Defines functions qMC

Documented in qMC

#' Quantile for the Monte Carlo Sampling Distribution of a nonlinear function of coefficients estimates
#' This function returns a quantile corresponding to the probability \code{p}.
#' @param p probability.
#' @param mu a \link{vector} of means (e.g., coefficient estimates) for the normal random variables. A user can assign a name to each mean value, e.g., \code{mu=c(b1=.1,b2=3)}; otherwise, the coefficient names are assigned automatically as follows: \code{b1,b2,...}.
#' @param Sigma either a covariance matrix or a \link{vector} that stacks all the columns of the lower triangle variance--covariance matrix one underneath the other.
#' @param quant quantity of interest, which is a nonlinear/linear function of the model parameters. Argument \code{quant} is a \link{formula} that \strong{must} start with the symbol "tilde" (\code{~}): e.g., \code{~b1*b2*b3*b4}. The names of coefficients must conform to the names provided in the argument \code{mu} or to the default names, i.e., \code{b1,b2,...}.
#' @param n.mc Monte Carlo sample size. The default sample size is 1e+6.
#' @param ... additional arguments.
#' @return scalar quantile value.
#' @keywords regression distribution
#' @importFrom lavaan lav_matrix_vech_reverse
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' qMC(.05,
#'   mu = c(b1 = 1, b2 = .7, b3 = .6, b4 = .45), Sigma = c(.05, 0, 0, 0, .05, 0, 0, .03, 0, .03),
#'   quant = ~ b1 * b2 * b3 * b4
#' )
#' @author Davood Tofighi \email{dtofighi@@gmail.com}
#' @references  Tofighi, D. and MacKinnon, D. P. (2011). RMediation: An R package for mediation analysis confidence intervals. \emph{Behavior Research Methods}, \bold{43}, 692--700. doi:10.3758/s13428-011-0076-x
#' @seealso \code{\link{medci}} \code{\link{RMediation-package}}

qMC <- function(p, mu, Sigma, quant, n.mc = 1e+06, ...) {
  if (missing(p)) stop(paste("argument", sQuote("p"), "must be specified"))
  if (missing(mu)) stop(paste("argument", sQuote("p"), "must be specified"))
  if (missing(Sigma)) stop(paste("argument", sQuote("Sigma"), "must be specified"))
  if (missing(quant)) stop(paste("argument", sQuote("quant"), "must be specified"))
  if (is.null(p)) stop(paste("argument", sQuote("mu"), "cannot be a NULL value"))

  if (is.null(mu)) stop(paste("argument", sQuote("mu"), "cannot be a NULL value"))
  if (is.null(Sigma)) stop(paste("argument", sQuote("Sigma"), "cannot be a NULL value"))
  if (is.null(quant)) stop(paste("argument", sQuote("NULL"), "cannot be a NULL value"))
  if (!is.matrix(Sigma)) {
    if (length(mu) != (sqrt(1 + 8 * length(Sigma)) - 1) / 2) stop(paste("Please check the length of", sQuote("Sigma"), "and", sQuote("mu"), ". If the length(dimension) of the", sQuote("mu"), "vector (", length(mu), ") is correct, the stacked lower triangle matrix", sQuote("Sigma"), "must have ", ((2 * length(mu) + 1)^2 - 1) / 8, "elements, instead of", length(Sigma)))
    Sigma <- lavaan::lav_matrix_vech_reverse(Sigma) # converts to a symmetric matrix
  if (is.null(names(mu))) names(mu) <- paste("b", 1:length(mu), sep = "") # if mu names is NULL

  if (!all(all.vars(quant) %in% names(mu))) stop(paste("The parameters names in formula", sQuote("quant"), "must match the parameters names provided in", sQuote("mu"), "."))

  if (length(mu) * n.mc > .Machine$integer.max) {
    n.mc <- 1e6
    warning(paste("n.mc is too large. It is reset to", n.mc))
  if (p <= 0 | p >= 1) stop("Enter a correct p value, 0<p<1")

  quant <- parse(text = sub("~", "", quant))
  df <- data.frame(MASS::mvrnorm(n.mc, mu, Sigma))
  colnames(df) <- names(mu)
  quant.vec <- eval(quant, df)
  return(quantile(quant.vec, p))
quantPsych/RMediation documentation built on March 4, 2024, 6 p.m.