
Defines functions hyper_array.character hyper_array.tidync hyper_slice hyper_array

Documented in hyper_array hyper_array.character hyper_array.tidync hyper_slice

#' Extract NetCDF data as an array
#' Extract the raw array data as a list of  one or more arrays. This can be the
#' entire variable/s or after dimension-slicing using [hyper_filter()]
#' expressions. This is a delay-breaking function and causes data to be read 
#' from the source into R native arrays. This list of arrays is 
#' lightly classed as [tidync_data], with methods for [print()] and [tidync()]. 
#' The function [hyper_array()] is used by [hyper_tibble()] and [hyper_tbl_cube()]
#' to actually extract data arrays from NetCDF, if a result would be particularly large
#' there is a check made and user-opportunity to cancel. This is controllable as an 
#' option `getOption('tidync.large.data.check')`, and can be set to never check with
#' `options(tidync.large.data.check = FALSE)`. 
#' The function [hyper_array()] will act on an existing tidync object or a source
#' string.
#' By default all variables in the active grid are returned, use `select_var` to
#' specify one or more desired variables.
#' The transforms are stored as a list of tables in an attribute `transforms``,
#' access these with [hyper_transforms()].
#' @param x NetCDF file, connection object, or [tidync] object
#' @param drop collapse degenerate dimensions, defaults to `TRUE`
#' @param ... passed to [hyper_filter()]
#' @param select_var optional vector of variable names to select
#' @param raw_datavals logical to control whether scaling in the NetCDF is
#'   applied or not
#' @param force ignore caveats about large extraction and just do it
#' @export
#' @aliases tidync_data
#' @seealso [print.tidync_data] for a description of the print summary, 
#' [hyper_tbl_cube()] and [hyper_tibble()] which are also delay-breaking 
#' functions that cause data to be read 
#' @examples
#' f <- "S20080012008031.L3m_MO_CHL_chlor_a_9km.nc"
#' l3file <- system.file("extdata/oceandata", f, package= "tidync")
#' ## extract a raw list by filtered dimension
#' library(dplyr)
#' araw1 <- tidync(l3file) %>%
#'  hyper_filter(lat = between(lat, -78, -75.8), 
#'               lon = between(lon, 165, 171)) %>%
#'  hyper_array()
#' araw <- tidync(l3file) %>% 
#'          hyper_filter(lat = abs(lat) < 10, 
#'                      lon = index < 100) %>%
#'   hyper_array()
#' ## hyper_array will pass the expressions to hyper_filter
#' braw <- tidync(l3file) %>% 
#'   hyper_array(lat = abs(lat) < 10, lon = index < 100)
#' ## get the transforms tables (the axis coordinates)
#' lapply(attr(braw, "transforms"), 
#'    function(x) nrow(dplyr::filter(x, selected)))
#' ## the selected axis coordinates should match in order and in size
#' lapply(braw, dim)
hyper_array <- function(x, select_var = NULL, ..., 
                        raw_datavals = FALSE, force = FALSE, drop = TRUE) {

## alias
#' @name hyper_array
#' @export
hyper_slice <- function(x, select_var = NULL, ..., 
                        raw_datavals = FALSE, force = FALSE, drop = TRUE) {
  if (!isTRUE(getOption("tidync.silent"))) {
   warning("hyper_array should be used instead of hyper_slice")
  hyper_array(x = x, select_var = select_var, ..., 
              raw_datavals = raw_datavals, force = force, drop = drop)

#' @name hyper_array
#' @export
hyper_array.tidync <- function(x, select_var = NULL, ..., 
                          raw_datavals = FALSE, force = FALSE, drop = TRUE) {
  x <- hyper_filter(x, ...) 
  variable <- x[["variable"]] %>% dplyr::filter(active)
  varname <- unique(variable[["name"]])
  ## hack to get the order of the indices of the dimension
  ordhack <- 1 + as.integer(unlist(strsplit(gsub("D", "", 
                          dplyr::filter(x$grid, .data$grid == active(x)) %>% 
                                # dplyr::slice(1L) %>% THERE'S ONLY EVER ONE ACTIVE GRID
                                 dplyr::pull(.data$grid)), ",")))
  dimension <- x[["dimension"]] %>% dplyr::slice(ordhack)
  ## ensure dimension is in order of the dims in these vars
  axis <- x[["axis"]] %>% dplyr::filter(variable %in% varname)
  ## dimension order must be same as axis
  START <- dimension$start
  COUNT <- dimension$count
 # browser()
  if (is.null(select_var))   {
    varnames <- varname
  } else {
    if (!all(select_var %in% variable[["name"]])) {
      bad <- base::setdiff(select_var, variable[["name"]])
      select_var <- base::intersect(select_var, variable[["name"]])
      if (length(select_var) < 1) stop("no select_var variables available")
      if (!isTRUE(getOption("tidync.silent"))) {
        warning(sprintf("some select_var variables not found, and ignored:\n %s",
                      paste(bad, collapse = ",")))
    ## todo, make this quosic?
    varnames <- select_var

