# Function -------------------------------------------------------------------
.replace <- function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
if (missing(i)) i <- row.seq(x)
if (missing(j)) j <- col.seq(x)
if (is(value, "hyperSpec")) {
x@data[i, j] <- value@data
} else {
x@data[i, j] <- value
#' @rdname extract-and-replace
#' @name [<-
#' @aliases [<-,hyperSpec-method
#' @usage
#' \S4method{[}{hyperSpec}(x, i, j, \dots) <- value
#' @param value the replacement value
#' @concept manipulation
#' @include wl2i.R
#' @include paste_row.R
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## replacement functions
#' spc <- flu
#' \dontrun{
#' spc$.
#' }
#' spc[, "c"] <- 16:11
#' ## be careful:
#' plot(spc)
#' spc[] <- 6:1
#' spc$..
#' plot(spc)
setReplaceMethod("[", signature = signature(x = "hyperSpec"), .replace)
# Function -------------------------------------------------------------------
.replace2 <- function(x, i, j, l, wl.index = FALSE, ..., value) {
if (is(value, "hyperSpec")) {
value <- value@data$spc
## check wheter a index matrix is used
if (!missing(i) && is.matrix(i)) {
if (is.logical(i)) {
x@data$spc[i] <- value
} else if (is.numeric(i) && ncol(i) == 2) {
if (!wl.index) {
i[, 2] <- .getindex(x, i[, 2], extrapolate = FALSE)
if (any(is.na(i[, 2]))) {
stop("wavelength specification outside spectral range")
x@data$spc[i] <- value
} else {
"Index matrix i must either be logical of the size of x$spc,",
"or a n by 2 matrix."
} else { # index by row and columns
if (!missing(j)) {
"The spectra matrix may only be indexed by i (spectra) and l",
" (wavelengths). j (data column) must be missing."
if (!missing(l) && !wl.index) {
l <- wl2i(x, l)
x@data$spc[i, l] <- value
#' @rdname extract-and-replace
#' @name [[<-
#' @aliases [[<-,hyperSpec-method
#' @usage
#' \S4method{[[}{hyperSpec}(x, i, j, l, wl.index = FALSE, \dots) <- value
#' @concept manipulation
#' @include wl2i.R
#' @export
#' @examples
#' spc <- flu[, , 405 ~ 410]
#' spc[[]]
#' spc[[3]] <- -spc[[3]]
#' spc[[]]
#' spc[[, , 405:410]] <- -spc[[, , 405:410]]
#' spc[[]]
#' spc[[, , 405 ~ 410]] <- -spc[[, , 405 ~ 410]]
#' ## indexing with logical matrix
#' spc <- flu[, , min ~ 410]
#' spc < 125
#' spc[[spc < 125]] <- NA
#' spc[[]]
#' ## indexing with n by 2 matrix
#' ind <- matrix(c(1, 2, 4, 406, 405.5, 409), ncol = 2)
#' ind
#' spc[[ind]] <- 3
#' spc[[]]
#' ind <- matrix(c(1, 2, 4, 4:6), ncol = 2)
#' ind
#' spc[[ind, wl.index = TRUE]] <- 9999
#' spc[[]]
setReplaceMethod("[[", signature = signature(x = "hyperSpec"), .replace2)
# Function -------------------------------------------------------------------
.replace_dollar <- function(x, name, value) {
if (is.list(value) && (length(value) == 2)) {
ilabel <- match("label", names(value))
if (is.na(ilabel)) {
ilabel <- 2
label <- value[[ilabel]]
value <- value[[3 - ilabel]] ## the other of the 2 entries
} else {
label <- name
if (name == "..") { ## shortcut
i <- -match("spc", colnames(x@data))
x@data[, i] <- value
if (!is.null(label)) {
i <- colnames(x@data)[i]
i <- match(i, names(x@label))
x@label[i] <- label
} else {
dots <- list(x = x@data, name = name, value = value)
x@data <- do.call("$<-", dots)
x@label[[name]] <- label
#' @rdname extract-and-replace
#' @name $<-
#' @aliases $<-,hyperSpec-method
#' @usage
#' \S4method{$}{hyperSpec}(x, name) <- value
#' @concept manipulation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' spc$.
#' spc$z <- 1:6
#' spc
#' spc$z <- list(1:6, "z / a.u.")
setReplaceMethod("$", signature = signature(x = "hyperSpec"), .replace_dollar)
# Unit tests -----------------------------------------------------------------
hySpc.testthat::test(.replace) <- function() {
## replacement functions
test_that("replacement function `[<-` works", {
spc <- flu
# [ ]
expect_silent(spc[, "c"] <- 16:11)
expect_silent(spc[] <- 6:1)
test_that("replacement function `[[<-` works", {
expect_silent(spc0 <- flu[, , 405 ~ 410])
# [[ ]]
spc <- spc0
expect_silent(spc[[3]] <- -spc[[3]])
spc <- spc0
expect_silent(spc[[, , 405:410]] <- -spc[[, , 405:410]])
spc <- spc0
expect_silent(spc[[, , 405 ~ 410]] <- -spc[[, , 405 ~ 410]])
## indexing with logical matrix
spc <- flu[, , min ~ 410]
expect_silent(spc < 125)
expect_silent(spc[[spc < 125]] <- NA)
## indexing with n by 2 matrix
ind <- matrix(c(1, 2, 4, 406, 405.5, 409), ncol = 2)
expect_silent(spc[[ind]] <- 3)
ind <- matrix(c(1, 2, 4, 4:6), ncol = 2)
expect_silent(spc[[ind, wl.index = TRUE]] <- 9999)
test_that("replacement function `$<-` works", {
spc0 <- flu[, , 405 ~ 410]
# $
spc <- spc0
expect_is(spc$., "data.frame")
expect_is(spc$.., "data.frame")
spc <- spc0
expect_silent(spc$z <- 1:6)
expect_true("z" %in% colnames(spc))
expect_equal(spc$z, 1:6)
spc <- spc0
expect_silent(spc$z <- list(1:6, "z / a.u."))
expect_equal(labels(spc, "z"), "z / a.u.")
expect_true("z" %in% colnames(spc))
spc <- spc0
expect_silent(spc$.. <- NULL)
expect_equal(ncol(spc$..), 0) # empty data frame.
expect_equal(ncol(spc), 1) # only "spc" column is left.
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