
Defines functions check_paths req_perform_sequential

Documented in req_perform_sequential

#' Perform multiple requests in sequence
#' Given a list of requests, this function performs each in turn, returning
#' a list of responses. It's the serial equivalent of [req_perform_parallel()].
#' @param reqs A list of [request]s.
#' @param paths An optional character vector of paths, if you want to download
#'   the response bodies to disk. If supplied, must be the same length as
#' `reqs`.
#' @param on_error What should happen if one of the requests fails?
#'   * `stop`, the default: stop iterating with an error.
#'   * `return`: stop iterating, returning all the successful responses
#'     received so far, as well as an error object for the failed request.
#'   * `continue`: continue iterating, recording errors in the result.
#' @param progress Display a progress bar for the status of all requests? Use
#'   `TRUE` to turn on a basic progress bar, use a string to give it a name,
#'   or see [progress_bars] to customize it in other ways. Not compatible with
#'   [req_progress()], as httr2 can only display a single progress bar at a
#'   time.
#' @return
#' A list, the same length as `reqs`, containing [response]s and possibly
#' error objects, if `on_error` is `"return"` or `"continue"` and one of the
#' responses errors. If `on_error` is `"return"` and it errors on the ith
#' request, the ith element of the result will be an error object, and the
#' remaining elements will be `NULL`. If `on_error` is `"continue"`, it will
#' be a mix of requests and error objects.
#' Only httr2 errors are captured; see [req_error()] for more details.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # One use of req_perform_sequential() is if the API allows you to request
#' # data for multiple objects, you want data for more objects than can fit
#' # in one request.
#' req <- request("https://api.restful-api.dev/objects")
#' # Imagine we have 50 ids:
#' ids <- sort(sample(100, 50))
#' # But the API only allows us to request 10 at time. So we first use split
#' # and some modulo arithmetic magic to generate chunks of length 10
#' chunks <- unname(split(ids, (seq_along(ids) - 1) %/% 10))
#' # Then we use lapply to generate one request for each chunk:
#' reqs <- chunks |> lapply(\(idx) req |> req_url_query(id = idx, .multi = "comma"))
#' # Then we can perform them all and get the results
#' \dontrun{
#' resps <- reqs |> req_perform_sequential()
#' resps_data(resps, \(resp) resp_body_json(resp))
#' }
req_perform_sequential <- function(reqs,
                                   paths = NULL,
                                   on_error = c("stop", "return", "continue"),
                                   progress = TRUE) {
  if (!is_bare_list(reqs)) {
    stop_input_type(reqs, "a list")
  check_paths(paths, reqs)
  on_error <- arg_match(on_error)

  err_catch <- on_error != "stop"
  err_return <- on_error == "return"

  progress <- create_progress_bar(
    total = length(reqs),
    name = "Iterating",
    config = progress

  resps <- rep_along(reqs, list())

    for (i in seq_along(reqs)) {
      check_request(reqs[[i]], arg = glue::glue("req[[{i}]]"))

      if (err_catch) {
        resps[[i]] <- tryCatch(
          req_perform(reqs[[i]], path = paths[[i]]),
          httr2_error = function(err) err
      } else {
        resps[[i]] <- req_perform(reqs[[i]], path = paths[[i]])
      if (err_return && is_error(resps[[i]])) {
  }, interrupt = function(cnd) {
    resps <- resps[seq_len(i)]
    cli::cli_alert_warning("Terminating iteration; returning {i} response{?s}.")


check_paths <- function(paths, reqs, error_call = caller_env()) {
  if (!is.null(paths)) {
    if (length(reqs) != length(paths)) {
        "If supplied, {.arg paths} must be the same length as {.arg req}.",
        call = error_call
r-lib/httr2 documentation built on Feb. 18, 2025, 8:45 p.m.