
Defines functions get_landholders get_landholders.default get_landholders.landholder.plot.neighbour nlandholders nlandholders.default nlandholders.landholder.plot.neighbour get_agglevel_names get_agglevel_names.default get_agglevel_names.landholder.plot.neighbour nplots nplots.default nagglevels nagglevels.default nagglevels.landholder.plot.neighbour nplots.landholder.plot.neighbour

Documented in get_agglevel_names.landholder.plot.neighbour get_landholders.landholder.plot.neighbour nagglevels.landholder.plot.neighbour nlandholders.landholder.plot.neighbour nplots.landholder.plot.neighbour

#' @export
get_landholders <- function(object, with_names = TRUE) {
  UseMethod("get_landholders", object)

#' @export
get_landholders.default <- function(object, with_names = TRUE) {

#' Landholders listing
#' \code{get_landholders} retrieves all landholders in the survey object.
#' This method extracts the listing of unique landholder names or identifiers 
#' from the raw hyper-table in the survey object.
#' @param object A \code{\link{survey}} object of landholder.plot.neighbour
#'   subclass.
#' @param with_names A logical flag to get landholder names if TRUE, or 
#'   landholder identifiers otherwise.
#' @return A character vector of unique names or identifiers.
#' @examples
#' get_landholders(tagarina_croplands)
#' get_landholders(tagarina_croplands, with_names = FALSE)
#' @export
get_landholders.landholder.plot.neighbour <- 
  function(object, with_names = TRUE) {
    colname <- ifelse(with_names, "Landholder", "LandholderId")
    records <- get_records(object)

#' @export
nlandholders <- function(object) {
  UseMethod("nlandholders", object)

#' @export
nlandholders.default <- function(object) {

#' Landholders count
#' \code{nlandholders} gets the number of landholders in the survey object.
#' This method extracts the number of unique landholder names from the raw
#' hyper-table in the survey object.
#' @param object A \code{\link{survey}} object of landholder.plot.neighbour 
#'   subclass.
#' @return A non negative integer of length 1.
#' @examples
#' nlandholders(tagarina_croplands)
#' @export
nlandholders.landholder.plot.neighbour <- function(object) {
  landholders <- get_landholders(object)

#' @export
get_agglevel_names <- function(object, level) {
  UseMethod("get_agglevel_names", object)

#' @export
get_agglevel_names.default <- function(object, level) {

#' Aggregation level names
#' \code{nlandholders} gets all place names which refer to a particular level of
#' spatial aggregation.
#' This method extracts a collection of distinct place names from the raw
#' hyper-table in the survey object.
#' @param object A \code{\link{survey}} object of landholder.plot.neighbour 
#'   subclass.
#' @param level A positive integer of length 1.
#' @return A character vector of unique names.
#' @examples
#' get_agglevel_names(tagarina_croplands, 1)
#' @export
get_agglevel_names.landholder.plot.neighbour <- function(object, level) {
  records <- get_records(object)
  levelname <- paste0("Level_", level)
  query <- records[grep(levelname, records$Variable),]

#' @export
nplots <- function(object) {
  UseMethod("nplots", object)

#' @export
nplots.default <- function(object) {

#' @export
nagglevels <- function(object) {
  UseMethod("nagglevels", object)

#' @export
nagglevels.default <- function(object) {

#' Aggregation levels count
#' \code{nlandholders} gets the number of levels land lots can be aggregated in.
#' This method extracts the number of land lot spatial aggregation levels from
#' the metadata in the survey object's header.
#' @param object A \code{\link{survey}} object of landholder.plot.neighbour 
#'   subclass.
#' @return A non negative integer of length 1.
#' @examples
#' nagglevels(tagarina_croplands)
#' @export
nagglevels.landholder.plot.neighbour <- function(object) {

#' Plot count
#' \code{nlandholders} gets the number of land lots in the survey object.
#' This method extracts the number of unique land lots from the raw 
#' hyper-table in the survey object.
#' @param object A \code{\link{survey}} object of landholder.plot.neighbour 
#'   subclass.
#' @return A non negative integer of length 1.
#' @examples
#' nplots(tagarina_croplands)
#' @export
nplots.landholder.plot.neighbour <- function(object) {
  records <- get_records(object)
quommit/settle documentation built on May 26, 2019, 1:31 p.m.