
Defines functions gm_delete_draft gm_send_draft gm_create_draft gm_drafts gm_draft

Documented in gm_create_draft gm_delete_draft gm_draft gm_drafts gm_send_draft

#' Get a single draft
#' Function to retrieve a given draft by <-
#' @param id draft id to access
#' @param format format of the draft returned
#' @inheritParams gm_message
#' @references <https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/reference/rest/v1/users.drafts/get>
#' @family draft
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' my_draft <- gm_draft("12345")
#' }
gm_draft <- function(id,
                     user_id = "me",
                     format = c("full", "minimal", "raw")) {
  stopifnot(is_string(id), is_string(user_id))
  format <- match.arg(format)
  res <- gmailr_GET(c("drafts", id), user_id, query = list(format = format), class = "gmail_draft")

  class(res$message) <- c("gmail_message", "list")


#' Get a list of drafts
#' Get a list of drafts possibly matching a given query string.
#' @param num_results the number of results to return.
#' @param page_token retrieve a specific page of results
#' @inheritParams gm_message
#' @references <https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/reference/rest/v1/users.drafts/list>
#' @family draft
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' my_drafts <- gm_drafts()
#' first_10_drafts <- gm_drafts(10)
#' }
gm_drafts <- function(num_results = NULL, page_token = NULL, user_id = "me") {
  page_and_trim("drafts", user_id, num_results, page_token)

#' Create a draft from a mime message
#' @param mail mime mail message created by mime
#' @inheritParams gm_message
#' @references <https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/reference/rest/v1/users.drafts/create>
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gm_create_draft(gm_mime(
#'   From = "you@@me.com", To = "any@@one.com",
#'   Subject = "hello", "how are you doing?"
#' ))
#' }
gm_create_draft <- function(mail,
                            user_id = "me") {
  mail <- as.character(mail)
  res <- gmailr_POST("drafts", user_id,
    class = "gmail_draft",
    query = list(uploadType = "media"),
    body = mail,
    add_headers("Content-Type" = "message/rfc822"),
    upload = TRUE

  # This is labeled as a message but is really a thread
  class(res$message) <- c("gmail_thread", "list")

#' Send a draft
#' Send a draft to the recipients in the To, CC, and Bcc headers.
#' @param draft the draft to send
#' @inheritParams gm_message
#' @references <https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/reference/rest/v1/users.drafts/send>
#' @family draft
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' draft <- gm_create_draft(gm_mime(
#'   From = "you@@me.com", To = "any@@one.com",
#'   Subject = "hello", "how are you doing?"
#' ))
#' gm_send_draft(draft)
#' }
gm_send_draft <- function(draft,
                          user_id = "me") {
  stopifnot(has_class(draft, "gmail_draft"), is_string(user_id))
  gmailr_POST(c("drafts", "send"), user_id,
    class = "gmail_draft",
    body = draft,
    encode = "json"

#' Permanently delete a single draft
#' Function to delete a given draft by id.  This cannot be undone!
#' @inheritParams gm_message
#' @references <https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/reference/rest/v1/users.drafts/delete>
#' @family draft
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' delete_draft("12345")
#' }
gm_delete_draft <- function(id, user_id = "me") {

  gmailr_DELETE(c("drafts", id), user_id, class = "gmail_message")
r-lib/gmailr documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 6:22 a.m.