
Defines functions pool_poller_monitor ensure_pool_poller req_perform_promise

Documented in req_perform_promise

#' Perform request asynchronously using the promises package
#' @description
#' This variation on [req_perform()] returns a [promises::promise()] object immediately
#' and then performs the request in the background, returning program control before the request
#' is finished. See the
#' [promises package documentation](https://rstudio.github.io/promises/articles/promises_01_motivation.html)
#' for more details on how to work with the resulting promise object.
#' Like with [req_perform_parallel()], exercise caution when using this function;
#' it's easy to pummel a server with many simultaneous requests. Also, not all servers
#' can handle more than 1 request at a time, so the responses may still return
#' sequentially.
#' `req_perform_promise()` also has similar limitations to the
#' [req_perform_parallel()] function, it:
#' * Will not retrieve a new OAuth token if it expires after the promised request
#'   is created but before it is actually requested.
#' * Does not perform throttling with [req_throttle()].
#' * Does not attempt retries as described by [req_retry()].
#' * Only consults the cache set by [req_cache()] when the request is promised.
#' @inheritParams req_perform
#' @inheritParams req_perform_parallel
#' @return a [promises::promise()] object which resolves to a [response] if
#' successful or rejects on the same errors thrown by [req_perform()].
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(promises)
#' request_base <- request(example_url()) |> req_url_path_append("delay")
#' p <- request_base |> req_url_path_append(2) |> req_perform_promise()
#' # A promise object, not particularly useful on its own
#' p
#' # Use promise chaining functions to access results
#' p %...>%
#'   resp_body_json() %...>%
#'   print()
#' # Can run two requests at the same time
#' p1 <- request_base |> req_url_path_append(2) |> req_perform_promise()
#' p2 <- request_base |> req_url_path_append(1) |> req_perform_promise()
#' p1 %...>%
#'   resp_url_path %...>%
#'   paste0(., " finished") %...>%
#'   print()
#' p2 %...>%
#'   resp_url_path %...>%
#'   paste0(., " finished") %...>%
#'   print()
#' # See the [promises package documentation](https://rstudio.github.io/promises/)
#' # for more information on working with promises
#' }
req_perform_promise <- function(req,
                                path = NULL,
                                pool = NULL) {
  check_installed(c("promises", "later"))
  check_string(path, allow_null = TRUE)

    function(resolve, reject) {
      perf <- PerformancePromise$new(
        req = req,
        resolve = resolve,
        reject = reject,
        path = path,
        error_call = environment()


PerformancePromise <- R6Class("PerformancePromise", inherit = Performance,
  public = list(
    resolve = NULL,
    reject = NULL,

    initialize = function(req, resolve, reject, path = NULL, error_call = NULL) {
      progress <- create_progress_bar(config = FALSE)

      super$initialize(req = req, path = path, progress = progress, error_call = error_call)
      self$resolve <- resolve
      self$reject <- reject

    submit = function(pool = NULL) {
      if (!is.null(self$resp)) {
        # cached
      ensure_pool_poller(pool, self$reject)

    succeed = function(res) {
        httr2_fail = function(cnd) self$reject(cnd$error),
        error = function(cnd) self$reject(cnd)

    fail = function(msg) {
        httr2_fail = function(cnd) self$reject(cnd$error),
        error = function(cnd) self$reject(cnd)

ensure_pool_poller <- function(pool, reject) {
  monitor <- pool_poller_monitor(pool)
  if (monitor$already_going()) return()

  poll_pool <- function() {
        status <- curl::multi_run(0, pool = pool)
        if (status$pending > 0) {
          later::later(poll_pool, delay = 0.1, loop = later::global_loop())
        } else {
      }, error = function(cnd) {


pool_poller_monitor <- function(pool) {
  pool_address <- obj_address(pool)
    already_going = function() env_get(the$pool_pollers, pool_address, default = FALSE),
    starting = function() env_poke(the$pool_pollers, pool_address, TRUE),
    ending = function() env_unbind(the$pool_pollers, pool_address)
r-lib/httr2 documentation built on Aug. 24, 2024, 3:32 a.m.