  RMSE_perc_int <- RMSE_int / abs(mean(dfs$reference,na.rm=T))*100

  #if (is.infinite(bias_perc_int)) bias_perc <- mean((dfs$estimate - dfs$reference) / ifelse(dfs$reference==0,NA,dfs$reference*100),na.rm=T)

  if (dist.normal == T) {
    if (short==FALSE) {test <- t.test(x = dfs$reference,y = dfs$estimate,paired=T)}
    if (short==FALSE) {p_val <- test$p.value; stat <- as.numeric(test$statistic)} else {p_val<-NA; stat<-NA}
    if (short==FALSE) {cor_coeff<-cor(dfs$reference,dfs$estimate,method="pearson",use="pairwise.complete.obs")} else {cor_coeff <- NA}
  } else {
    if (short==FALSE) {test <-wilcox.test(dfs$reference,dfs$estimate,paired=T)}
    if (short==FALSE) {p_val<-test$p.value; stat<-as.numeric(test$statistic)} else {p_val<-NA; stat<-NA}
    if (short==FALSE) {cor_coeff<-cor(dfs$reference,dfs$estimate,method="spearman",use="pairwise.complete.obs")} else {cor_coeff <- NA}

  return(c(cor_coeff,count_int, bias_int, bias_perc_int, RMSE_int,RMSE_perc_int, stat,p_val))

# dist.normal<-T
# df %>%
#   group_by(by) %>%
#   summarize(count = n(),
#             bias = mean(estimate-reference, na.rm=T),
#             bias_perc = (mean((estimate - reference) / reference, na.rm=T)*100),
#             RMSE = rmse(estimate,reference),
#             RMSE_perc = (rmse(estimate,reference) / abs(mean(reference,na.rm=T))*100),
#             if(dist.normal == T) {
#               cor_coeff = cor(reference,estimate,method="pearson",use="pairwise.complete.obs")
#             })
# calc.error(reference, estimate, by)
ptompalski/UsefulRFunctions documentation built on May 26, 2019, 11:32 a.m.