test_that("pedigree cycle check", {
# define pedigree with cycle
tbl_ped_cycle <- tibble::tibble(ID = c(1:6),
Father = c(4,1,1,6,4,5),
Mother = c(NA,NA,2,NA,NA,NA))
pcfc <- PedigreeCycleCheck$new()
pcfc$set_tbl_pedigree(p_tbl_pedigree = tbl_ped_cycle)
pcfc$set_n_ani_col(pn_ani_col = 1)
pcfc$set_n_sire_col(pn_sire_col = 2)
pcfc$set_n_dam_col(pn_dam_col = 3)
# pedigree without cycles
tbl_ped_no_cycle <- tibble::tibble(ID = c(1:6),
Father = c(4,1,1,NA,4,5),
Mother = c(NA,NA,2,NA,NA,NA))
pcnc <- PedigreeCycleCheck$new()
pcnc$set_tbl_pedigree(p_tbl_pedigree = tbl_ped_no_cycle)
pcnc$set_n_ani_col(pn_ani_col = 1)
pcnc$set_n_sire_col(pn_sire_col = 2)
pcnc$set_n_dam_col(pn_dam_col = 3)
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