  opt <- getOption("tidync.large.data.check")
  if (!isTRUE(opt)) {
    opt <- FALSE
  if (opt && (prod(dimension[["count"]]) * length(varnames)) * 4 > 1e9 && 
        interactive() && !force) {
    message("please confirm data extraction, Y(es) to proceed ... use 'force = TRUE' to avoid size check\n (  see '?hyper_array')")
    mess <- sprintf("pretty big extraction, (%i*%i values [%s]*%i)", 
                    as.integer(prod( COUNT)), length(varnames), 
                    paste( COUNT, collapse = ", "), 
    yes <- utils::askYesNo(mess)
    if (!yes) {
      stop("extraction cancelled by user", call. = FALSE)
##       return(invisible(NULL))
  ## Avoid opening file on disk multiple times for multiple variables
  con <- suppressWarnings(ncdf4::nc_open(x$source$source[1]))
  on.exit(ncdf4::nc_close(con), add = TRUE)
  datalist <- lapply(varnames, function(vara) {
    ncdf4::ncvar_get(con, vara, start = START, count = COUNT, 
                     raw_datavals = raw_datavals, collapse_degen = FALSE)

  ## Get dimension names from the transforms. Use "timestamp" instead of "time"
  transforms <- active_axis_transforms(x)
  dn <- lapply(transforms, function(trans) {
    ts <- suppressWarnings(trans[["timestamp"]])
    if (is.null(ts)) trans[[1]][trans$selected] else ts[trans$selected]

  ## If some (but not all) of the variables defined on the grid are NC_CHAR then
  ## the NC_CHAR variables read here have to be split into characters to
  ## maintain consistent dimensionality with arrays of other data types
  ## (disregarding the esoteric possibility that a grid is used both for numeric
  ## data and for some text application).
  ## If all variables defined on the grid are NC_CHAR then don't split the read
  ## variables here but drop the first dimension from dn before applying
  ## dimnames. This is related to how NC_CHAR data is stored in NetCDF files. 
  ## The result is the string array as read directly from the file, with reduced
  ## array dimensions.
  grid_vars <- unlist(x$grid$variables[which(x$grid$grid == active(x))])
  var_dt <- x$variable$type[which(x$variable$name %in% grid_vars)]
  if (all(var_dt == "NC_CHAR")) dn <- dn[-1]
  else if (any(var_dt == "NC_CHAR")) {
    char_vars <- variable$type[match(varnames, variable$name)] == "NC_CHAR"
    if (any(char_vars)) {
      idx <- which(char_vars)
      for (i in seq_along(idx)) {
        ii <- idx[i]
        datalist[[ii]] <- array(unlist(strsplit(datalist[[ii]], "")),
  ## Apply dimnames
  datalist <- lapply(datalist, function(d) {dimnames(d) <- dn; d})
  ## Drop any degenerate dimensions, if requested and needed
  if (drop && any(lengths(dn) == 1)) datalist <- lapply(datalist, drop)
  structure(datalist, names = varnames, 
            transforms = transforms, 
            source = x$source, class = "tidync_data")

#' @name hyper_array
#' @export
hyper_array.character <- function(x,  select_var = NULL, ...,
                                  raw_datavals = FALSE, force = FALSE, drop = TRUE) {
  tidync(x) %>% 
    hyper_filter(...) %>%  
    hyper_array(select_var = select_var, 
                raw_datavals = raw_datavals, drop = drop)
r-gris/tidync documentation built on Oct. 27, 2023, 1:02 p.m.